Just specify your requirements and I'll build up something to the best that I can. 
Very specific requirements are preferred. But being general is fine too.

Very specific requirements are preferred. But being general is fine too.
AC Requests!
Just specify your requirements and I'll build up something to the best that I can.
![]() Very specific requirements are preferred. But being general is fine too.
07-24-2009, 03:24 PM
I haven't had the time to make one, so can you build me one? I also haven't been playing LR for the longest time, so it'd help if I had an AC to practice with. And so to have an AC I can call my own
![]() Specs to come, after you approve of course ![]()
07-24-2009, 06:35 PM
Hahah that's the whole point of this thread.
Just give me your preferences on weapons type, leg type, weight class, armor class, preferred booster and fcs shape, etc.
07-24-2009, 08:08 PM
We can also test it out for various cases: competitive play, damage race, vs. AI, single player functionability, etc, if you want.
"Numbers are not part of the real world; they're part of something else."
-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division
07-25-2009, 01:31 AM
Hahah oo basta ba hindi ka overtime.
07-25-2009, 03:22 AM
Here goes..
Chassis: Midweight biped Weapon setup: Simple weapon setup, as long as there's an energy blade in one hand. As for back weaponry, if a quick-fire missile combo can be done with a certain FCS, then that'll do. Preferred core type: That with the little shooter thing is called whut? I forgot ![]() Preferred FCS class: Box/Wide, quick lockon for missiles if do-able. Any booster will do, as long as it's not the starter kind ![]() As for the energy setup, I'd go with the average cap-high recharge-mid emergency cap setup, if that's possible. Cooling.. I think I'll need it somehow, I'm a bullet sponge. If you can recommend another chassis type, I won't mind. I'm still a newbie. I prefer bipeds so I can learn how to dodge stuff.
07-25-2009, 03:37 AM
I strongly suggest a medium weight Heavy. para makunat.
'Signatures are overrated.'
07-25-2009, 07:57 PM
Medium weighted Heavy leg? Might as well be a tank. Or I'll have to manage using an OB core with the Heavy leg setup. That's a very different play style that I won't have time to practice.
Old school. Think lightweight, machine gun-toting, blade tracking MoA ACs. ![]()
Here ya go, Shin.
Pilot Name: Shintetsu AC Name: Head: YH15-DRONE (0,0,4,6,0) Core: CR-C89E (6,0,0,4,0) Arms: A09-LEMUR2 (6,4,0,0,0) Legs: LH04-DINGO (0,0,3,7,0) Booster: CR-B83TP (0,0,0,10) FCS: CR-F73H if you like a rectangle reticle. MIROKU if you prefer square. Generator: CR-G91 (0,10,0) Radiator: ANANDA (0,0,10) Inside: NONE Extension: E02RM-GAR RELATION MISSILE Back Unit R: NONE (or 69M!) Back Unit L: CR-WB75MT TRIPLE MISSILE Arm Unit R: CR-WR73R2 RIFLE Arm Unit L: YWL16LB-ELF3 LASER BLADE O01-ANIMO, CR-O69ES, CR-O69SS, KISSYOH, CR-O75LA, CR-O79L+, O03-CODON AP: 8592 Max Boost Speed: 415 Surplus Energy: 4698 Turning Speed: 1219 Stability: 5154 Cooling: 15198 Defense: 1903/1747 The AC's balanced in pretty much all aspects. Speed and defense is above average for the midweight class thanks to TP and LEMUR2. Even with frantic boosting with the TP, energy supply doesn't choke thanks to oodles of surplus energy. Killing rate isn't so bad either even when compared to dual-wielding ACs thanks to this AC's EOs. R2 is a light but extremely reliable weapon, while MT+GAR is simply devastating when aimed properly. ELF3's there since you wanted a blade, but personally, I'd just drop it at the start of a match. The whole AC's built for ease of use. I hope it suits your needs. ![]()
07-27-2009, 04:15 PM
Gee, thanks!
I'll build this somewhere and get some time to feel the controls and the AC setup. I'll just consult here for more changes. If the blade isn't really that reliable, then we'll see ![]()
07-27-2009, 08:26 PM
It plays fine even without the blade.
![]() If stun bothers you, DRONE can easily be switched for EYE3 or even S2+RA radar.
Need opinion on this one and suggestions for fine-tuning it.
Armoring parts DRONE U4 MACAQUE HF Internals G84P/G91 (depends) ANANDA F73H VULTURE2 Weapons GAST GAST SATYROS RM3 69H SYLPH It's my usual staple and i'm quite satisfied with it but i would like some opinions on how it can be improved, parts-wise or tuning wise.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
You meant H89F right? Just curious why you're using this instead of, say, S2 or COUGAR2 or DINGO. You don't have any energy weapons so there really isn't much needed for the super low drain that the 89F provides.
Nothing wrong with the rest of the frame parts, but you may want to consider GIBBON instead of MACAQUE to balance the defense a bit more. Definitely just G91 for this one. Can't really go wrong with G91+V2+ANANDA. Weapons: Personally, I don't really like the GAST because it's somewhat inaccurate and it gives you a special-type reticle. ![]() I dunno what your OPs are, but I suggest Amino, ES, SS, LA, L+, Codon, Marishi, Ribose if it can still fit Tuning: Invest everything on defense. Don't bother tuning for cooling or weight in this case. Play around and see which tunes give you the most defense per tuning point. I think 89F pretty much needs 3 points on cooling though. Tune G91 either (0,10,0) or (0,8,2). Ananda: (0,0,10). Vulture2: (0,5,0,5) or (0,0,5,5) or (0,3,4,3) or something like these. EDIT: Tested the design. I'm okay with the double special box. Like I said, if you're okay with it, then there's no problem there. 89F's not my kind of leg, but I can't see anything glaringly wrong with it either. The above-average defense stability is nice too. And... well that's it. Nothing here that really needs changing if you're comfortable with it.
08-26-2009, 09:39 PM
ei pagawa me nang isa quad na madaling i pilot with decent firepower
if you know yourself and your enemy you will never fear the results of a hundred battles if you know yourself but not the enemy for every victory you will suffer a defeat if you dont know yourself neither your enemy you will lose at every battle.<br />sun tzu, the art of war
08-26-2009, 09:43 PM
Be more specific. What types of weapons? Any preferred cannons? Light, mid, heavy?
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