Current time: 09-25-2024, 11:15 PM
What motivates you?
Sforza's thread on the ways video games are turning you into an addict made me remember this very catchy video I found a few days ago through Twitter. It's about the science of what really motivates and drives us (mainly, in our work).

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Autonomy, complexity and purpose. Makes sense. Honestly though, I'm still at a point in my life where money is a big factor (the necessity of it aside) - probably because I have a lot of things I still yet want to buy, to do, etc etc.

I'm just wondering when these three factors will really, really hit me.

So, what motivates you?
The freedom to express my ideas and make it a reality.
its very simple but easier said than done.
Becoming a little stronger, day by day.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Building a Hempirie.
Gathering the stars of destiny. (O_____O)

I get motivated knowing that i am heading in what i really want in life.
If i die at any point in time...(not now) LOL.... i willl still be aftraid of the process but the 'unknowness' i totally embrace it just like herbing up and gently feeling the detachment of consciousness as sleep embraces you.
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
What motivates me are my goals primarily. Get to work in Japan(and stay there for good), get rich enough to retire early, get the stuff I want(yeah also get a gf that fits my criteria), help my siblings out in their dreams and goals. Also, one of the primary driving factors is proving people wrong-a lot of the people I know(hs "barkada", relatives..basically most of the people i know thats not an rr member) always tell me that the things I want in life are hard to get or attain. I want to prove them wrong, and I have already(by self-funding my trip to japan)

Sorry mix, but i don't really include helping society out, or even trying to help this country. I don't know, I have never felt any sort of loyalty to the Philippines-I have sometimes thought to myself that I was born in the wrong place even,

(lol why so serious, mark?)
(06-10-2010, 04:34 PM)arch_angel Wrote: Sorry mix, but i don't really include helping society out, or even trying to help this country. I don't know, I have never felt any sort of loyalty to the Philippines-I have sometimes thought to myself that I was born in the wrong place even,

(lol why so serious, mark?)

right! Salute
Back then babae. I scrubbed toilets and pulled heavy trolleys so I can send some money to that ho.

I'm not sure if there's anything that motivates me these days. I Might join ADF or al-taqeda for the call of duty.

[Image: HardBoiledPoster.jpg]
What motivates me these days are:

The feeling of fulfillment when everything you have to do is done, and done right. Beats playing games to forget problems(I used to do this, a lot)

Meeting up with buddies doing whatever. Even if they're imperfect, unlikely friends, it gives you room to improve yourself when it comes to intrapersonal skills, and dealing with people you want/don't want to be with.

Knowing that every task I complete is a surefooted step (no matter how small) to success.

Being relied upon by people and living up to, or even exceeding, their expectations.

Life is good when you do things the right way, in your own way. Big grin

I'm motivated because I hate everything and I don't want to hate everything even more -_-

Edit: It's something like this -- I'm doing a job I don't really enjoy, so I'm trying to get things right now by studying what I should have studied in the first place. We're all getting older, so I suppose I should be lucky I'm even getting this chance.
I've also been getting sick a lot lately, so it's given me a sense of urgency to do certain things by getting my priorities sorted out.
motivation : being able to compete and prove something

same with jake here, the only reason i couldn't study what i want is because my parents couldn't fund it and wanted something more simpler for me = economics.

now my sister was able to study want i wanted because there are "other" sources now that could fund her schooling

and now i still have a small chance of getting away from my "destiny", its either win or death.
just a common denominator for all is we all want to reach or attain our own personal goals...
you can say that motivation is very specific and personal...
its hard to tell what motivates us inside unless we know thyself...
Can't exactly tell what. Mostly it's effort and reward, which usually involves gaming (exclude the mmos; i dont play bullshit with developers and their promos anymore, w/c i did a couple of months ago) and schoolwork; for some reason I just couldn't screw my school career right now, especially after I've started with quite a good record this term. It'll be a total waste if I do.
social interaction I guess ... not sure really as Im more of a take each day as they come kind of guy XD


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