Current time: 03-07-2025, 12:04 AM
Help me design my AC
Hello guys, I hope someone is still here to answer few of my questions

First i really like armored core, started playing since the first release on PS1.But sadly i never played it again until now.Most store here doesnt sell the other titles but anyway when i first played it again i was discourage, this wasnt i last remembered especially the controls, i was blown away, i used to own the arena back then and the control was a breeze.

A lot has changed, parts added (insides,FCS,extensions...etc) But now im starting to feel the game, slowly recovering from controls.

Right now i need help in building my own prefered AC but i dont know where to start.Im hoping you guys can help.

i followed a guide for this for starter.

Head - YH70S2(tune cooling to max)
Core - C69U(tune cooling to max)
Arms - A72F(tune cooling to max)
Legs - DINGO(tune cooling to max)
Booster - B72T(tune booster heat to max)
Generator - LOTUS(tune condenser capacity to max)
Radiator - R76(tune normal cooling to max)
Back L - default
Back R - default
Arm L - Elf
Arm R - WR73R2

got me to 20th in the arena so far

I like the set up but i know this build needs a lot of improvement what i prefer is an AC that moves around alot but can still damage from far to mid-range but not close combat.Any suggestions opinions advice is greatly appreciated. thanks

sana matulungan nyo ako hehehe
It's not my duty to die for your government and suffer for your religion...I choose life.
Welcome to RR!

First of all, for us to help you, it'd help us to know which AC game you're playing.

If it's Nexus, then tuning everything to cooling is fine. But if it's Last Raven, it's best to tune to compensate for the deficiencies of an AC in certain areas like defense or cooling.

Do you already have all the parts? Don't worry so much about creating a staple AC until you've actually collected all the parts in the game.

And since I'm not really sure which parts you have and don't have yet, I'll just individually appraise the parts you have on.

Head - YH70S2 - good head. but pair it with the starter radar. (69RA?)
Core - C69U - fine for now but replace with at least U2 soon. U2 can last you the rest of the game.
Arms - A72F - good balanced arm. best mixed in with high energy defense parts.
Legs - DINGO - good.
Booster - B72T(tune booster heat to max) - replace asap. B81 or BIRDIE at the very least.
FCS - MUREX - replace asap. Generally you should match a weapon's lock-type to the lock-type of your FCS (Wide and Shallow, Narrow and Deep, Special, Standard)
Generator - LOTUS - great radiator. LOTUS and G91 are probably the only generators you need for almost all situations.
Radiator - R76 replace with at least HAZEL. But if you get ANANDA, it should be enough for all situations.
Back L - default - 69M missile? One of the best missile packs for 1on1. Might not be great for missions.
Back R - default - 69RA radar? Pretty much the only back radar to consider (except for certain missions)
Arm L - Elf
Arm R - WR73R2 - great gun
Hi Enjoyincubus Tongue, you might want to introduce yourself in the introductions thread if you have the time. Anyway, on to your inquiry.

First off, there is an option to change the controls back to the classic button mapping in case you are wondering. The default setting is the dual analog input or Type-A controls, and can be changed by going to the Options > System > Controller > Type-B. Type-B are the default controls for Armored Core since the first game that you might find familiar Tongue.

As for your design, I am assuming you started from a new game and there's little to that can be done until you find more parts. From what's available at the beginning of the game, I recommend buying the VULTURE2 boosters, G91 generator, and the HAZEL2 radiator. If you want more speed, you can go for the GULL boosters, LOTUS generator, and the HAZEL2 radiator. Those internal combinations will carry you for the rest of the game, at least until you find the ANANDA radiator. Remember to tune your boosters for heat reduction and/or acceleration, increase output for your generators, and tune for cooling or drain for your radiators. If you have any spare cash, get the F73H FCS which is easily compatible with most weapon combinations.

As for weapons, blading has taken a serious hit in effectiveness compared to the PS1 generation of AC games. In LR they track poorly, so its much easier to use a ranged left hand weapon in most cases. I would recommend the accurate and heavy hitting CR-WHO5BP bazooka as your primary weapon and maybe a CR-WH69H for your left hand with something underneath, like another handgun or a blade if you prefer. However, I would like you to try different weapons out for yourself and see what suits your style best.

In summary I'd recommend upgrading your weapons and your internals first before going on to buy better frame parts, as they are easily accessible near the beginning of the game. The G91/VULTURE2/HAZEL2 or LOTUS/GULL/HAZEL2 will carry you for the rest of the game until you find the ANANDA to replace the HAZEL2 radiator. Frame parts and other weapons can be purchased as soon as they're available later in the game. :p

If you have any further inquiries, just let us know and we'll try to help you out. Sophie
WOW thanks for the insights guys Worship

I apologize for the lack of information in my first post, i was really confuse and in desperate need of help Blink

But anyway, Im playing Armored Core:Last Raven right now

Made a few adjustments myself from the posts ive read Happy

Here goes:

Core: C9BE2
Legs: DINGO2

Booster: VULTURE2
Generator: G01-LOTUS
Radiator: ANANDA

Inside: NONE
Extension: CR-E92RM3

Back Unit R: NYMPHE (using it now for missions) not yet final
Back Unit L: NYMPHE (using it now for missions) not yet final
Arm Unit R: PIXIE3 (using it now for missions) not yet final
Arm Unit L: ELF2 (using it now for missions) not yet final

Arm Unit R Hanger: NONE
Arm Unit L Hanger: NONE


---- TUNES -----
all cooling to 10. I dont really know whats the best tune for my AC but right now im comfortable playing with it, fast,kinda light and energy is not that drainy. So suggestion is appreciated.

As for my AC, I like something light, moves a lot and at the same time consumes less energy. For weapons something that can ditch out damage from far and mid range.

Lets not limit ourselves about the parts from now on. Feel free to suggest any part you like that would fit my AC. But kindly please specify if its found in the mission or not. No need to specify what mission, i'll look up that one myself.

One more thing. Im using the control type B, im not really that good about manuevering, Not really good at looking up and looking down but i can pretty much do circling my opponents to the point that i can attack them from behind, with few exceptions of course. I wish i could do it like the videos in youtube.

And also im having trouble using my ARM L weapon since im using the TYPE B controller. Cant manuever properly while pressing both ARM R and ARM L weapon.

Thanks in advance Smile
It's not my duty to die for your government and suffer for your religion...I choose life.
That design is already quite workable for most missions. You've got a high ammo count primary weapon and 2 back mounts that can volley fire to destroy many of the tougher grunts you come across (Not to mention the damaging RM3 extensions). You might have a harder time against arena and mission AC opponents, so I'd still recommend having a 2nd gun on your left arm instead of a 2nd missile pack. Most of the ACs you'll be facing in missions can easily dodge missile fire even from odd angles, so the only way to hit them constantly is with a direct fire weapon. Otherwise, you've got all the grunts pinned down with your high ammo capacity and missiles. Maybe Nix can give a more thorough review of your design. :p

I only have a couple of changes I'd recommend for your frame design though, first of which is to swap the VULTURE2 for the GULL if you feel like having a little extra kick in your boost power and boost drain. The GULL and LOTUS generators are perfectly made for each other since the GULL's low drain and high boost power offset's the LOTUS' low capacity and (relatively) low output. The GULL's high heat problem is then covered by the LOTUS' very low calorific value, easily taming the GULL's vicious heat stat (The highest among external boosters). On the other hand, if you want a stable, cooler combination try upgrading the generator to the G91, which the VULTURE2 should have no problem working with, and you get higher capacity, acceleration, and output as a result.

My second suggestion is to change the FCS to the MIROKU given your current weapons. The MIROKU will guarantee a bigger lock box, and a faster lock time for your weapons, which should make it easier for you to destroy stuff Tongue. Overall you already have a versatile design capable of finishing most missions. Your frame parts work well for a variety of situations, and it just needs a bit of tweaking for more specialized roles for specialized missions. Great job there Big grin

As for tunes, try to buff out the stat a particular part lacks. If say the part has poor EN defense stat, maximizing your tuning points on that stat will yield maximum benefits. Of course, the benefits of tuning the same stat diminishes as more points are added, therefore you might want to spread the points out to other critical areas if you've got its weakness covered. Then again, I'm lazy with mine and I usually tune 10 points on a particular stat. LOL

Now you mentioned that you're a mid-range combatant, have you tried any of the rifles available in the game? I think you'll particularly like the 93RL for its all around stopping power, high ammo count, and accuracy. However the part is unlocked in a mission which I sadly don't remember.

With regards to using left arm weapons, try as much as possible to learn how to use them in conjunction with your other weapons. The benefits of having a ready weapon all the time that can be activated at a push of a button are tremendous, and can save your AC in a tight situation. Try starting out with single-shot left arm weapons first such as shotguns and bazookas, to get the feel of mixing up your left arm attacks with your primary attacks. Then try moving on to automatic weapons and see if you can hold long bursts on your opponent while moving. Don't worry, it just takes a bit of getting used to, you'll be able to use your left arm weapon often soon enough. Tongue
Cool beans. A Cebu raven. No wonder you write better English than the average Tagalog.

Anyway for now, I'll let this thread stay in game help. But as we shift the discussion more towards just your AC design, I'll move this to LR designs. Smile

For starters, you can take a peak at this (huge) thread for a previous new player:

It's quite a read but it'll most likely answer many of your questions.

So onto your AC. I see that you like low-drain light-midweight bipeds. That's perfectly fine. And most AC players tend to prefer that AC class.

Anyway, onto appraising your parts again:

Head: YH12-MAYFLY --> (nothing particularly good about this head. The S2 you were using before was better. But like I said, pair it with the 69RA starter radar)
Core: C9BE2 --> So-so as an Exceed-Orbit core. But there aren't many alternatives. A standard hanger core like 98UL or U2 is usually better. But I guess it pairs nicely with your PIXIE3 here.
Arms: MACAQUE --> great arm. One of the best in its class.
Legs: DINGO2 --> heavy lightweight / light midweight. Low drain. It's no wonder you were drawn to this leg. Really good set, but don't let it restrict your growth. It has a tendency to do that.

Booster: VULTURE2 --> excellent. But it pairs better with the G91 generator UNLESS you're using an OB core.
FCS: MF03-VOLUTE2 --> decent FCS for standard-type weapons but doesn't really go well with your PIXIE3. F73H (SW) is probably your best bet, considering both your P3 and missiles. COWRY (WS) will give you the biggest lockbox but will limit the range of your missiles.
Generator: G01-LOTUS --> nothing really wrong with this. But G91 will give you more energy faster
Radiator: ANANDA

Inside: NONE
Extension: CR-E92RM3 --> best missile extensions in the game.

Nymphe is nice. But usually, it's paired with missile-specialized FCS like MONJU so that you can maximize the number of locks.
PIXIE3 is a great machine gun. But your previous R2 is probably more versatile and easier to use.


--> for optionals: HISTON and PHAGE are not necessary unless your AC's really specializing in energy weapons. CODON and SS are more useful.

Tuning: Basically, a part's lowest stats gain the most per tuning point. Just play around with it and try to get as much per tuning point as you can. As long as your AC already has around 15000 cooling, you can devote most of your tuning to defense or weight reduction.

Type B players have different techniques for shooting their lefthand guns.

1: use right index finger on the O-button. right thumb on X and square. right middle finger for R1 and R2. Will take time for index finger to get used to the awkward position.

2: remap the controls. Left arm on triangle, change weapon on O. Use tip of thumb to hit both square and triangle

3: default controls but use the tip of your thumb to hit square. Thumb-joint hits X. Middle/base part of thumb hits O. (LOL only Leperman is capable of this)

4: Type B but use left analog stick for movement. Place left-hand controls on L3.

5: Be normal and just tap circle occasionally.

EDIT: LOL beaten by Rick.


For some ideas for ACs using different leg types and weight classes, check out the garages by me and Leperman. Note FCS choices given the weapons, tuning, and Generator-Booster-Radiator combos.
"Armored Core 101" more info there nix thanks
and thanks for checking out my parts

same goes for you Leperman, thanks on the info about combination in booster and generator. Test it myself, my energy doesnt go below the half, really love it We're not worthy Cant remember though if it was like this before LOL All i know is i keep reaching 10% of my energy.

Finished Pulverizer path
Currently Taking Zinaida path
Finished the arena

Love to face other AC other than the ones in the arena so i took zinaida path, I really like to test my skills if it has improved since i dont have anyone here to play it with, by far it didnt dissapoint

As for the optional parts LOL i forgot to take those out when i made a few tests.

For the controls changed the settings to favor my hand control. Type B control, changed ARM L to R2, Lookdown to O. Ill just have to jump with the opponent when he jumps to keep him targeted.

Will read the links you post nix and after im gonna run a few tests and ill get back to you guys as soon as possible and hopefully post here my final design, Im kinda busy in the next few days so it might take a while.

Again THANKS Worship

It's not my duty to die for your government and suffer for your religion...I choose life.
Oh and I noticed from that first AC you posted that you're using this gamefaqs LR faq

Don't listen too much to his AC designing advice. It's not that good.
Also try using the type A controls. You can take advantage of the analog sticks for moving and looking around without pressing too many buttons.
Yup, followed that guide for starter

just finished a couple missions, didnt have much time to run some tests, have been busy,im finishing up a couple of things, plus im still doing the missions for the parts that i need.

read a few post in the thread you posted nix,most AC are built in with dual weapons Happy ( i really need to pracitice using dual weapons then )

Tried using the type A Magog, kinda hard maybe it just takes practice and getting used to
It's not my duty to die for your government and suffer for your religion...I choose life.
Good to know you're making progress Tongue Anyway, whenever you need help or need a design review just let us know and post whatever inquiry you have Happy
Yup, all thanks to you guys We're not worthy

Heres what i got so far:

Head: DRONE (not really sure what to put here, i only use it for radar function)
Core: YC03U4 (same goes for here)
Legs: DINGO2

Booster: VULTURE2
Generator: G91
Radiator: ANANDA

Inside: NONE
Extension: CR-E92RM3

Back Unit R: NYMPHE
Back Unit L: NYMPHE
Arm Unit R: PIXIE3

Arm Unit R Hanger: NONE
Arm Unit L Hanger: NONE

I know, nothing much has change, i really suck at this LOL

After finishing the Zinaida path, a lot has changed. I thought my current set up was good. I rely too much on my NYMPHE + R3 + MIROKU (thanks to leperman on this FCS suggestion MIROKU,loving it LOL combo and never on PIXIE3 or any of my ARM weapons when facing an AC. Missions are different story. What im talking about is the arena.

EX or VR arena my NYMPHE + R3 really does the job. I just boost away from the opponent, locked all 6 missiles and just watch as it consumes the enemy's AP, and before i know it, its down to 4-5K of AP with 3-4 shots remaining on my extensions. And when im out of missiles i just finish him off with PIXIE3 and EO.

But this was not the case when i fought Zinaida in the arena. My NYMPHE + R3 combo didnt work for her Blink Either she dodged it or got intercepted. Then i thought about it, what if i was fighting a human player?, i would be dead halfway before i know it LOL

So my question from here,since you guys played with each other before, and from what i read here, testing a set-up with an AI is inconclusive, what can you guys suggest to my weapons and current set up?

Even though i cant actually test it with other players, still i want an AC set up that works against human player even if i have to test it with an AI.

thanks again Happy
It's not my duty to die for your government and suffer for your religion...I choose life.
Your AC design is slowly moving towards the archetypal energy-efficient light-midweight humanoid. I guess it's a phase for most players. One of my earliest LR designs ( ) also fell into this very archetype. And then check out both Hyperion and Osiris here:

As it is, you're actually already using really good parts. PIXIE3 is a fine weapon if you know how to play with the range. R2 might be easier to use though (and it's one of the best guns in the game).
(02-13-2010, 06:02 PM)enjoyincubus Wrote: Core: YC03U4 (same goes for here)

EX or VR arena my NYMPHE + R3 really does the job. I just boost away from the opponent, locked all 6 missiles and just watch as it consumes the enemy's AP, and before i know it, its down to 4-5K of AP with 3-4 shots remaining on my extensions. And when im out of missiles i just finish him off with PIXIE3 and EO.

There's no EO function on the U4... were you using the 89E? Rofl

IMO human players can really juke your lock box, so I would say use a multiple launching missile such as the CR-WB75MT to avoid taking chances with the lock on the NYMPHE. It's up to you really.
The DRONE in itself is already a good head part because of its balanced defense, low drain, very good radar range and refresh, which IMO is among the best for personal reasons (I find mid-range, frequent refreshing radar systems superior over long range ones because it doesn't clutter your radar too much. Important in PvP IMO). Keep it if you wish. However, if you want something lighter, the EYE series of heads (Except maybe the EYE2) are good choices for fulfilling defense and radar needs without being too drainy on your energy supply. The EYE3 in particular, has top stats for defense/weight ratios and drain, though its radar may be sub-standard but otherwise usable.

I dunno if you were indeed referring to the C89E as Medusa0 pointed out. Anyway the U4 in itself is a pretty good core, with high AP and better EN defense compared to other cores in its weight class, though it suffers from high drain. Check out the U3 and U2 cores if you want alternatives for better shell defense and lower drain if you're interested. Everything else seems to be in order though.

You might want to start practicing dual-gunning in the game at this point Tongue The higher level AIs are built especially to dodge missile barrages, so sticking to a missile based offense usually means missing your opponent for much of the time in open areas. Dual-gunning is usually the key in beating the higher arena opponents and other pilots in PvP, since it is less likely for an AI opponent or human player to dodge projectile weapons compared to missiles (their launch trajectories can easily be predicted even by human opponents). Otherwise you might want to check out some Weapon Arm parts, some of which are comparable to dual-gunning w/o the difficulty in operating them (the CETUS arms come to mind). That said, you might want to check out the F73H FCS for this purpose and maybe the ND FCS' for the CETUS. Tongue

The differences for AI and PvP fights goes as follows: The AI has an advantage in aiming, and will always be superior to human players in terms of reflexes. Not even the best AC players in the world can match the tracking ability of AI ACs. However, human opponents tend to take cover, retreat, snipe, rush, and play mind games with you, sometimes all within the span of 1 match making them more dangerous than any AI opponent with all the buffs from Human +. Contrast this to AI opponents merely trying to bull-rush you most of the time. Anyway, the closest human-level AI opponent IMO is NOVA R.G. who is rank#2 in the VR arena, at least he feints, advances and retreats when you fight him, though he's still pretty dumb when it comes to cover. If you want to get a glimpse of what a human opponent is like, he's the closest I've ever encountered in any AC game. There are a lot more differences that I just can't put here due to number and length, but overall human opponents are tougher and are very different from AIs.

As for weapons that work against humans, some missiles do a good job at it. The SATYROS + RM3 combo does pretty well as a direct firing missile system if you can lead its flight path to directly at an opponent. There are other useful missiles such as verts, though try the various missile systems available and see what works for you. High velocity arm weapons also do a good job in hitting human opponents, weapons such as rifles, sniper rifles and AST rifles, EN weapons, and some models of bazookas are accurate enough to hit fairly fast opponents. Fast firing short range weapons like handguns, MGs, and shotguns are good at close ranges and are usable for CQ designs. Performance varies per weapon model though, so see for your self what works for you, or you can ask us :p.

If you're going for quad or tank, then back cannons are a must. The GL, GERYON, 98G, and maybe the LGL are good back mounts to equip on tanks and quads (Except maybe the GERYON on a quad due to EN issues). With your design, I really don't know what optimal range you work with, maybe you can tell us how a flow of battle goes for you (what range do you often stay at, and what you do when an opponent advances and retreats) and maybe I can help with some weapon suggestions. :p

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