Current time: 02-20-2025, 04:26 AM
Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV

Shin Blanka and Evil Dan i think
Reply is this FREE? =D
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
as for character changes, i think so and there are already achievements/trophies based on these characters leaked by capcom


[Unique Attacks]
-In Reverse Spin Kick, we deleted his hurtbox from his knee and below during the first few frames after starting up, and we reduced its damage.
With this adjustment, it's possible to make attacks like Ryu's cr.MK whiff and hit them out.
-We reduced Spinning Back Knuckle's damage.

-Sonic Boom's meter gain at start-up is halved,
and we adjusted his meter gaining rate through the match.
-LK/MK/HK Flash Kicks are nerfed in damage.

-Sonic Hurricane's damage is nerfed, and start-up got a bit slower.

-Damage nerf is applied to specials and ultra, so we can say his damage is reduced throughout.
He will require more attacks to finish off opponents.
There are almost no changes to his frame data, so in AE he can do everything that he can already do.


+ His forward j.HP's number of active frames is doubled, so it's easier to hit in jump-in situations.
+ Far st.MK's active frame is lengthened a little, and his hurtbox during when he extends his leg is horizontally reduced,
so it will function better as a poking tool.
+ Close st.MP's start-up got faster and the total duration of the move is reduced as a result, plus frame advantage on hit is increased, so it got significantly buffed.
+ cr.HP's start-up got faster,
+ and cr.MK has slightly more active frames.
+ Neutral j.HP and back j.HP's motion is changed to forward j.HP's.

[Unique Attacks]
- His Dive Kick's hitstun + blockstun is decreased, so it's slightly harder to use the move as an offense tool.
All three Head Stomp's active frames are reduced.
Timing to hit all three of them is changed.

+ Sonic Boom's recovery is reduced by 1f, and EX Sonic Boom's recovery is reduced by 3f.
+ Normals -> Sonic Boom (EX Sonic Boom) -> FADC -> follow-up combo is pretty powerful.
His lightning kicks deal more damage and less stun.

+ Super's invincibility is lengthened, and "the pursuit priority is increased" (<- I think they mean that it connects more number of times on airborne opponents)

+ U2's recovery got shortened.
-Full invincibility is changed to 12f,
and after that he is invincible to projectiles only until the end of active frames.
+/-U1 deals more damage and has longer recovery.

+ Life increased to 800, stun increased to 900.

The changes on SSF4 AE happened only where they affect the way he is played.
He looks weakened in the first glance, but he also got strengthened in various points,
so please research his playstyle in SSF4 AE.

-Dee Jay-

- Far st.LP's hurtbox around his arm is deleted, so it's more difficult to stuff it.
+ cr.MP's priority got strengthened, and deals more damage.
+ Close st.MP's active frame got increased by 1f, so it's easier to use as an AA.
+ Far st.MK is changed to be a 2-hit normal, and it got adjusted in damage distribution, in start-up, and in the total duration.
1st hit is cancelable, so combos such as
+ cr.LP -> far st.MK -> specials and close st.MK -> far st.MK -> specials are possible.
+ Close st.HK, when hit on airborne opponents, will knock them out in the air.
And the 2nd hit of the move has pursuit property.
+ Far st.HK's start-up got 1f faster, and active frame lengthened by 1f.
+/- cr.HK's distance got shortened, but has more number of active frames,
and will recover faster after active frames end.
+ Forward j.MK's pushback on hit is adjusted,
so combos after crossing up with it got easier.

+ Air Slasher's recovery got shortened,
- and the hitstun/blockstun got reduced as well. There are no changes to EX Air Slasher.
+ Opponent's attack will now be registered as a counter hit if you get hit out during the whole move, so if the opponent gets to jump in you will be in a world of hurt.
+ LK Double Rolling Sobat/Dread Kick's start-up got changed to 12f, and his lower body invincibility is lengthened as well.
It's comboable from light attacks.
- Its throw invincibility and airborne state are deleted.
+ MK/HK/EX version's 1st hit deals longer hitstun, so going for 1st hit of dread kicks (MK/HK/EX) -> FADC -> combo may be great.

+ Machinegun Upper got increased in damage.
+ For Jacknife Maximum (Up Kicks),
+ LK's damage is increased, and is completely invincible until active frames end.
+ HK and EX versions' hitbox is adjusted in order to prevent it from whiffing some hits after connecting it.

+ U2's recovery is reduced as much as possible.

+ Forward dash has more frames where you can input Super/Ultra combo command.
As a result, forward dash -> U2 would be easier than before.


+ st.HP's hurtbox around his arm got smaller, so it's easier to use as an AA or a poke.
+ When Oiled, even when normals are input during forward dash he will still slide a little. (<- i need help with this translation)

[Unique Attacks]
+ Step Low (F+LK) got to be cancelable.

+ For Oil Shower, the duration of the oil will be stacked now.
The maximum duration will be 30 seconds.
+ Also, MK/HK/EX versions have 5f less recovery,
and EX version can be canceled into Guard Position (D+3P, aka coward crouch).
+ Also, Oil Shower will be one of the follow-ups after Oil Slide.
The effect is the same as LK Oil Shower, and he will be in advantage nevertheless.
+ LP Oil Slide has faster start-up, and can be connected from cr.LP or Step Low.
+ Oil Dive (including EX), while holding button, can be canceled into Guard Position.

+ Oil Rocket, Oil Dive's input property is adjusted, so the feeling will be same with that of Zangief's SPD.



Q: U2 question.
In loctest, EX Green Hands on hit -> U2 connected on opponent who was backdashing after getting hands hit, how does it work now?
Also, does it have any pursuit property?
Are there any changes to Lariats?

A: Same with loctest, as long as the opponent is airborne, it is possible for U2 to connect.
However, there is no pursuit property on the move so it cannot be comboed into.
There are no changes to Lariats.


Q: Would there be any changes in Tiger Knee's damage distribution?

A: We tried adjusting damages here and there, but in the final version damage adjustment applied only to st.LK and Tiger Uppercut.


Q: You said cr.MP -> cr.MP comboes,
since you did not touch recovery, would it mean that the hitstun is increased?
Also about far st.LP -> cr.MK (7f start-up) combo,
does this imply that far st.LP's recovery got adjusted to have +7 on hit and +4 on block?
Or is it hitstun increase as well?

A: We didn't list this change last week,
but other than the already mentioned 5f start-up cr.MP's recovery is reduced by 3f.
Far st.LP's recovery got reduced to the point where Dan's frame advantage on hit is +7.


Q: Should I take "increased priority" as simply having more range, or as the 'hitbox/hurtbox' adjustment so that it's harder to get stuffed, or both?
Also I want to know if there are any changes to moves like st.HK, cr.MK, and Stomach Blow.

A: For the increased priority, there could be many possibilities, such as increased range or increased hitbox vertically, in order to increase its usefulness.
There are some moves with frame data adjustments and some not, but to take st.HK as an example, recovery got reduced by 3f so the total duration is reduced by the same amount as well.

Next post will be about Dhalsim, Bison, Akuma, Adon, and T. Hawk.
I don't see the 'unblockable' part o__o
previous compiled changes

- Crouch hp: 2nd hit attack box is smaller above and below
- Tornado throw: lower damage
- Marseille rolling: no more hit invincibility at the end of it, making it easier to get countered.
- Muga (Soulless) damage down by about 10%
- Mukuu (Breathless)damage is also down by about 10%, and the start of the attack detection is a little later. Plus, no more hyper armor during the dash, and the recovery time for when you miss and cancelling is longer

+ Recovery on Rock Crush (f+MP) decreased allowing far s.LP to be linked afterwards.
- active frames on Amazon River (df+HP) reduced, total frames have been reduced. hurtbox during recovery increased.
- Surprise Forward increased grounded frames in the beginning, easier to be grabbed.
- Hurtbox on Hori Ball widened, and bounceback increased on block.
- Various interpretations on what changes have been made to horizontal ball bounceback. Consensus is bounceback from safest to most unsafe (faarthest to closest) is lp, ex, mp hp. (latest post suggests that LP and EX bounceback is the same as current SSF4.)
- EX Rainbow's forward distance reduced, harder to escape from the corner.
+ EX Electricity faster start-up

- Near version s.MP's damage is slightly decreased. It now forces stand, and is special cancel-able
- Far version s.LP whiffs on all crouchers
- Buffalo Head now has more ground recovery frames on whiff and on block + damage is decreased. (headbutt > ultra possible)
+/- U2 motion changed from 720P to HCBx2

C. Viper:
+ U2's hitbox buffed

+ Near and Far version s.LP, c.LP, Near s.MP, c.MP, Near s.HP's recovery decreased (resulting in more frame advantage)
+ Far version s.HP somewhat cancel-able? (They explain that c.LP -> c.LP -> Far s.HP -> HK spiral arrow combo is possible)
- Cannon Spike will now retract less on hit/block, so it's easier to punish.
- Cannon Strike now has height restriction (cannot do it too low) except for EX version
+/- There was a change to each of LK, MK, and HK SA, and we also adjusted HK SA's active frame distribution (<- since HK SA is 2 hits, maybe they'll shorten the first hit then lengthen the second hit, or vice versa). There are no changes to Knuckle and Hooligan (QnA translation)

- Stun down on c.roundhouse (hard kick).
- Damage down on s.strong (medium punch). same hit properties as c.roundhouse (hard kick).
- DF+Light Kick comes out slower, more vulnerability. Can still combo after it if it hits an airborne opponent.
- Her Focus Attack is now easier for opponents to hit.

+ Crouch short (light kick) now comes out in 3 frames. Frame advantage on hit is still the same. Should be more useable as a low poke with reach.
+ Crack Kick (F+HK) gets more juggle
+ Until now, on a grounded opponent, the first hits of EX Criminal Upper didn't connect, but now they will. The range at which Cody can pick up the knife has increased.

E. Honda
+/- LP Headbutt now has lower body invincibility instead of upper body invincibility, so it will be hard to utilize it as AA.
+ U1 has projectile invincibility until the last active frame.
+/- U2's command has been changed to HCBx2 from 720, so it's easier to get it out. Also, while its range increased, it starts up in 2f so it's possible to dodge it after screen freeze.
+/- During backdash, Honda is now considered airborne right after invincibility ends.
-damage nerf across the board

+ Close s.LK's start-up is changed to 3f
+ c.MP's start-up is changed to 5f.
+ Close s.LK, Close s.MP, Close s.HK, Far s.LP, c.LP, c.MK's recovery are reduced (Far s.LP -> c.MK and c.MP -> c.MP became to be possible combos)
+ Neutral j.HP has pursuit property, and will slam opponents down to the ground when hit.
+ MK/HK Danku's damage distribution got adjusted, and HK Danku's total damage is decreased.
Koryuken will give air reset on trade. (<- likely on Dan, not the opponent)
- Haoh Gadoken's invincibility is decreased to 8f after Ultra freeze. As a result, if it can be stuffed, and projectile will not come out when that happens.

Dee Jay
+ Far st.LP hurtbox around his arm is deleted
+ cr.MP priority got strengthened, damage increase.
+ Close st.MP active frame got increased by 1f, better as AA.
+ Far st.MK is changed to be a 2-hit normal, adjusted damage distribution, start-up, and total duration.1st hit is cancelable.
+ Close st.HK, will knock them out in the air 2nd hit has pursuit property.
+ Far st.HK start-up 1f reduction, active frames +1f.
+/- cr.HK distance got shortened, more active frames will recover faster after active frames end.
+ Forward j.MK pushback on hit increased, combos after crossing up easier.
+/- Air Slasher's recovery shortened and the hitstun/blockstun got reduced. Opponent's attack will now be registered as a counter hit if you get hit out during the whole move, so if the opponent gets to jump in you will be in a world of hurt.
+/- LK Double Rolling Sobat/Dread Kick's start-up = 12f, and his lower body invincibility increase. throw invincibility and airborne state removed. MK/HK/EX version's 1st hit deals longer hitstun, allows 1st hit of dread kicks fadc combos
+ Machinegun Upper got increased in damage.
+ Up Kicks LK's damage is increased, and is completely invincible until active frames end.
+ HK and EX versions' hitbox is adjusted in order to prevent it from whiffing some hits after connecting.
+ U2's recovery is reduced as much as possible.
+ Forward dash has more frames where you can input Super/Ultra combo command.

+ c.MK's active frame is increased to 5f.
+ s.HK's recovery is reduced. Same adv on hit, frame advantage is 0 on block
+ j.HK, will slam down opponents to the ground if they're hit in airborne state, so it's better as an AA.
+ F+MP's start-up 7f, and increased hitbox as well, so it is possible to hit some characters out of their low attacks.
+ F+HK's hitbox got buffed, so it is possible to connect from further away than now.
+ A new special, EX duck -has upper body invincibility during movement, and canceling into follow-ups is possible from the 3rd frame. (LP/LK attack -> EX duck -> Ducking Straight/Upper is possible as well.)
+ Jet Upper FADC on block has frame advantage of -2f.
+ fixed cases on where throw didn't connect on some dizzied opponents.

El Fuerte
+ Far standing jab (light punch) and crouching jab's start-up is now 4f, and there are more active frames as well. Crouching JAB can be chained (not short).
- More recovery on Guacamole on landing (EX included). Tortilla loses invincibility, can be countered more easily.
- More startup on El Fuerte Ultra Spark, damage down. The size of the hitbox changes with movement (...?), making it harder to hit overall.

+ Close and Far stand jab are have an extra frame of advantage (now +6)
+ Close forward has a 4-frame startup
+ Less recovery on EX Rekka on hit and on guard
- No invincibility with HK Chicken Wing
+/- Is considered to be mid-air right after the invincibility frames of his backdash end

+ Two TCs have been added in. TC1 is c.LK xx c.Mk & s.HP 1st hit xx s.MK
+ s.LP's hurtbox during active frames have been resized, harder to get hit out of.
+ c.MP's start-up faster, possible to link from s.LP and c.LP.
+ s.HK range improved
+ U2 hitbox improved downward, so less chance to whiff
+ U2's travelling speed is faster.
+ During backdash, he's airborne right after invincibility wears out

+ close s.MP and close s.HK have more frame advantage.
+ close s.MK has 3f start-up
+ neutral jump HP and diagonal jump HK have pursuit properties, and will slam opponents into the ground.
+ 1st hit it can be canceled into tatsu
- Back grab has been changed to deal gray damage, so the combo damage from the grab has been decreased. (<- I believe they're saying that the back grab deals 0 gray damage, so it'll get scaled as a combo as well.)
+ LP Palm (Senkugoshoha) has been drastically changed, so it will connect from weak attacks (LP/LK)
+ EX Tatsu locks opponent, making it easier to combo.
+ recovery of the Demon Flip Focus has been significantly decreased, making it easier to utilize.
+/- Kongoshin will come out in punches only, and strength of the punch changes where it kongos.LP will take low attacks, MP will take attacks right in the middle, and HP will take attacks at the upper body.
+/- During backdash, Gouken is now considered airborne right after invincibility ends.

+ Upside down Kick, we deleted his hurtbox from his knee and below during the first few frames after starting up, and we reduced its damage. Sweeps will whiff.
- reduced Spinning Back Knuckle's damage.
- Sonic Boom's meter gain at start-up is halved,
- LK/MK/HK Flash Kicks are nerfed in damage.
- Sonic Hurricane's damage is nerfed, start-up got a bit slower.

- c.LK's damage decreased, and its start-up is 3f now
+ Far version s.MK has faster start-up and less recovery
+ Far version s.MP's hitbox is buffed a bit
+ F+MP overhead now does 2 hits, and is even on hit
+ His EX run follow-up timing is now same with his non-EX versions. Also, his EX run -> slide has projectile invincibility, while his EX run -> stop has Armor. Since EX Run can focus 2 hits to begin with, you can now focus all of Akuma's HP Shakunetsu Hadouken by timing your EX Run -> Stop (QnA translation). (<- Not sure what they meant on "EX run follow-up timing" stuff)
+ Super Combo damage increased, and fixed some issues of it whiffing on some characters if done after a combo

+ st.HP hurtbox around his arm got smaller, so it's easier to use as an AA or a poke.
+ When Oiled, even when normals are input during forward dash he will still slide a little.
+ Step Low (F+LK) got to be cancelable.
+ For Oil Shower, the duration of the oil will be stacked now. maximum duration 30 seconds.
+ Also, MK/HK/EX versions have 5f less recovery and EX version can be canceled into coward crouch. Also, Oil Shower will be one of the follow-ups after Oil Slide. The effect is the same as LK Oil Shower, and he will be in advantage nevertheless.
+ LP Oil Slide has faster start-up, and can be connected from cr.LP or Step Low.
+ Oil Dive (including EX), while holding button, can be canceled into coward crouch.
+ Oil Rocket, Oil Dive's input property is adjusted, so the feeling will be same with that of Zangief's SPD.

+ There has been changes to the normals (improved normals)
+ s.LK has 4f start-up
+ s.MK got changed to have 5f start-up
+ c.HK -> s.HK TC got added.
- Kunai's damage got decreased
- Ibuki drops down sharply after jump back ex kunai.
- Neck Breaker had damage and stun nerf.
+ command dash no longer counter hit when interrupted by opponent.

+ Her fireball charge kick knocks the opponent higher, You now combo Fireball charge > Pinwheel, for example
- Less stun and damage on charge kick
+ No changes to U1, but because of the changes to the charge kick, it's easier to score knockdowns
+ Faster walk speed (both foward and back)
+ Improvements to hitbox, EX FA (Not sure about this one, take with a grain of salt)
+ Fufajin Kick, it does put the opponent in juggle state and would be an unrecoverable knockdown.
(???) we altered some in her normals as well.

+ Less recovery on cr.MP, can now combo cr.MP into cr.MK
+ Improved hit box for cl.LP and target combo (assuming this to mean more range)
+/- LP Shoryu has 2 extra frames of recovery, but does 120 damage
+ EX Hado can juggle twice in the air, so you can get full juggle off LP Shoryu > EX Hado
- EX Air Tatsu is no longer an overhead,
??? Is considered to be mid-air right after the invincibility frames of his backdash end

+ cr.LK has more range
+ st.LK is now kara-cancellable
+ cr.HK attack box extended, and the damage box has been lowered slightly, easier to use as an anti-air
+ cr.HP has slightly more active frames
+ F+LP has a 3 frame startup (formerly 4 frames)
+ EX Hayate is now armor-break, has a slightly faster startup
+ Fukiage, when the arm is fully extended, the hittable box from her chest up is now barely there, while the attack box is extended, so there are now almost no cases where it trades or is stuffed. It still can't hit grounded opponents however. The start up for all versions have been revised...
- EX Tsurugi is now similar to EX Cannon Strike in what height the technique can be executed.
+ UC1 damage distribution has been change. It still does the same total damage, but because of the change, will do more when the scale kicks in.
+ UC2 has a faster startup
+ increase to 1000 Health
+ Forward and back dash are faster. Because of this, now HP Hayate FADC cr.LK (and other normals) LP Hayate now combos.

- Super will no longer work when there is a Soul Spark in the screen.It is still possible to cancel into super from Soul Spark.
- Soul Satellite (U2) invincibility has been removed if you take hit right after activating it, the orbs will not appear.

- Anti-air U2 does not give you the full hits
- EX Messiah does less damage (80 PTS of Damage),
?? Is considered to be mid-air right after the invincibility frames of his backdash end

+ Far version s.MP is now special cancel-able
+ Near version s.MK's damage increased
+ Near version s.HK now has more frame advantage. They mentioned it's possible to link s.HK -> SRK
- Less active frames on c.MK
- F+HP damage decreased
- Jump arc changed on his diagonal jump tatsu. They say it's harder to run away with the tatsu, but also says that its cross-up will be more ambiguous when jumping in
- Did something about EX tatsu whiffing the last few kicks on hit"
+ Ryu's LP SRK has now 1~3f as grounded, and 4f~to the ground as airborne. Therefore, there would be situations where trade LP SRK -> Metsu Hadouken is possible.

+ The total damage is increased on s.LK when both hits get connected.
+ Tiger Uppercut's damage is increased when connected at the 1st~2nd active frames
+ Angry scar changed command to kick buttons.

+ Close strong (medium punch) has less recovery,
+ crouch strong and crouch forward (medium kick) can combo from hit confirm.
+ Far strong kick can be cancelled same as Ryu. Vulnerable hitbox on far forward reduced, making it harder to hit her out of it.
+ Air Tatsu can get more airborne hits. Other various adjustments on making hitboxes bigger, damage, and recovery done to make her stronger.
+ Less recovery on each level of Hadouken

+ His forward j.HP number of active frames is doubled
+ Far st.MK active frame is lengthened a little, and his hurtbox during when he extends his leg is horizontally reduced
+ Close st.MP start-up reduced, total duration of the move is reduced, frame advantage on hit increased
+ cr.HP start-up reduction,
+ cr.MK has slightly more active frames.
+ Neutral j.HP and back j.HP's motion is changed to forward j.HP's.
+ His Dive Kick's hitstun + blockstun is decreased
- All three Head Stomp's active frames are reduced. Timing to hit all three of them is changed.
+ Sonic Boom's recovery is reduced by 1f, and EX Sonic Boom's recovery is reduced by 3f.
- Super's invincibility is lengthened, and "the pursuit priority is increased" (<- I think they mean that it connects more number of times on airborne opponents)
+ U2's recovery got shortened. Full invincibility is changed to 12f,and after that he is invincible to projectiles only until the end of active frames.
+/- U1 deals more damage and has longer recovery.
+ Life increased to 800, stun increased to 900.

+ cr.MK start up is now 6 frames (2 frames faster)
- Less damage on cr.MP and cr.HK
- More recovery for Cosmic Heel on block
+ Less recovery on EX roll
+ You can now combo cr.MP from EX roll
- U2 has slightly more startup
??? Is considered to be mid-air right after the invincibility frames of his backdash end

+ increased his range on far s.HP.
+ buffed damage on LP&HP SPD, and increased range on LP SPD.
+ EX Banishing Flat, when hit on ground, will no longer knock opponents down. Opponents remain in LP SPD's range
+ can alter Siberian Blizzard's traveling distance by holding forward/backward input between ultra freeze and start-up. For forward direction, it can travel much further than before, so it's easier to grab backdashing opponents.
While the ground recovery on whiff has increased, we see it as a buff considering its possibility on controlling the distance.


DB+MP has faster start-up + less recovery.
A combo such as DB+MP -> DB+MP -> EX Yoga Flame is possible.

EX Yoga Flame has faster start-up and is comboable from middle strength attacks.
Because it's easier to combo into, the damage is changed to 50*70.

Super's damage is reduced to 300.

During back dash, airborne frame comes immediately after invincibility frames end.

We looked through his damage again, and as a result he went towards nerf,
but there are changes beneficial to Dhalsim in other parts.
He has a huge diversity between a good match-up and a terrible match-up,
but he has strong potential in himself.


st.HK's damage is change to 80 when hit outside of his knee,
and to 110 inside.
cr.LK's hurtbox got a little bigger, and it's easier to get stuffed.

LK Knee's hitback distance on block is increased.
It's harder to get hit out after blocking,
but it'll be hard to give a pressure combined with cr.LK.

He is invincible to projectiles during active frames of Super as well.

U2's command is changed to charge command. Instead, its damage is increased to 450.

Comparatively, he is above standard in terms of a character's strength,
but he's more dependent on players' skills due to the adjustments.


MP SRK's invincibility is lengthened, to be exact he is completely invincible for the first 5 frames.
Air tatsu's jump arc is changed, so running away with tatsu is impossible.
EX Tatsu's damage and stun build got reduced.

U2, when canceled during teleport only, has bigger hitbox downwards.
A combo like st.HP -> Teleport -> U2, is possible.

During back dash, airborne frame comes immediately after invincibility frames end.

Considering balance, we removed the runaway tactic with air tatsu,
but other things can be done as you currently can,
so you will be able to apply your skill in SSF4 to SSF4 AE as well.

-T. Hawk-

We reduced Close st.HK's recovery, and changed frame advantage to be +4 on hit.
Far st.HK's hitstun and blockstun are increased, so it's harder to get countered out.
Neutral j.HK has more active frames.

EX Condor Dive can be used by itself.
Different from the normal one, it can be used on back jump as well,
and is invincible to projectiles until its active frames end.
LP Condor Spire's hitbox is extended forward.
Condor Spire's meter gain upon activation is increased.

Super's grab range is changed to be the same as LP Mexican Typhoon.

U2 has faster start-up, and invincibility got lengthened.

A solid buff is applied to Specials, Super, and Ultra,
and to normals little adjustments.
Basically, there are only buffs, so it'll be easier to face casts that were bad match-ups in SSF4.


They're buffed in overall. Normals like cr.LP, Close st.MP, and cr.HP had frame changes.
Close st.MP, on hit, will have a frame advantage of +6,
so it's possible to link specials to combo.
Hitbox-wise, normals like Far st.LP, Far st.MP, and cr.MP are buffed.

EX Jaguar Tooth will not have EX Flash until he gets to the wall,
and will be invincible to projectiles until grounded.
MK Jaguar Kick's hitbox? is changed,
so Close st.HP -> MK Jaguar Kick can be registered as a combo.

Super's start-up changed to 7f, and the first hit's hitbox is extended downward.

Wake-up got slower.

Buffs are centered around normals, so he will be stronger while on ground.


Q: About his Reverse Spin Kick,
"It will be easier make Ryu's c.MK and hit out of it"
^ Reverse Spin Kick was hard to hit normals like Ryu's c.MK, which has low profile.
Is hitbox strengthened as well?

A: No not really

A: Due to Super's buff, it's possible to combo Super from Lightning Kicks as well!
For the dive kick, the other data stays the same as in SSF4.

-Dee Jay-
A: EX Jacknife Maximum got hitbox buff, and is changed so that it'll stop whiffing after hit a few times, so its usefulness is increased by a lot.

A: Oil Rockets' range and start-up aren't changed.

updating streams of actual SSF4 AE vids
You wana see nerves of steel..

Easily one of my favorite Guy players right there.
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)


more here

look at the empty character slots


so it seems like we are getting SSF4 turbo HD remix 3rd strike w/ rap music

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