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Personality tests
What Each Letter Means

In Keirsey's Temperament Sorter, there are 4 question scales used to detect one's behavioral preferences. The scales are E-I, S-N, T-F, and P-J. No single letter should be taken as naming a "type" of person. For example, you should not label yourself or others as "Expressives" or "E's". Each letter merely suggests stronger or weaker tendencies in a person's overall makeup, and the letters are not factors independent of each other. The pairs of letters indicate the following opposite qualities:

E = Expressive I = Attentive
S = Observant N = Introspective
T = Tough-Minded F = Friendly
P = Probing J = Scheduled

The terms Expressive (E) and Attentive (I) describe two vastly different social styles. People who score highly Expressive on the Temperament Sorter tend to be gregarious and expressive; those scoring highly Attentive tend to be private and reserved.

Expressive people tend to talk and do first, more than listen and react to others. People who are strongly Expressive are typically more comfortable socializing with groups than being alone. They often report that they are energized by contact with other people. These individuals usually have a large circle of friends and are happy to approach others, even strangers, to talk. For people who are strongly Expressive, social banter is usually an easy and pleasant thing. Interaction is something that makes them feel alive. As a result, too much quiet and seclusion can actually exhaust such persons; they tend to report feelings of loneliness or power drain when not in contact with others.

On the other hand, Attentive people tend to listen and react first, rather than talk and do. People who tend toward Attentiveness often seem more comfortable alone than in a crowd. They tend to draw energy from private, solitary activities, including reading, listening to music, and working by themselves on their latest project or favorite hobby. Attentive people usually have a few, long-time friends, and can remain in contact with larger groups only so long before their energies are depleted. If their job, family, or social responsibilities require them to be outgoing or take center stage, they can soon become exhausted and need down time in quiet places to rest and recharge their batteries.

Remember, however, that no one is simply an "Expressive" type or an "Attentive" type. These terms are merely end points on the E-I preference scale, with most everyone falling somewhere in between. Most individuals embody a mixture of these two social styles. Also, different tasks or roles at work or in the family can bring out more Expressive or Attentive behavior in a person. This dimension of personality, more than the other three scales is fluid and situational.

The Observant/Introspective (S-N) preference scale on the Keirsey Temperament Sorter differentiates between two distinct kinds of human focus. People with high Observant scores tend to pay more attention to what is going on outside themselves in the world of concrete things, whereas people with high Introspective preference scores pay more attention to what is going on inside themselves in the abstract world of ideas. The S-N scale measures the most fundamental of the four dimensions of personality.

Observant people make up the majority of the population -- upwards of 65%. These people seem more at home in the material world, where they spend their time looking after the business of everyday living: food and clothing, transportation and shelter, job and family, recreation and social life. With their eye on physical realities, they tend to see all the particulars of what is right in front of them. They typically focus on what is happening in the here-and-now, or what has happened in the past, rather than speculating about future possibilities. These are practical, down-to-earth people who want facts, trust facts, and remember facts. They believe in common sense and usually trust that experience is the best teacher.

In contrast, people who are strongly introspective seem more at home in the abstract, conceptual world of ideas. Introspective people deal in inferences, theories, musings, speculations, and symbols -- things that can only be seen with the mind's eye. In fact, because they are so often focused on their internal world, these individuals can sometimes miss a great deal of what is going on around them. For highly introspective people, reality is not a solid, present thing, but is more a mental image or a stage of development toward some future ideal. The possible almost always looms large for Introspective people: whatever "is" can be better. They can be fascinated by hypotheses and potentials. They are also often absorbed by their vivid and complex imaginations.

No one can introspect and observe at the same time. However, this delineation does not mean that being Introspective or Observant is an "either-or" proposition. Since neither type can occupy both worlds at once, each person will usually show a clear preference for one. Introspective individuals certainly turn outward at times and pay attention to the world at large; they are just far more inclined to become preoccupied with their own ideas. So too, Observant people do sometimes look inward to ponder and to dream. However, for the most part, real world observation tends to dominate their flights of imagination.

The Tough-Minded/Friendly (T-F) preference scale indicates how people govern themselves and make decisions. Everyone can be both tough-minded and friendly. However those who score high on Tough-Mindedness tend to use their head more when making choices, while those scoring high on Friendliness tend to follow their hearts.

People falling on the Tough-Minded end of the scale tend to be more comfortable basing their actions on impersonal, objective factors. Tough-Minded people can be critical and exacting, both with themselves and others. They are often convinced only by hard data and sound reasoning. Individuals who scored highly Tough-Minded tend to be frank and straightforward. They are the kind of people who are usually willing to speak their minds and stick to their opinions, even if it causes conflict with others. They are known for being tough-minded in their decisions, preferring to keep emotions and desires out of the process as much as possible. Tough-Minded types do have powerful feelings, but a strong show of emotion can embarrasses them. As a result, they'll usually keep their feelings in check rather than appearing to lose self-control, even at the risk of seeming hard-nosed or cold.

In contrast, people on the Friendly end of the scale are typically more comfortable basing their actions on personal, emotional factors. When considering their course, this type will consult their feelings first and will almost always show concern for others. For the most part, these individuals are sympathetic and sentimental. As a result, many times they can be swayed by powerful desire or a touching appeal. Friendly people tend to be softhearted when making decisions. They do not like to hurt anyone's feelings. It is not that Friendly individuals necessarily have more or deeper emotions than those on the Tough-Minded end of the scale; they simply let their feelings show more easily. This tendency makes them seem warmer and friendlier, which in turn can give them an easier time getting along with others.

The Probing/Scheduled (P-J) preference scale indicates how people handle decision-making. Those who score high on Scheduling tend to make up their minds quickly and commit to schedules, while those scoring high on Probing prefer to keep their options open and their timetables flexible.

People strong in Scheduling waste no time forming opinions or drawing conclusions. They often report feeling a sense of urgency until a decision is made, and can rest only after everything is settled. Closure and finality are important to these individuals, as is orderly procedure. As a result, they can be quick to make schedules, agendas, or timetables for themselves and others to follow. People strong in Scheduling will establish deadlines and take them seriously, expecting others will do the same. They're usually comfortable with routines and can be willing to do all sorts of maintenance and cleaning up after a task, feeling that these are necessary steps for a job's completion. They usually feel unhappy or unsettled when their personal space is a mess. Straightening things up is often near the top of their list.

For their part, people given to Probing keep their eyes open to what is around them, gathering information and looking for opportunities and alternatives that might be available. They usually feel no hurry to nail things down or settle on a finished product. Instead, they tend to prefer to keep their options open. These individuals are often playful and spontaneous in action. Schedules can make them feel hurried and over-controlled; they tend to look upon deadlines as mere reminders to get on with the job. Also, people high in Probing prefer their work to be enjoyable and meaningful. If a task of routine maintenance or clean up falls to them, they may balk at doing it, or may leave it to someone else. Easy-going, even somewhat impulsive, these people are usually quite tolerant of mess. Their personal spaces are often cluttered with an assortment of things they've picked up, used, then dropped and forgotten about.

( I just like to share this info I got from the official keirsey web site) I got the official book and test and answer to the questionaire to those who want to try the Keirsey temperament sorter you may message me and I will email it to you.
Apparently, if i was a pilot in a certain late '80s fighter-jock movie, i get assigned a pretty nifty call-sign.

Edit - actually, it looks like the call-sign changes each time you click on the link. Some of the one's i got recently are totally LOL-worthy.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."

Lol, we got our test results for that in our school

I got ENFP.

Basically, I'm an Idealist XD
Hi everyone! Just thought you might be interested in this test that I found. Enjoy!!

Here's what I got:

The Ninja Master

11% Strength, 11% Bloodlust, 47% Intelligence, 16% Spirit, 26% Vitality and 68% Agility!

[Image: 14194322147880392313.jpeg___1_500_1_500_cb94de6a_.png]

By combining their stealth and evasion with powerful elemental magic, Ninja Masters are some of the fiercest warriors. Although they may not be the most physically powerful warriors, their cunningness and spellcasting abilities more than make up for any deficiencies. In fact, Ninja Masters can use their ninja techniques to enhance their strength, thus making them even more powerful and formidable. It is often difficult to determine whether or not a Ninja Master will walk the path of good or evil, but they are certainly not all evil.
Congratulations on reaching this high class!

So what class did you guys get!? Post your results!
Golden Compass Daemon test. (Pretty old >_> )

A PANDA!! They're cute and cuddly BEARS THAT CAN MAUL YOU Clapping

Which reminds me...any word on a new Golden Compass movie? D:
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
(11-15-2010, 11:24 PM)Fox Wrote: Apparently, if i was a pilot in a certain late '80s fighter-jock movie, i get assigned a pretty nifty call-sign.

Edit - actually, it looks like the call-sign changes each time you click on the link. Some of the one's i got recently are totally LOL-worthy.

Rake sounds good.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Harry Potter House Sorting quiz

Mah result:

I'm even with Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw LOL
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]

360 out of 500 / 72%

a true brony O_O

Quote:You got 368 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 74 %

Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

I only watched it ONCE. ಠ_ಠ

(BTW, it's harder to convince femme friends to watch MLP:FiM >_> )
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
You got 371 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 74 %

Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.
This is something I learned today, but I figured it'd be better if I post it here.

So I was at Citibank earlier, for a job interview. One of the many procedures was a personality test. I came out as an ENTJ, after being an INTJ for so long. Hahahaha. Does that mean I'm "coming out of my shell"?

I'd like to think so. Smile
(10-04-2011, 01:50 PM)Grim Wrote: This is something I learned today, but I figured it'd be better if I post it here.

So I was at Citibank earlier, for a job interview. One of the many procedures was a personality test. I came out as an ENTJ, after being an INTJ for so long. Hahahaha. Does that mean I'm "coming out of my shell"?

I'd like to think so. Smile


Did you know about Myers' theory of cognitive functions?
INTJ is Ni Te Fi Se
ENTJ is Te Ni Se Fi

Therefore it could mean is that you've been using Te (extroverted thinking) more than Ni (introverted intuition). Te is used, for example, when a person scans his or her environment and actively evaluates what can be done with the objects within the vicinity. It may also apply to actions used in sports, wherein a QB has to make split-second decisions about how the play is unfolding and to adjust accordingly.

Ni on the other hand is when you evaluate the possibilities of things that may happen based on your own imagination. In the INTJ or ENTJ mind, Ni works in conjunction with Te by using one's external environment to create unique solutions to problems, or to at least solve conventional logic problems quite thoroughly.

Also related to this, an ENTJ's common weakness would be turning into a control freak because he's so much better in his own mind than everyone else. Ultimately it's up to you to do your own reading and to evaluate where you feel you ought to be. The MBTI evaluation should not define you.
Hopefully this hasn't been posted:

Political test

Here are my results:
You are a patriotic and authoritarian Socialist. 2 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 74 percent are more extremist than you.
[Image: 57388_eng.jpg]

Probably not really accurate LOL
You are an authoritarian Solidarist. 1 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 95 percent are more extremist than you.

[Image: 57530_eng.jpg]


I'll make an interesting tyrant...bwahahaha XD
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