Current time: 10-01-2024, 11:44 AM
Personality tests
You scored 75 Will and 64 Aggression!

This feels like FFT with Brave and Faith. Lol.
Your result for The Survival as a Zombie Test...
</em></p><h3>Hungry Dead</h3><p>You scored 64 Will and 51 Aggression!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="177" height="200" /></p><div>Possessing more cunning than the garden variety shambler, nothing delights you more than engorging yourself on the flesh of the living. You aren't mindless, but the scent of your prey is so intoxicating you find it difficult to resist giving chase. When you do, it isn't at a lurch, either. Those expecting a mindless, slow-moving zombie will be quick to fall when you run them down. Destroying the living is only a secondary goal for you, however; the first is the feast. You will stop in the middle of battle to devour a fallen victim, even if there are still others left to fight.</div><p><a href="">
Take The Survival as a Zombie Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>


Your result for The Survival as a Zombie Test ...

You scored 72 Will and 96 Aggression!

Forget Dracula, the Mummy, or Frankenstein's Monster; you are the pinnacle of undeath. Among zombies, you are the king or queen: ruthless, insatiable, and deadly. Though you are the undisputed lord of the zombie horde, you still like getting your hands dirty. When you gleefully wade into battle, it is with the mind of a general and the might of a lion. If the heroes manage to defeat you, it's likely only with the help of heavy firepower, and you're sure to take a lot of them with you when you go.
'Signatures are overrated.'
[Image: whatcolor_isred.jpg]
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
I believe the result I got was Green.
[Image: whatcolor_iswhite.jpg]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
I just winged it XP

[Image: whatcolor_isblue.jpg]
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

Your result for The Survival as a Zombie Test...
</em></p><h4>Necromancer</h4><p>You scored 88 Will and 66 Aggression!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="150" height="200" /></p>
<div>You'd never be caught shambling and though you might enjoy a tasty brain from time to time, you won't fight a losing battle just to get it. You're a shadowy mastermind of the zombie army, rarely engaging directly in battle unless it's in your favor, and striking surgically when it is. You enjoy toying with your prey, twisting them body and mind. When cornered, you fight fiercely, but intelligently, always looking to exploit any advantage. More so than any other species of zombie, you're likely to sneak away to safety in the end.</div><p><a href="">
Take The Survival as a Zombie Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>
LOL Hey, isn't that Wanzerfreak? LOL
The Hellraiser gets represented! Tongue
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."

<p><em>Your result for The What Kind of Christian are You Test...</em></p><h4>a Liberal Christian</h4><p>You scored 29 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="60" height="126" /></p><div>You are theologically orthodox but more socially liberal, at least in the ways that you imagine Jesus would have been. You believe in spreading the gospel but not in bashing other people to do it. Your beliefs are serious to you, but you probably have a pretty good sense of humor about them too. The Episcopal Church welcomes you!

Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)</div><p><a href="">Take The What Kind of Christian are You Test</a> at <a href="">OkCupid</a></p>
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]

[Image: whatcolor_iswhite.jpg]Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

Quote:Your result for The Who is Your Type Test ...
Miss Shy

48% Miss Brains, 49% Miss Creative, 75% Miss Shy, 20% Miss Bitch
You like shy women who keep themselves to themselves and don't bother you with their problems. She's likely to be somewhat reclusive and timid at heart, with a 'speak when spoken to' attitude.

She is the kind of woman who needs someone who will nurture and care for her, whilst giving her the space to enjoy her own company.

Pros of dating Miss Shy:

1. She's loyal, caring and thoughtful.

2. She'll never make a scene or embarass you in public.

3. You're very unlikely to find her in bed with anyone other than her teddy bear.

4. She is kind, almost to a fault (but this goes in pros anyway).

5. She doesn't tend to start or partake in arguments.

Cons of dating Miss Shy:

1. She can have a tendancy to be scared of normal social activities.

2. She is a loner and is likely to cling to a partner too tightly.

3. She is easily led. (This is a bad trait NOT a good one.)

4. She can be slow on the uptake, which will frustrate some people.

5. Her shyness may well be down to insecurity.

When you find her, look after her.

And looking after her I am. LOL


You scored 67 Will and 68 Aggression!

You'd never be caught shambling and though you might enjoy a tasty brain from time to time, you won't fight a losing battle just to get it. You're a shadowy mastermind of the zombie army, rarely engaging directly in battle unless it's in your favor, and striking surgically when it is. You enjoy toying with your prey, twisting them body and mind. When cornered, you fight fiercely, but intelligently, always looking to exploit any advantage. More so than any other species of zombie, you're likely to sneak away to safety in the end.

Quote:a Liberal Christian

You scored 31 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!
You are theologically orthodox but more socially liberal, at least in the ways that you imagine Jesus would have been. You believe in spreading the gospel but not in bashing other people to do it. Your beliefs are serious to you, but you probably have a pretty good sense of humor about them too. The Episcopal Church welcomes you! Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)
I can only comfort you through your dreams. When you are wide awake, all I can do is smile and enjoy your presence.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Autism Spectrum Quotient:

28 = Above average
17 = Average
22 for me - still average.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."

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