Current time: 02-20-2025, 04:48 AM
AC: How Do You Train?
The easiest way i found for myself to train was to find the top two difficult missions in the game and " wing it " and also to train with the most mobile ac in VR/EX Arena. I never train with the weapon i want to set up with. So in the case of the Apollo ac design i posted earlier it actually started out with YWR28M-PUCK then changed weapon to pixie 3. Everyone should have a general idea that the pixie 2 and 3 when equipped is gonna be a good weapon, so why train with something that you know is gonna work. My top trainer weapons with testing a ac is the puck, finger,silky, pixie 1, phantom, 69 r, dragon, mv2 vert missile, and hydra series. If you have problems with firing missiles trying training with the hydra and nymphe models. hydra will train you on when to fire your missiles for full damage and nymphe with relation missiles will help more accurate shots. My training fits me and ive been making some damn good ac since i joined Raven Republic but training is all in the eye of the mobile pilot... <--goober Glare but seriously everyone has their methods, you just gotta find that one that fits you...Salute

Your death sentence is to die by the hands of my anger. My anger is relentless, you can run but its worthless and the furious angels will bring you back to me with your head on a pike for the world to see as I rip you to shredds with my wings of destruction....
Gold everything in Ninebreaker lol
Play people as good as you. There isn't any other way, haha. If you keep fighting against even the 'hardest' ai or purposefully limit your ac's setup and don't fight people as good as you, you're just developing bad habits.

Facepalm what sense does that make? fighting the toughest ai and limiting a ac during creation is a bad habit??its good "during" creation but not after you completed. Thats not a bad habit, you train against the toughest a.i to better yourself as a pilot and its not limiting yourself! Its creation people!! why train with something your good at? Train with the sucky ass weapon first. You just dont go out and start firing off rounds with a M60! You train with something easy to work with then work your way up to the big leagues.
Your death sentence is to die by the hands of my anger. My anger is relentless, you can run but its worthless and the furious angels will bring you back to me with your head on a pike for the world to see as I rip you to shredds with my wings of destruction....
Way to not get it, guy.
Glare explain then..
Your death sentence is to die by the hands of my anger. My anger is relentless, you can run but its worthless and the furious angels will bring you back to me with your head on a pike for the world to see as I rip you to shredds with my wings of destruction....
Ok. First of all I don't think the M60 correlation was the best one you could make, in fact it makes little sense. First of all, the better guns in AC are usually the easier ones to use. Second of all, that's not how guns operate. M60 isn't straight up harder than other guns, it's just different. What you just said is the equivalent of saying "john doe played in college basketball for 4 years and is now ready for the national football league." It just doesn't work like that. You don't make your way up to the M60 if you're going to be using it, you start off with the M60 instead.

Second, playing against the supposed 'hardest' ai in the game will never get you prepared for any actual pvp tournament, regardless of how hard you think they are. All ai are static in their movements and playstyle, and humans are the exact opposite. It's like trying to say playing against, say, Super Zinaida, will make your lockbox control for the tournament next week near perfect, which it won't. In fact by the very same logic you'd think that anybody who's mastered their play against all of the game's most aggressive and mobile AI would have the best lockbox control at a tournament, when in reality it's the opposite-- they usually have the worst lockbox control because they're so used to that static behavior that they've fought against for all that time. The same can be said for purposefully limiting yourself and playing worse players, you still end up developing bad habits, and usually won't see it until you fight people as good as you USED to be.

The reality of it is, is that if you're taking say a 3 month break between tournaments and don't have the ability to train with anybody as good as yourself, you'd most likely be better off with a couple 5 minute sessions here and there vs AI or not playing at all, but NEVER better off by spending hours on end in extremely long training sessions trying to beat the game's 'strongest' AI as easily as you can. It has never ONCE worked that way.

first of all thats ignorant... I said m60 because i was in the military and we used the m60, but out right u cant use it, recoil is surprising even if most of it is absorbed by the gun itself, but whatever...geez because i train like that doesnt me i'd be a sucky pvp. my training isnt for everyone and i even esaid that in the first post i wouldnt push my training on anyone because of one most members on th forums actually knows each other so that they can pvp. i live in south carolina and half the people i play with dont know shit about armored core so MY training is based from someone to plays alone in armored core. Thanks for remnding me that jerk. Facepalm
Your death sentence is to die by the hands of my anger. My anger is relentless, you can run but its worthless and the furious angels will bring you back to me with your head on a pike for the world to see as I rip you to shredds with my wings of destruction....
Mom is pretty much spot on on this one, i'm afraid, Playing human opps is still better than any AI. I do play the AI, but just to train myself rather in basic movement, and mechanics. I don't spend too much time though.

If you're really short on opponents, try facing TR-Liger in the Vs mode. Yes, not the best ever, but at least it's PROBABLY the closest thing you have to a human opp. Elk is okay for vertical aiming too.

mom always talks in not the most pleasant manner ever, but she usually means well and has a lot of experience in that. Real good player too.
Glare thanks arch for reminding me alone over here Ermm
Your death sentence is to die by the hands of my anger. My anger is relentless, you can run but its worthless and the furious angels will bring you back to me with your head on a pike for the world to see as I rip you to shredds with my wings of destruction....
I'm not taking sides just so you know. I do understand the feeling of not being able to play with a human opp. So we have to eventually pick the ai to fight against. If you want, I can give you the link to mom' s YT channel for you to be able to watch match vids. really really good stuff over there.

I'm actually also from the U.S. as well, which is why I was wondering if I had run into another translation barrier, but I guess not.

I'm not trying to be mean or elitist, and if I do come off that way then I apologize beforehand, but I'm a realist down to the core, and because of that I often sound harsh and blunt, but I'm not much of a fan of sugarcoating my statements.

Ideally you want to be fighting other players as good as you are, and nothing else. There's nothing wrong with fighting random AI to get the basics of a new design down, but you won't fully finish that design until you play competent players on your level. I can't tell you how many times I've had to tweak what I thought were finished designs because of that very aspect.

IF you have no one to play, then I don't see the purpose of training to begin with. The only real reason I could see was to finish a mission you havn't completed yet, or defeat an AI opponent in the AI arena, but if you've already done all that, then you kinda hit the limit to your skill capacity, and it won't be getting larger until you play other people. That was one point I tried to preach through the years. You WILL hit a plateau no matter how much you practice against the AI, and you won't be breaking it until you start playing people around your skill level. So I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding on that front, but my initial statement came with the knowledge that Raven's Republic was a tight-knit community geared around their local meets.

You're actually not alone if you're in the U.S., there's always the option to play kai with a couple of us. I'm not really playing PvP all that much at all anymore, and what little I do anymore is just fantasy duels for another armored core community with an old clan-mate who is around my skill level. If you could possibly set it up properly, there's always the chance of playing a couple of us, and you'll most likely find more enjoyment out of it then just playing the AI.

I respect your honesty with that one and i see where your coming from, but seriously no one here knows anything about armored core...its soo fucking sad
Your death sentence is to die by the hands of my anger. My anger is relentless, you can run but its worthless and the furious angels will bring you back to me with your head on a pike for the world to see as I rip you to shredds with my wings of destruction....
kai. Wink
(07-20-2011, 09:35 AM)Int3ll3r1337 Wrote: I respect your honesty with that one and i see where your coming from, but seriously no one here knows anything about armored core...its soo fucking sad

it doesnt matter if no one here knows anything about armored core, its all about finding the best ways to winning.

fighting againsts an AI will be obviously different from fighting a human player

imagine fighting versus a quad camper with GLs who will naturally hide and wait for you to come at him, you dont see AIs doing that specifically

or versus campers who hide and throw long range vert missiles, but if you are close they will use the topography and fight against you accordingly.

people get better at games when they fight other people who aim to win, this is not only specific to armored core. This also applies to almost any game/sports.


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