Current time: 02-20-2025, 03:59 AM
LR: Game Balance
Thread for hypothetical/imaginary changes to AC:LR that (in your opinion) will make it more balanced, either by improving underused parts or toning down obviously overpowered ones. Even minor tweaks are welcome.

Actually, maybe "balance" isn't exactly what I'm looking for. It's more of making changes that will make literally every single part in this game usable. So yeah, changes don't necessarily have to be relevant only to competitive play.

Basically just a Beating a dead horse thread. But may prove useful if LR does get completely cracked open.

Parts such as:
most radiators
Starter parts
Heavyweight Arms
Heavyweight biped legs except FA
etc etc etc.

Will add some more later. And maybe even hypothetical stats.
I actually had a similar topic in mind called "The repair shop" LOL

Haha well that's certainly more catchy and clever than what I thought of. LOL
You really hate the uranus a lot don't you boss nix? LOL

but anyway for me the python should be tweaked considerably to make it worth while because I for one have been waiting for a hand held rail gun but when they do deliver they give us a piece of crap.

What about the URANUS? Yeah, it's another part to add to that list.

I was just listing things off the top of my head. It's not comprehensive.
-69U core increase VS MG response to 65+, VS MG angle increase to 65 as well.
-UA core drain increase and increase weight slightly to 1350+, Break vulnerability increase from 192 to 200
-UL2 energy def reduce from 397 to 375ish
-ICURUS OB speed increase to 30000.
-HELIOS OB acceleration increase to 590+, (response to ICURUS)
-RAKAN OB discharge heat decrease to 5000ish.
-ATLAS OB acceleration increase to 500+ , OB drain decrease to 7500+
-/U core OB acceleration increase to 500+, improve OB speed or reduce OB usage drain drastically 25000+ or 6000+ respectively
-U5 improve VS MG response to over 80+, improve angle as well. (niche core at least)
-URANUS EO increase accuracy by decreasing spread rate and improved velocity.
-CR-C98E2 EO increase accuracy by decreasing spread rate and improved velocity.

-LORIS shell and energy defense nerf to 300/260+, AP decrease to 1500+ >Smile
-improve all heavy arms by reducing all aim adjust by 3, increase aim accuracy of all heavy arms, AG arms aim accuracy to 290 only, making them similar inline proportion to LEMUR (an actualy HW arm)

-DINGO2 stop being a disguised steriod LW leg, nerf stats to be closer to MW legs
-All heavy weight legs improved to be similar to FA in proportion.

as for MGs we could classify them into 2 groups

highdamagelowammo and normals

high damage burst (assuming they are all very accurate hitters at 150-200 range with similar improved spread and velocity)
-pixie (least spread and highest velocity, 360 ammo with 40 clip)
-WR69M (least spread & high damage 360 ammo with 40 clip, this and pixie should be the best weapon for a dropper)
-WH79M2 (Higher damage than 69M for more weight)
-Finger (hanger burst type with less ammo and weight, imagine hangared NIX)
-NIX (High burst damage a bit less accurate 150 range only but deals better burst damage than 79M2)
-SILKY (energy weapon, and doesnt eat energy as much as shade so therefor lesser usage drain, decrease its usage drain to 900)

-WL74M (left version of 69m)
-FAIRY (Left version of pixie)
-Sylph (Hangar version of Pixie)

normal (less burst damage capability, less accurate than above, no major nerf/changes needed, but high ammo, with improved spread and velocity but inferior to above)
-PIXIE2 (same velocity,spread, range etc as pixie3)
-Pixie3 (ammo to 700-600) (basis for all MGs)

other hand weapons
-RLA ammo increase to 80, mag clip increase to 5.
-CR-WR69R weight decrease to 335
-CR-WR76RA weight decrease to 590-580
-WR10R-MOLD clip load increase to 15, projectile velocity increase to 990, weight decrease to 400
-WH01R-GAST clip load increase to 15, projectile velocity increase to 990
-CR-WR76RA weight decrease to 580.
-CR-WR84RA2 clip reload time nerf to 135.

-Burst rifles shoots 3 bullets simultaneously (similar or faster than how glock burst fires in counterstrike)
-CR-WR88RB projectile speed increase to 1080
-WR14R-PHANTOM projectile speed increase to 1000

-SHADE ammo decrease to 50.
-SKULL ammo increase to 112 (its just 12 more shots really.)
-SKULL2 ammo increase to 76
-SPIRIT damage increase to 3000, ammo decrease to 24, heat increase to 18000, usage drain increase to 9500

-BP bazooka weight increase to 1400.
-CR-WR76B, CR-WR81B2 Bazookas projectile speed increase to 980.
-CR-WR76B range increase to 400+

-Flame throwers deal damage similar to AC3 and other previous AC series instead of just applying heat.
-Burst rifles shoots 3 bullets simultaneously (similar or faster than how glock burst fires in counterstrike)

-PYTHON increase velocity to 1300.

-CR-WB69M ammo decrease to 30, velocity nerf to 560-

-CR-YWB05MV2 damage increase to 1350 to be same with other MV vertical missiles

-MAGORAGA spread normalize to other micros
-WB85MPX large missile is uninterceptable by core AMS, ignores decoy, can only be countered by SUIGETSU, RURI and RENGA (that can also miss).
-All Stealth missiles cannot be detected on radar, cannot be intercepted by core ams, cannot be decoyed, change color to blue (make different missiles distiguishable, like in AC1)

-Hi ACT missile lock speed same as small missiles, change color to red. (make different missiles distiguishable, like in AC1)

-Cluster missiles mechanic change from flying high to dropping bombs into flying towards and spraying cluster forward.

-all ground torpedo missile pods (including extensions) now floats a little bit higher similar to AC2.

-CR-WBW89M and CR-WBW94M2 dual missiles are now using medium missiles, so damage is around 1150-1350, velocity increase to 600.
-CR-WBW89M ammo increase to 36, weight increase to 1194.
-CR-WBW94M2 weight increase to 1545.

-CR-WB87LG damage increase to 1300-1400+
-CR-WB03LGL2 damage increase to 885, mag reload time increase 90.

-CR-WB69CG increase weight to 600.
-CR-WB72CGL weight decrease to 400, decrease drain to 3200, ammo clip reduce to 200, clip reload time nerf to 200.
-CR-WB03CGH weight increase to 800, clip reload time nerf to 180.
-CR-WBW78C clip increase to 20, clip reload time nerf to 170
-all Back mounted chainguns should have ZERO SPREAD and all increase clip to 40, all velocities universalized to 830.

-WB09PU-LAMIA projectile speed increase to 920
-WB25PU-LAMIA3 ammo increase to 60
-all pulse cannon lockbox change to "special"

-HARPY ammo reduce to 12, weight reduce to 400ish
-HARPY 2 ammo reduce to 24 weight increase to close 800

-GERYON ammo decrease to 20, firing interval slower to 90.
-CERBERUS damage increase to 2000, velocity 1150

-WB30Q-CHIMERA projectile increase to 1150+

-ECHIDNA weight tone down to 800ish, spread of missile improve to hit the target accurately
-ECHIDNA2 weight tone down to 450ish, spread of missile improve to hit the target accurately

-YASYA cannon now tracks and drone firing range increase.

-bring back air blade tracking

its really nothing don't mind me XD

anyway about the RLA I think its only problem would be its weight.

Head over to my LR hidden stats thread; all of the parts you mentioned are getting fixes. Oh, and I"ve cracked enough of the game to fixed 95percent of ACLR's competitive issues...
(11-05-2010, 10:50 PM)clonezero Wrote: anyway about the RLA I think its only problem would be its weight.

Exactly. The point of this thread is just to speculate what changes can make more parts usable or in line with everything else. Different people will probably different takes on how to rework parts though.

Like with RLA for example, its obvious problem is its weight. So making it lighter would be the most obvious way to rework it. But there are other ways of changing it too, like just increasing its rate of fire or magazine capacity or total ammo stores or whatever else. Etc etc.

edit: point is that there's no single right way to do this. And it's all just for fun since it's unlikely that we'll be able to implement any such imagined changes.
yup yup anyway to add to what I said

the rla I think should be lighter and slightly better fire and reload rates, but higher en drain and lower ammo

and all railguns should have their charge times reduced by 1/4 its current rate and the shot velocity and damage increased, its should be registered as a shell type weapon, heavier, drainier.

plasma weapons should have napalm like effects because its freaking plasma its not a laser beam!!!

(11-05-2010, 11:00 PM)adiyel Wrote: Head over to my LR hidden stats thread; all of the parts you mentioned are getting fixes. Oh, and I"ve cracked enough of the game to fixed 95percent of ACLR's competitive issues...

That's really cool. Well maybe you'll get a few ideas on how to rework some parts based on posts in this thread.
Off the top of my head, buffs first followed by nerfs (Not commenting on the starting parts):


-Flamethrowers (GACHIRIN, NICHIRIN): Use WS type lock and a quick lock time on par to that of the WR73RS, keep their range at 96.

-ROC3: Increase damage to 550, not hangarable.

-DRAGON: Hangarable. Increase its shot velocity to match the SHADE.

-GHOST2: Hangarable and increase ammo to 120, or increase weight to 388 and increase ammo to 144 instead (but not hangarable).

-Change MIST2 model to MIST and MIST to MIST2, increase MIST2 ammo to 84. Both are hangarable.

-WR88H: Hangarable, increase velocity to that of the WR69R, increase stun to that of the HP (to match the Japanese description), increase damage to 232, and revert it back to fire in bursts of 4 shots.

-H2 pistol: Increase range to 400, increase heat to 2980 considering that this thing was deadly in Silent Line.

-GHOST: increase attack heat to 3725.

-ARGOS and ARGOS2 switch model. Increase ARGOS2 energy drain to 522 and ammo to 60. Increase ARGOS energy drain to 360, damage to 401. Both are hangarable.

-TAROS: Implement the "dual laser openings", if that is not possible, increase damage to 1672, discharge heat to 1962, attack heat to 6264, and usage drain to 8352 (doubled version of ELF2 at least). Increase weight to 536 and decrease energy drain to 229.

-LB3: Switch blade wave explosion with ELF3.

-TROLL: Fire splitting projectile like the other spread bazookas, better yet have it fire explosive buckshot Tongue

-CHIMERA: Lower weight to 1400, increase ammo to 80.

-CERBERUS: Increase damage to 2055, decrease weight to 969, increase range to 830.

-Bomb dispensers (I69BD and I80BD2) should "spray" their projectiles like the URCHIN, or have it completely overhauled to fire micro missiles like that shown in the AC3 intro. In the case of the micro missiles, decrease range to 290, increase energy drain (180 for I69BD and 340 for I80BD2), and have them fire a large spread of 8 missiles each.

-WB72M2 and NYMPHE2: Increase accuracy but decrease velocity.

-WB73MP: Increase range to 600.

-Torpedoes (82MGT and E96RMG): Increase tracking, maybe let it fly a little higher to prevent grounding itself.

-WB85MPX: Decrease weight to 1026, drain to 605, and reload time to 200 (Best used as a spam and drop weapon).

-Chain guns (WB69CG, WB72CGL, and WB03CGH): All renamed to be gatling guns. Remove magazine function to fire at full automatic like the FINGER.

-WBW78C: Increase attack power to 240, and remove magazine function.

-LG linear cannon: Increase range to 730 (or even 825) to function like a sniper cannon.

-LGL2 linear cannon: Decrease weight to 515, reload time to 56 (magazine reload time remain the same).

-H69S head: Decrease drain to 164.

-84O/UL need a slightly higher heat resistance or cooling to offset for its high OB heat (and weight).

-A71S2: Decrease energy drain to 933.

-GALAGO: Increase aim accuracy to 280 to reflect its Japanese description.

-A80S3, LANGUR, and most of the heavy arms don't stand out as much as they do in SL and require some overhauls to be useful. I don't know if tuning should be allowed on weapon arms, although that would open up a few possibilities.

-B69: Increase base boost power to 16905, tuned boost power to 17469 (Or 18605 if keeping default tuning amount).

-B72T: Increase base boost power to 19238, tuned boost power to 20007 (Or 20320 if keeping default tuning amounts).

-B90T2: Decrease charge drain from 5850 to 4388 (25% lower).
-Re-introduce a DRAKE-OX boosters: duplicate and recolour B81 to dark grey with white exhaust. Stats as below:

>Cost: 98540 Credits
>Weight: 190, tuned 180
>Energy Drain: 391
>Boost Power: 17752, tuned 18752
>Charge Drain: 3542
>Boost Acceleration: 3230, tuned 3553
>Booster Heat: 3765, tuned 3577

-Lower booster heat on all hover legs as well as tank legs (tanks to VULTURE heat level, hovers to VULTURE2 level). Hovertanks should actually "hover" as in of over water and such.

-LT69: Decrease weight to ~2400, as it seems like this part was intended to be a light tank of some sort with its low defence and cooling.

-FUGEN: Increase max lock range to 530, average lock range to 483.

-KOKUH: Increase parallel lock to 95.


-ELF3: Use LB3 blade wave explosion, slightly decrease blade wave damage (80%).

-H3 pistol: Attack heat lowered to 2710. Increase damage to 235.

-LGL linear cannon: Ammo decreased to 53, and decrease attack power to 672.

-ROC4: Decrease damage to 464.

-YH70S2 head: Increase drain to 185.

That's it for now really, there are more buffs than nerfs because most parts just seem useless as in for now. Ninja

Edit 5/9/2011: Added even more stuff
CR-WR69M: underpowered, low ammo, not very accurate either.
CR-WR69M --------------> CWG-MG-500

PIXIE3: Too much ammo. Puts a lot of MGs to shame.
Ammo -------------- 800 ---------> 400

ATLAS and CR-C770/U ----> I think they should have better OB acceleration than most high speed OB cores(just like Birdie's slightly better acceleration to Vulture2 & GULL)

MICROS: Range is too great for slow moving missiles.
Range ------------- 700 ---------> 500 or 600

edit: i just moved them to first post
Quote:ettin - change projectile color to white and slows opponent when hit

the silky should be more like its MoA counterpart higher RoF, waaay lower drain, lower damage, less spread (its a freaking energy weapon why should it have recoil??),and more ammo!!!

bomb dispensers should have a wider spread, more bomblets per shot, and larger damage and AoE.


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