Current time: 09-25-2024, 11:18 PM
[Image: dsteabag41-3.jpg]

That pic is like 61% done and 33 hours in. And since I rather not repost everything just for this topic:

Thought I might share the arts of your mom around the woooooooorld.
I remember this one. Great stuff, TM. Documenting your progress was a really nice, too. It's not often that people get to see how an idea gets transformed into a finished product. Light source is a bit weird though -- almost like it's coming from the left guy's crotch.
Hm I got a feeling of deja vu, and it feels like you commented about the progress thing to me before on this, did I already post this in this here forum?

And yeah, the light source is coming from the guy's crotch. In demon's souls, you have an augite of souls that hangs on the front of your belt, and acts as a light source, so you don't get lost in the gloomy worlds of the game.
No, not here. Just saw it in ACU soon after you posted it.

Thanks for clearing up the crotch thing. Didn't play Demon's Souls, unfortunately.
Great stuff, mom!

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