Current time: 07-03-2024, 07:05 AM
Armored Core if we pray hard enough...
'Signatures are overrated.'
hehe thats the right attitude.


Message: I know most people might react
defensively to this one, especially
those addicted to DOTA and those who
have something against Christianity and
what the Bible says. But I'm just
sharing for the benefit of those who
wish to be enlightened with this truth.
So don't hate, and don't flame. Simply
read no more if you don't wish to.

-------ANCIENT question: Who is Ancient?
Answer: God (Revelation 1:8, 21:6,
22:13), but Satan disguises himself and
deceives us, saying that he is the
Ancient One.

Question: Why?
Answer: Who do you think you will
in this game? Whose defense is this
(with those cheats and verbal
acknowledgements later to be

The obvious aims:
* TO kill your enemy
* TO destroy the tree of life for
* TO destroy the frozen throne for

The real aim: Worshiping Satan through
enjoys it, he's a worshiper of Satan,
plain and simple).
Why? Because this game is extremely a
deception from Satan and you are
actually enjoying it.

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

There are two bases or teams:
* Sentinels vs. scourge
* Good ones vs. monsters
* Human vs. dark evil
* Weak vs. strong


* This is used to become stronger
* But actually this cheat pertains
to admittance that your father indeed

* To have more money
* It feeds your mind that its fine
to love money because you need it
* In Ecclesiastes 5:10-11, it says
"Those who love money will never have
enough. How meaningless to think that
wealth brings true happiness! The more
you have, the more people come to help
you spend it."

* This allows you to see the map
* The truth behind it is that
spiritually the players and those who
are involved are dead. They don’t have
real life for they are being used by
Satan to praise him through this game.
Dead people!


OMG (Oh, my God)
* The Bible states, "Do not use the
name of the Lord in vain!"

* Need not to explain "Good
job!"/"Good work!"
* When you killed somebody
* You are being congratulated with a
good job or good work

At the dawn of February 26, 2007, my
brother dreamt of 2 dreams. First, he
dreamt that Jesus was showing how evil
DOTA was, and then he woke up and blurted
out: "Ayoko na mag-DOTA!" He fell
again and had his second dream. He was
talking with a friend who in real life
doesn’t want to play DOTA anymore. When
my brother blurted out once again,
"Ayoko na mag-DOTA!", a man came near
him and laid hands on him, cursing my
brother. When they rebuked it in Jesus'
name, it disappeared. Then, when he
shouted, "Hindi na ako mag-do-DOTA
kailan!", Crystal Maiden (one of those
unpleasing characters in DOTA) appeared
to my brother. My brother told us it
felt like he couldn’t breathe. My
brother rebuked it in Jesus' name and
told it, "Hindi na ako magpapabitag sa
iyo! I belong to Jesus!" Then he woke
and ran downstairs. He told us
everything, and we prayed for him. My
father helped him renounce it and right
after he surrendered, he puked, and we
brought him to hospital. But our family
claimed that Jesus is victorious and
Satan will never win. He had a
about his dream the Sunday after he
experienced it. After he witnessed,
those who were involved in DOTA were
prayed for.

Note: Akala ng lahat laro lang and
pero si Satan hindi nakikipaglaro. He
using DOTA to pollute the minds of our
youth. Ephesians 4:27 says, "Don’t give
the devil a chance!" If you ignore
it’s at your own risk. This is the
TRUTH. Do not be blind and do not
your heart.

I'm not anti-Christian in ANY way. In fact, I'm even somewhat religious. BUT Come on... WTF is this BS.

Looks like someone took "Dota is the devil" statement too seriously.
well it could have truth but it could also be something like the claim that harry potter is turning children into devil worshipers or something ... the best thing is to take this stuff with a grain of salt *the size if subjective*

Fundies. Smile)
Woah, haven't visited this thread in a long while...
Anyways, I'm posting here to ask help from long time DotA in formulating a tourney systema and a set of rules.

I came up with 2 sets.

Quote:- 4v4
- No Bystanders
- Powerups and back doors are allowed
- Games ends only until the opposing side's Frozen Throne or World Tree is destroyed.
- Games modes: Cooldown Pick, All Pick
- Change the loser.
- Cash prize will be given to the most surviving team.

Quote:- 3on3
- No Bystanders
- Two sets of matches will be done simultaneously.
- Powerups and back doors are allowed
- Games ends only until the opposing side's Frozen Throne or World Tree is destroyed.
- Games modes: Cooldown Pick, All Pick
- Change The Loser
- Last two Surviving teams will be facing each other in the finals

My questions are:
Which set of rules is better?
May pwede pa bang idagdag sa rules?

Your possible questions:
How much is the cash prize?
- Hindi ko pa alam. Di pa ako tapos mag compute.

How many slots are available?
- Possibly 8 or 10 or 12.

How much is the registration fee?
- A minimum of 50php per participant, pero pinagiisipan ko pa kung magkano.

I have until next wednesday to finish this.

I'm not anti-Christian in ANY way. In fact, I'm even somewhat religious. BUT Come on... WTF is this BS.

Looks like someone took "Dota is the devil" statement too seriously.

And I was starting to think that you were that kid. And maitreya was that real-life friend of yours. LOL Wonder how Rylai looked like in that kid's dream.

As for me, there's one clear line between gaming and religion. It is BS imho. I am a person that plays it as a gentleman's sport(trashtalk included). Honestly though, I spend more time playing DotA than praying.

Besides, don't we know the Devil to be more cunning than this?
- Even teams of either 3-3, 4-4, or 5-5
- A non-player talking to a player in the midst of the game should be avoided as much as possible
- Game modes: -ap OR -sd OR Normal mode. Backdooring is allowed, as per DotA's original rules.
- Games ends only until the opposing side's Frozen Throne or World Tree is destroyed. (d'oh.)
- Extra rules can be discussed before the game starts, such as CDp(Cooldown Pick), Backdooring, other game modes, etc.
- May be played with multiple sets of teams, but a player can only participate ONCE.
- Cash prizes can be alloted to:
-The winning team
-The MVP (Player with best stats, answerable to a Judge/team of Judges
-For Fun prizes such as: Best sport(aka the biggest loser), Trashtalker of the (year?), etc.

Your possible questions:
How much is the cash prize?
- Let's not make this too much of a cash based tourney. Heck, let's play for Rick's curry! Woot

How many slots are available?
- Depending on the number of participants, Ravens may possibly bring their DotA comrades. Just not too many, maybe a couple of close friends will do.

How much is the registration fee?
- A minimum of 50php per participant, plus the rental fee for the Internet Cafe, plus the winner's cup of curry!

Whatever the rules are, however it's played, count me in.

Sir Nerese, do the math.
Nerese Wrote:Woah, haven't visited this thread in a long while...
Anyways, I'm posting here to ask help from long time DotA in formulating a tourney systema and a set of rules.

I came up with 2 sets.

Quote:- 4v4
- No Bystanders
- Powerups and back doors are allowed
- Games ends only until the opposing side's Frozen Throne or World Tree is destroyed.
- Games modes: Cooldown Pick, All Pick
- Change the loser.
- Cash prize will be given to the most surviving team.

Quote:- 3on3
- No Bystanders
- Two sets of matches will be done simultaneously.
- Powerups and back doors are allowed
- Games ends only until the opposing side's Frozen Throne or World Tree is destroyed.
- Games modes: Cooldown Pick, All Pick
- Change The Loser
- Last two Surviving teams will be facing each other in the finals

My questions are:
Which set of rules is better?
May pwede pa bang idagdag sa rules?

Your possible questions:
How much is the cash prize?
- Hindi ko pa alam. Di pa ako tapos mag compute.

How many slots are available?
- Possibly 8 or 10 or 12.

How much is the registration fee?
- A minimum of 50php per participant, pero pinagiisipan ko pa kung magkano.

I have until next wednesday to finish this.

if powerups and backdoors are allowed... abadon (spell abadon?!?) and likely heroes would be invincible... specially axe... a level 1 axe with 3 stout shields, 1 empty bottle and lvl 1 counter helix can kill a lot of enemy creeps w/o the help of his own... and powerups would be a great help for him to level up w/o going back to the base... just think how strong it would be when it reaches a higher lvl... (teka! panu ung 12 slots??? dba hangang 10 lng?!?

edited rules...
- 3on3
- No Bystanders
- Two sets of matches will be done simultaneously. (dapat my tie breaker dba?!?
- backdoors are not allowed... ung powerups... bahala n kau... hehe
- Games ends only until the opposing side's Frozen Throne or World Tree is destroyed. (xmpre kpg may sumuko... ayawan n... hehe...)
- Games modes: -apnr / -arnr (all pick, no repick / all random, no repick...) mnsan kc may nag-pi2ck tpos nkpg nakapick n ung kalaban i-re2pick nya para ma-kontra
- Change The Loser (depende to sa ranking ng team dba?!?)
- Last two Surviving teams will be facing each other in the finals

-qng may mali ako paki correct nlng po... ndi nmn po aq gnun ka-galing eh... cnsbi q lng alam q... hehe

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
clonezero Wrote:starcraft > counterstrike > Dota... the question is whats next???

lol they're all completely different genres, dont compare them
atdsutm Wrote:
clonezero Wrote:starcraft > counterstrike > Dota... the question is whats next???

lol they're all completely different genres, dont compare them

He wasn't comparing them, he was showing the progression of the games played in LAN shops.
Up next will be StarCraft 2. And then DOTA in space. -_-
impossible to have dota in a starcraft settings unless they import every unit mesh and animations to starcraft then will see dota in a greater graphics.
hmm... starcraft allstars... hehe...

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
that's hard to crunch for now basically because there are no "leveling" hero units in SC2 and their not part of the multi player gameplay scenario but maybe the map editor can help there but that would be hard really hard ... well in comparison to DOTA that is..

I personally think that sc2 would be a short lived fad ( and more of a cult based worship idol) due to its complexity and difficulty (eg c&c 3)

wonder what new non-online (as in internet based) game the general masses would play ...

... as a disclaimer ( and so I wont eat my words later) this is only my opinion on things who knows what the future would bring ...

i dont see any RTS being a fad in the philippines ever, even starcraft got its ass owned by counterstrike. since RTS require more micro than dota, building bases, and control units that will force you group 1-3 teams in order to win. not to mention managing and protecting your economy and planning how to attack your "creeps" there no auto moving creeeps for you.

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