Current time: 09-27-2024, 07:08 PM
Article: Mutilated Furries, Flying Phalluses, Put the Blame on Griefers.

This article is about /b/tards, and their "evolution" from being Goons on the SA forums. Apparently the "group" that did the Habbo raids are called the Patriotic Nigras on SL. There's also discussion on furries, Hal Turner and Eve Online.

The video below is of a Cnet interview they interrupted with flying wangs and shopped images.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

What do you think of their behavior? I don't think there's anything wrong with it at all. It actually reminds people on MMOs to get a real life, and that if something can be done in a game, then its probably legal.
Griefers are fine with me. I guess I'm lucky enough to know powergamers from different online games who are willing to try new games with me. We usually level at the same pace, and help each other out when one of us gets killed by other players. We don't shy away from conflict.

My problem is that I keep a list of people who has tried to grief me on every single game I have played in the past, and I tend not to stop chasing people I plan on killing until they're dead ten times over. If I see someone with the same name on another game, I'll attack without warning. Also when engaged in PK where I may get killed, my hands start to shake, my body gets cold and my head gets fuzzy. All I can think of is killing the target. I'm not a griefer though since I never start fights. I just go berserk without meaning to!
I don't get them ... oh well anyway I think its best to ignore people like that .... that is the only reason why they do this IMO...

Go figure that it takes a ganking post to make me delurk and finally register. Heh.

Hey Apple, I use an addon for ganking *cough* :

You'll find it interesting. Whenever someone ganks my toon, it automatically registers the ganker's name in my list regardless of whether my toon died or not. And the whole list is networked to all your toons in the same server so you can gank back (and grief) using your main or your other toons. The ganker's name shows up in red whenever you hover your pointer on them.

Yes, I have the habit of pointing at anything that looks red on my screen. If the name is red, it's time for vengeance.

Can sympathize with the feeling of going berserk. Granted, I don't get cold but my hands do shake when the fight's taking too long. You try fighting a paladin as a rogue. I blew all my cooldowns and he's STILL alive. Irritated me to no end so now I take great pleasure in killing a paladin.


The GankList addon is also linked to your current party (assuming they have GankList installed). So if someone from your party's attacked, the name gets added to ALL of your lists. I remember chasing this stupid player once with our full party after he killed our prot warrior. We chased him from Terokkar Forest all the way to Blade's Edge Mountain and I think he died six times straight. All from different hands. The best shot was from our warlock because the ganker mounted up and was flying away so our melee class couldn't get to him. The 'lock dismounted on the edge of a pike and shadowbolted the bastard. We crossed our fingers for a timely crit.

Instant death. Big grin
That's nifty, but in what game do you use that? WoW? Anyway, that 'lock=lulz. LOL

Back to the topic.

Remember that in life, there's always a balance of good and evil. So, let's consider the Internet a second world. Whitehats and Blackhats, Pros and leeching hack users, Virtual business tycoons and, of course, Griefers.

Yep, they slap you back to reality by annoying you 'til you quit the game, hopefully. Kinda like the bad good thing to do.. Or the good bad thing, whatever works.

AFAIK, these people know what they CAN and CAN NOT do. As long as they don't get any serious damage done in real life, they're perfectly normal 'netizens, don't you guys agree?

<i>Astig sila</i>, 'nuff sed.
Make no mistake, it's funny. But the reason I can laugh at it is because it's not being done to me. Lord knows I'm not a high profile player in whatever online ventures I do anyway. Sometimes though, they go just a bit too far, like that shopped image. Did she really deserve that?

Problem is, griefers don't listen to stuff like "piss off, wankers." If anything, it prods them on even more. So really the only way to get them to stop is to do the same thing to them. In WoW that's easy, you just kill them. But in communities like SL, aside from banning them which isn't really effective, you're only left with the choice of hacking back. But then, who really has the know-how to do that? I doubt even half of SL's users know how.

It's like watching websites get hacked. If it's somewhere else we'd be all "haha poor ____." If it was RR though, then it wouldn't be so laughable now would it?
If low profile websites get hacked, its often because the admin did something stupid that a lot of people either found lame, or got pissed at. For example, banning someone after posting an essay length refutation of their views which disagree with your choice of top tier Star Wars or BSG fighter. Or being an Applemilk. Or being a quack that bashes a game that she's never even played.

I think Anshe Chung did deserve the shopped image. She's making profit off something that has no real world value, from people that apparently put too little value on their own "first lives". I'll probably never change my opinion that people who play Second Life are lame, unless they're doing it for communication (with family and friends) or corporate marketing purposes.

@ Cugami: Thanks for the link! I'll test it out. I would consider myself a griefer, but I only act when guild lowbies or friends get ganked. One time I chased a ganker across three zones by killing and stalking and killing again for hours. It was even more fun because the target was a retri pallie which didn't call for help for some strange reason. I play a rogue too. It really takes a long time to kill pallies, so we need to pace ourselves well!

I also stalk you online. I wish it could be easier to find more of your R/D art on the net. I'm disappointed that you discontinued posting art on livejournal. Please make more yaoi art and fiction if you have the time!
Griefing ---> Ganking ---> Yaoi ---> ???

Nice thread we have here.

Well, I might as well give my view so that I can pass this off as a legitimate post.

In all likelihood, griefers are people that have been griefed in the past. Either they were unable to return the "favor" to their past offenders, thereby motivating them to redirect their frustration on "smaller prey" or being griefed before simply "inspired" them to become griefers too. Eventually, some of them just learn to like it. And the cycle goes on. Bad guys usually have back stories.

And then of course, there are those sickos that just get off on pissing other people off. People like that aren't hard to find even outside the confines of the internet.
lol Horney can explain this problem very very well XD

oh yeah the name is not pronouced as horny buat as horn-aiy so don't get any ideas...

security by moving against people lol

I think I should change my previous message of ignoring them I think its better to just pity them XD


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