Current time: 03-06-2025, 11:17 PM
The beginning of the end.
...your thoughts?
I'm getting really anxious these days. Storms and floods everywhere, Earthquakes here and there. At one moment, peace. In the few next moments, ruins.

As much as I want to dismiss the 'end' theory, these recent 'natural disasters' are really starting to make me anxious. They're happening so fast, practically everywhere, that it's hard to dismiss these events as mere 'coincidences'.Ninja

Your thoughts?

Baka nasa wrong thread ako, just get me out of here if that's the case, kthx
EDIT: I meant wrong place to post, whatever. Sleepy @_@
I merely dismiss these as just freak accidents or mere coincidences. Take note that a lot of these have happened waaay before even our great grandparents where born. It's just that the media and the internet disseminate the info way way faster than back then-not to mention the religious organizations that over-hype these phenomena and call them "punishment for sinners" and "end of the world" stuff. It's sad that a lot of people get suckered in by this and not try to think about it first.

If it ends, then it ends. I don't really know(or care) when this world ends, or if it will really end for that matter. For me, I'd rather use that uncertainty to give value to the life I have right now, and to make the most out of it while it lasts.
No point stressin yourself over it.

I do believe that shit's happening cuz of global warming and climate change and other crap. But they're man-made problems. God has nothing to do with this.

And yes, it's cuz of the internet that news spreads so fast and looks magnified.
nobody knows when the world will end...

global warming plays a great factor why this things are happening, all we have to do is prepare....

if this natural disaster means we have to change and act now because we are the one's being affected....

we don't have to correlate all this things to the end of the world...for me like what the arch angel have said if it ends today or tomorrow then it be it...

peace of mind is needed....

act and save mother nature..........
Reminds me of a movie coming soon in the theaters lol

Seriously though, I think it's just Mother Nature spanking people back.
[Image: nines.jpg]
If the end of the world is indeed coming, we only have ourselves to blame. We're the ones who've been abusing the planet ever since we arrived here and it's about time that we started reaping what we've sown. I'm not thinking about this from a religious viewpoint, since various religions have always prophesied about the end of the world in one way or another. The only common thing is that things always get better after the apocalypse has run it's course.

It's just that human beings are so destructive. Other creatures are content with confining themselves to their territories and co-existing with the other organisms there and whatever available resources in the area. In our case, what we have is never enough. We insist on using up all resources in one area and move on to the next after exhausting everything until there's only a wasteland left. Humans are not even content with sharing it with other people and so we declare war on others time and time again just for these resources, which leads to even more pain on the nature's part. We are the reason why it seems that the planet itself is trying to get rid of us.

If you think about it, it's possible that human beings are a plague that will scrub the earth clean. We are the only ones who destroy things so well that it seems like that is our intended function. Maybe every few eons, there is some animal that comes along and kills off the rest of the world. Sort of like clearing the decks and allowing the planet and it's evolution to move on to the next phase. In other words, just like a reset button.

That's just my two cents on the topic. It may be a bit extreme and i don't intend to alarm anyone but that's just what i think.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Haha yeah I saw that trailer once, it looks interesting. I'll watch that when it premieres.

I guess the stuff I had to put up with when I took up a certain religion got to me. Not that I really am backing anything by any means, but I was sort of thinking, what's to expect? If it's one of those giant waves in the 2012 trailer, well, that'll give me a "Wooooooooow.." face before I die. LOL

Rick, do you remember the vid you showed me some time ago? It has stuff that correlates, though it sets the timer to 150 years or so from now (End of the age of Pisces? I'm also wondering why Pisces is technically always the last zodiac sign in most horoscopes I see). There's also the popular Mayan Calendar (thus the 2012 theory).

But religion and the media sure does add hype to this. I know that there are LOTS of other better things to do, better stuff to think about, etc., but under the hustle and bustle, there's the feeling that something's not right. It just isn't right.
You probably just have too much free time to think about this. Go do something else. LOL
You're right. Spot on. LOL

Well I still have a bad feeling about the times. We'll see if distraction plays a better role than this Smile
A dozen or so sandwiches later on should be enough of a distraction for you. LOL
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
(10-16-2009, 10:11 AM)Fox Wrote: If you think about it, it's possible that human beings are a plague that will scrub the earth clean. We are the only ones who destroy things so well that it seems like that is our intended function. Maybe every few eons, there is some animal that comes along and kills off the rest of the world. Sort of like clearing the decks and allowing the planet and it's evolution to move on to the next phase. In other words, just like a reset button.

That's certainly an interesting point. That also challenges and invalidates what we've been taught all our lives that humans are the pinnacle of evolution and life, which I'm not entirely sure of now myself.

I have to be honest though, I did think like Shin at one point these past two weeks. Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons. It's really all unsettling the way they all came together so quickly. Even if you factor in the Internet, this string of natural disasters is much too close to each other for comfort. Plus, did you know there's another one coming to us? (In a great stroke of irony, the international name of this is Lupit LOL ).

But yeah, mankind's definitely brought some changes to the world. Let's hope we learn in time.
I don't think it's literally the end of the world quite yet, that is, if you're thinking one massive disaster is enough to take you out.

It's more like being slow-boiled to death. It doesn't happen immediately but eventually we'll all get killed at the rate we're going.

And due to that fact I don't think it's too late to act. It's just a matter of getting people to care enough about it.
End of life on earth, as we know it, maybe. But end, as in end, of the earth itself? That'll only come i a few million years when Mr. Sun toasts us to oblivion and then engulfs us.
Adding fuel to the fire.

Quote:Arctic ice cap 'to disappear in future summers'

LONDON (AFP) – The Arctic ice cap will disappear completely in summer months within 20 to 30 years, a polar research team said as they presented findings from an expedition led by adventurer Pen Hadow.

It is likely to be largely ice-free during the warmer months within a decade, the experts added.

Veteran polar explorer Hadow and two other Britons went out on the Arctic ice cap for 73 days during the northern spring, taking more than 6,000 measurements and observations of the sea ice.

The raw data they collected from March to May has been analysed, producing some stark predictions about the state of the ice cap.

"The summer ice cover will completely vanish in 20 to 30 years but in less than that it will have considerably retreated," said Professor Peter Wadhams, head of the polar ocean physics group at Britain's prestigious Cambridge University.

"In about 10 years, the Arctic ice will be considered as open sea."

Starting off from northern Canada, Hadow, Martin Hartley and Ann Daniels skied over the ice cap to measure the thickness of the remaining ice, assessing its density and the depth of overlying snow, as well as taking weather and sea temperature readings.

Across their 450-kilometre (290 mile) route, the average thickness of the ice floes was 1.8 metres (six feet), while it was 4.8 metres when incorporating the compressed ridges of ice.

"An average thickness of 1.8 metres is typical of first year ice, which is more vulnerable in the summer. And the multi-year ice is shrinking back more rapidly," said Wadhams.

"It's a concrete example of global change in action.

"With a larger part of the region now in first year ice, it is clearly more vulnerable. The area is now more likely to become open water each summer, bringing forward the potential date when the summer sea ice will be completely gone."

Doctor Martin Sommerkorn, senior climate change adviser for the World Wide Fund for Nature's international Arctic programme, said the survey painted a sombre picture of the ice meltdown, which was happening "faster than we thought".

"Remove the Arctic ice cap and we are left with a very different and much warmer world," he said.

Loss of sea ice cover will "set in motion powerful climate feedbacks which will have an impact far beyond the Arctic itself," he added.

"This could lead to flooding affecting one quarter of the world's population, substantial increases in greenhouse gas emission from massive carbon pools and extreme global weather changes."

"Today's findings provide yet another urgent call for action to world leaders ahead of the United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen in December to rapidly and effectively curb global greenhouse gas emissions."
May bukas pa kaya para tuparin ang ating mga.....

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