Current time: 10-01-2024, 11:31 AM
Personality tests
[Image: 1069129698_comicotaku.jpg]

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one of the 6% percentile people ... XD Im rare... *deluded*

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lol. I tried again, then I got the Hardcore Otaku result. -.-
I just got hardcore otaku, but when I took the quiz for the second time, I got anti-otaku.
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[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
I think the images expire after one day? Anyway, it seems that the survey gives yun the "Hardcore" result if you put too much emphasis on your character, like, being the hero, etc.

Ah basta, Anti-Otako ako xD
something rather simple yet profound ... or so I think

clonezero Wrote:something rather simple yet profound ... or so I think
I kept saying "**** you" to the guy and I closed the window out of frustration because I wasn't able to find the tissue roll.

EDIT: I wonder how this one ended up being a personality test.
clonezero Wrote:something rather simple yet profound ... or so I think

The questions and appearance of the website tries to convince people to try to click the yes button. Being a website, it is also on the internet, where people can say or do anything that they want without fear of repercussion. It advocates a sense of guilt in people that will last about 30 seconds, and then they will forget and move on.

...It's really quite stupid imo LOL
[Image: 1069129931_dcoreotaku.jpg]

Take this quiz!

I didn't realize I'm already at this stage LOL
[Image: nines.jpg]
Sforza Wrote:
clonezero Wrote:something rather simple yet profound ... or so I think

The questions and appearance of the website tries to convince people to try to click the yes button. Being a website, it is also on the internet, where people can say or do anything that they want without fear of repercussion. It advocates a sense of guilt in people that will last about 30 seconds, and then they will forget and move on.

...It's really quite stupid imo LOL

I think I have to agree /swt

Interesting, but you'll have to answer around 70 questions.

<DIV id="testResultInfo">
<H1>Your Score: <SPAN>INTP - the Architect</SPAN></H1>
<H2>You scored 40% I to E, 42% N to S, 80% F to T, and 57% J to P!</H2>

You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more thinking based than feeling based, and you prefer to go with the flow rather than have a routine. The single word to describe your type is the Architect, which belongs to the larger group of rationals. You wish to sculpt the world around you. Others often find you arrogant, yet you have no desire to direct others, only to inform them. You must know the structure of things, and have a voracious appetite for knowledge. You are very rational in everything you do, and probably consider yourself smarter than most.<BR>
As a romantic partner, you can be playful with great energy to get things started, but not quite as good on follow through. You may have a tendency to hurt the more emotional types unintentionally by not sharing your own reactions and feelings as you can get swept up in your own ideas and projects. You want to be appreciated for your ability to respond quickly and to fix problems creatively. You need plenty of time to yourself - therefore your parnter must respect your need for independence and originality.<BR>
Your group summary: <A href="" a=""> Rationals (NT)</A><BR>
Your type summary: <A href="" a="">INTP</A>


<table cellpadding=20><tr><td>Link: <a href=''>The LONG Scientific Personality Test</a> written by <a href=''>unpretentious2</a> on <a href=''>OkCupid Free Online Dating</a>, home of the <a href=''>The Dating Persona Test</a><br /><a href=''>View My Profile(unpretentious2)</a></td></tr></table>

Don't want to answer the test, but I think I'm an INTP type too.
<div id="testResultInfo">
<h1>Your Score: <span>INFJ - the counselor</span></h1>
<h2>You scored 27% I to E, 42% N to S, 14% F to T, and 26% J to P!</h2>

Your type is best summed up by the word "counselor", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. Only 2% of the population share your type. You are so empathic that you often know what others need before they know themselves. You are a complex person who can deal with complicated issues and people, almost prefer to, as you love problem solving. You can be something of an idealist or perfectionist, and should try to take yourself a little less seriously.<br>
You are a supportive and insightful romantic partner, encouraging your mate to have dreams and work hard to make those dreams come true. Because you are so creative, you have a wealth of ideas to help them toward those goals. You need harmony so much that you are driven to resolve conflict quickly, as long as the terms don't violate your ethics. You feel the most appreciated when your partner admires your creativity, trusts your inspirations, and respects your values. It is also vitally important that your partner be open and emotionally available - in other words, that they be willing to share themselves completely.<br>
Your group summary: <a href="" a="">idealists (NF) </a><br>
Your type summary: <a href="" a="">INFJ</a>


Goatling Wrote:Interesting, but you'll have to answer around 70 questions.


Boredom... Domo
Ninja Ninja 
[Image: 1069130012_gtrueotaku.jpg]

Take this quiz!

cabs Wrote:
Goatling Wrote:Interesting, but you'll have to answer around 70 questions.


Boredom... Domo

Extreme boredom... Ninja
Ninja Ninja 
Your Score: INTP - the Architect
You scored 9% I to E, 21% N to S, 61% F to T, and 73% J to P!

You scored higher than 12% on I to E
You scored higher than 16% on N to S
You scored higher than 67% on F to T
You scored higher than 83% on J to P

I took the Best Personality Type for you test too:

ESTP- The Promoter
You scored 75 I versus E, 60 N versus S, 80 F versus T, and 40 J versus P!

Your ideal partner is known as the promoter. As a romantic partner, this type is usually exciting and willing to try anything once. They are often much more responsive to their partner's physical needs, rather than their emotional ones. They tend to communicate at what other types tend to think of as a superficial level, as they don't see a big need for heart-to-heart talks. They want to be appreciated for the fun-loving responsive problem solvers they are. They are happiest when their partners respect their need for freedom to be spontaneous and to enjoy life's many pleasures.

Well, I see extremes again Ninja Like in all my other quiz results.

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