Current time: 06-26-2024, 08:32 AM
New Guy
Hey its good to see ive found a forum where there are other lynx's aswell as hopefully a few ex ravens i won't say im pro at armoured core 4 but i do my best so expect a few uploads and request for reviews and ideas of my AC's look forward to playing with you all (all being 360 members due to no ps3 Sad ) and cant wait to offer ideas if people want to listen
Hey hey welcome to the forums. Smile
hi dude! and welcome!
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
welcome to the boards!
Thanks its great to be here, you do not realise how hard it is to find a forum with people who still play AC4 or earlier
its not like armored core had a big community to begin with, and are you planning to get AC5?

btw is it ok if you describe yourself a little bit?

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