Current time: 10-01-2024, 11:47 AM
Personality tests
<div id="testResultInfo">
<h1>Your Score: <span>ENTJ - Commandant</span></h1>
<h2>You scored 100% I to E, 47% N to S, 71% F to T, and 47% J to P!</h2>

The single word to describe your type is fieldmarshal or commandant. You also belong to the larger group called rationals. You love to organize others in matters of logic. Even as a child, you likely naturally assumed the role of leader in groups. You share your personality type with 2% of the population. When you lead, you are more concerned with policy and goals than rules and regulations. You have a tendency to become a workaholic. You are impatient with repetition of error. You are friendly and outgoing, though. You don't mince words and willingly share your many strong opinions.<br>
As a romantic partner, you are inspiring, but also somewhat challenging. You have a strong desire to be in charge and your clear need for an organized life and home can be overwelming to a partner. You like to confront conflict directly, discuss problems unflinchingly, solve them, then put them behind you. However, you can be too impatient or unwilling to take the time to listen to your partner and give them a chance to express themselves fully so that they also have a sense of closure. You are generally uncomfortable dealing with emotions, so you are apt to dismiss your partner's emotions as illogical. You feel most appreciated when your partner asks for your opinions, takes your adivce, and relies on you to get a job done right.<br>
Your group summary: <a href="" a=""> rationals (NT)</a><br>
Your type summary: <a href="" a="">ENTJ</a>



<table cellpadding=20><tr><td>Link: <a href=''>The LONG Scientific Personality Test</a> written by <a href=''>unpretentious2</a> on <a href=''>OkCupid Free Online Dating</a>, home of the <a href=''>The Dating Persona Test</a><br /><a href=''>View My Profile(unpretentious2)</a></td></tr></table>

Apple says: 100. F*ckin'. percent. extroverted.
Guys. Do I have as strong a personality as what's in the write-up for my type? I just find it funny.
So I found this quiz and I took it. Ninja
I didn't do anything special to get Fatalis >.>

Monster Hunter Monster Quiz

My Results:

[Image: full_952851430.jpg]
Fatalis You are headstrong and have good reason to be everyone fears you
<table border=0 bgcolor=black cellspacing=2 cellpadding=10><tr bgcolor=white><td align=center><B><font face=verdana size=2><a target=_top href=><font color=2D3562>Monster Hunter Monster Quiz</font></a></B><p><font color=2D3562 size=4><b>Fatalis</b></font><p>You are headstrong and have good reason to be everyone fears you <p><a target=_top href=><img alt='Personality Test Results' border=0 src=''></a></td></tr><tr><td align=center><a target=_top href=><font face=verdana size=2 color=white><b>Click Here to Take This Quiz</B></font></a><br><font size=1 color=C0C0C0 face=verdana>Brought to you by <a href=><font color=white></font></a> quizzes and personality tests.</font></td></tr></table>
i was expecting a Rathalos dammit :p
[Image: nines.jpg]
Monster Hunter Monster Quiz

My Results:

[Image: full_477153786.jpg]
Kirin you are attractive yet stunning everyone wants you, but not always for the same reason

<table border=0 bgcolor=black cellspacing=2 cellpadding=10><tr bgcolor=white><td align=center><B><font face=verdana size=2><a target=_top href=><font color=2D3562>Monster Hunter Monster Quiz</font></a></B><p><font color=2D3562 size=4><b>Lao Shan Lung</b></font><p>you are able to intimidate people with your size and are not easily dettered<p><a target=_top href=><img alt='Personality Test Results' border=0 src=''></a></td></tr><tr><td align=center><a target=_top href=><font face=verdana size=2 color=white><b>Click Here to Take This Quiz</B></font></a><br><font size=1 color=C0C0C0 face=verdana>Brought to you by <a href=><font color=white></font></a> quizzes and personality tests.</font></td></tr></table>

[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
HayWire Wrote:What?

I think "intimidate people with your size" applies to you the most. Lol.
HayWire Wrote:What?

Wow, that's the most in-character result compared to everyone else that took the quiz.
Monster Hunter Monster Quiz

My Results:

[Image: full_188673436.jpg]
Rathalos You are a wyvern who terrorizes many yet is quite popular,

hell yeah! haha!

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
<p><em>Your result for The LONG Scientific Personality Test...</em></p><h4>INFJ - the counselor</h4>
<div>Your type is best summed up by the word "counselor", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. Only 2% of the population share your type. You are so empathic that you often know what others need before they know themselves. You are a complex person who can deal with complicated issues and people, almost prefer to, as you love problem solving. You can be something of an idealist or perfectionist, and should try to take yourself a little less seriously.<br>
You are a supportive and insightful romantic partner, encouraging your mate to have dreams and work hard to make those dreams come true. Because you are so creative, you have a wealth of ideas to help them toward those goals. You need harmony so much that you are driven to resolve conflict quickly, as long as the terms don't violate your ethics. You feel the most appreciated when your partner admires your creativity, trusts your inspirations, and respects your values. It is also vitally important that your partner be open and emotionally available - in other words, that they be willing to share themselves completely.<br>
Your group summary: <a href="" a>idealists (NF) </a><br>
Your type summary: <a href="" a>INFJ</a>
<br></div><p><a href="">Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
Monster Hunter Monster Quiz

My Results:

[Image: full_727921167.jpg]
Lao Shan Lung you are able to intimidate people with your size and are not easily dettered

I now Im fat but ... >_>

INFP - the Healer

You scored 36% I to E, 37% N to S, 33% F to T, and 84% J to P!
You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more feeling based than thinking based, and you prefer to go with the flow rather than having a plan. Your type can best be summarized by the word "Healer", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. You have a capacity for caring that is deeper than most. You strive for unity, are fascinated by the battles between good and evil, and can be something of an idealist. Only 1% of the population shares your type.
As a romantic partner, you are usually supprtive and nuturing, however, you have a high need for individuality. Harmony is extremely important to you as you are very affected by conflict and tension, which also makes you resist confronting your partner directly about problems. When you get angry, you usually blame yourself, rather than your partner. You can also be stubborn and unyielding when you feel you are being criticized or mistreated. You feel the most appreciated when your partner listens to you carefully. You need to be understood. You need to hear your partner express their feelings, the more often, the better.

Rather true.
<p><em>Your result for The LONG Scientific Personality Test...</em></p><h4>ESFP - The Performer</h4><p>You scored 55% I to E, 58% N to S, 24% F to T, and 58% J to P!</p>
<div>Your type is called the performer, and you very much feel "all the world's a stage". Your type is part of a larger category called experiencers or artisans. You are playful and funloving, and wish to help all those around you lighten up. You radiate warmth and optimism. Your motto is "eat, drink, and be merry". You share your type with over 10% of the population. You don't like to be alone - ever, if possible. You are always up on what is new and hot.<br>
As a romantic partner, you are fun and affectionate, leading an active life full of friends. You are naturually happy-go-lucky and supportive of your partner. You dislike confrontation, and will avoid conflict discussion at all costs. You tend to let things go, hoping they go away on their own. You feel most appreciated when your partner is affectionate and acknowledges the good deeds you do, but doesn't make a particularly big deal out of them.<br>
Your group summary: <a href="" a> Experiencers (sp)</a><<br>
Your Type Summary: <a href="" a>ESFP</a>

<br></div><p><a href="">Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

me too

<p><em>Your result for The LONG Scientific Personality Test...</em></p><h4>INTJ -The Mastermind</h4>
<div>You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more thinking based than feeling based, and you prefer to have a plan rather than leaving things to chance. Your type is best described by the word "mastermind", which belongs to the larger group called rationals. Only 1% of the population shares your type. You are very strong willed and self-confident. You can hardly rest until you have things settled. You will only adopt ideas and rules if they make sense. You are a great brainstormer and often come up with creative solutions to difficult problems. You are open to new concepts, and often actively seek them out.<br>
As a romantic partner, you can be both fascinating yet demanding. You are not apt to express your emotions, leaving your partner wondering where they are with you. You strongly dislike repeating yourself or listening to the disorganized process of sorting through emotional conflicts. You see your own commitments as self-evident and don't see why you need to repeat something already expressed. You have the most difficulty in admitting your vulnerabilities. You feel the most appreciated when your partner admires the quality of your innovations and when they listen respectfully to your ideas and advice. You need plenty of quiet to explore your interests to the depth that gives you satisfaction.<br>
Your group summary: <a href="" a> rationals (NT)</a><br>
Your type summary: <a href="" a> INTJ</a>
<br></div><p><a href="">Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>
'Signatures are overrated.'
<p><em>Your result for The LONG Scientific Personality Test...</em></p><h4>ISTP- The Crafter</h4>
<div>You do not approach strangers readily, but you have no problem leading. You are so sure of yourself, others are hesitant not to listen. Your type is known as the crafter, which belongs to the larger group of experiencers. You are likely a master of tools, including vehicles, musical instruments, and weapons. Most pilots are of this personality type. You are always on the go, you live for the here and now to follow your whims, and you share your type with 10% of the population. You don't feel very parental, but you feel your fraternal bonds very deeply.<br>
As a romantic partner, you are calm and handy to have around when something goes wrong. You are very responsive to immediate and obvious needs in your partner, but are less comfortable with emotional ones. You are fun, playful, and adventurous. However, at your heart, you are something of a loner and will resist exposing your private thoughts. You want to be appreciated for your ability to size up a problem and solve it quickly. You feel most appreciated when you are left to do your own thing spontaneously.<br>
Your group summary: <a href="" a> Experiencers (sp)</a><br>
Your Type Summary: <a href="" a> ISTP</a>
<br></div><p><a href="">Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

O______o wow...
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Your result for The Best Personality Type for You Test by ...
ISFJ - The Protector

Your ideal romantic partner is known as the proptector. As a romantic partner, this type is generous and gentle. Occasionally they may be taken for granted because of this fact. they are tireless in providing acts of service for their loved ones. They run the risk of always being exhausted because they won't say no to their partners. They are sensitive to criticism and will withdraw rather than fight back. They wish to be appreciated for their loyalty and whole hearted nuturing. Their values must be respected and they thrive on consideration and kindness.

Again, rather true. I know a certain someone who acts exactly like this. Kami nga talaga'ng bagay. lol

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