Current time: 03-04-2025, 06:23 PM
A rather old game but one i still find myself playing every now and then.

This was an RPG done by Square back in 1998. Actually it was one of the first to combine mechs, a believable fantasy/steampunk setting and a complex and convoluted storyline into one awesome gaming experience.

The real draw-in for me was the touching story between the two main characters, Fei Fong Wong and Elly Van Houten. First finding themselves on opposing sides of the war, they slowly became friends, comrades and eventually lovers. That and the 5000 year backstory made for a total kilig-worthy story.

Are there any others out there who have played this one? I just want to hear your stories about it.
I hate the way you talk to me. And the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick — It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh — Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around. And the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you — Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
I've finished the game twice, attempted to play it for at least three times, and downloaded the script. This is one game I'd go back to when I'm bored of high-tech games, and when I miss old-school RPGs. And, Citan Uzuki a.k.a. Hyuga Ricdeau is t3h l337 character.
"Numbers are not part of the real world; they're part of something else."

-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division
Truthfully, the first time i played this, i didn't really play the regular game: it was the 2-player mode of the battle arena that first interested me.

A friend of mine introduced it to me late in my high-school days. SF Zero 3 was gettingboring so we were looking for something else. Jan then suggested we try it. Of course, at first, we were skeptical. What the hell was a two-plaer mode doing in an RPG? Later, the rabid button-mashing and fast-pace of the gear battles got us hooked. Sarap pa naman gamitin yung El Fenrir and El Renmazuo.

After getting tired of playing in the arena, i then tried picking up the real game itself. I wasn't much for RPGs back then but since there were mechs (gears) in the game, i decided to give it a shot.

Whoa, after playing for just a few hours, i was definitely hooked. The anime cutscenes were top-notch and the storyline was completely engrossing. THe plot was packed with numerous references to Judeo-Christian jargon and imagery like the twelve anima relics which allude to the twelve tribes of Israel. Also a number of pop-culture (games, movies, anime) influences are evident, ranging from Star Wars, Evangelion, Final Fantasy, Alfred Hitchcock and a hella lot more.

There was also the topic of psychological influences from Freud and Jung with allusions to the Id, Ego and Superego, which were part of the protagonist Fei's mental and emotional problems. The repression of his sad memories while clinging on to the happy ones eventually leads to one of the most dramatic climaxes ever found in a video game.

Pretty fucked up i say. Smile)

The graphics are a combination of 2D sprite characters with 3D backgrounds and objects. The game environment is fully 360-degree rotatable. The soundtrack itself is powerful and moving with some tracks being reminiscent of Star Wars, Evangelion and Nordic music. Aside from the official OST, i recommend looking for the albums Creid or Xenogears: Light as they contain remixed and reedited pieces.

Trust me: You haven't experienced aural heaven until you've heard the final ending song, Small Two Of Pieces by Joanne Hogg. This one ranks right up there as my all-time fave game song.

Words alone cannot begin to describe this game. I've loved it and hated it at times but i've still stuck with it. I've played it almost seven times already, with my best record being forty-eight hours and twenty-seven minutes before reaching Deus. Actually, typing up this article is now bringing up a lot memories. Enough that i'll be digging out my PS1 later and going for an eight play-through.

Now if only i could find a copy of Perfect Works, my miserable life will be complete.

You really are a sap for the mushy stuff, are you? Big grin
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
I'm pretty impatient when it comes to RPGs so I stopped playing Xenogears (Although a friend of mine did finish the game right in front of me) as well as its spiritual prequels (The Xenosaga series). I wonder though, overall how does the PS2 Xenosaga series compare to the original Xenogears? Is it memorable, forgetful, or what?
Xenosaga? Can't say anything about it coz i never really got interested in it. I heard that it was set in the same unvierse as Xenogears but around 10, 000 years before and that it had almost no ties to the Xenogears story. So nope, for me it might as well not exist.

Yes i am. You got a problem with that, idiot?
I hate the way you talk to me. And the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick — It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh — Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around. And the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you — Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Played this when I was in highschool got pulled in by the insane story.
Did'nt got to finish it tho, that final dungeon really sux(random battle every 2 secs[ouch])

Now if only i could find a copy of Perfect Works, my miserable life will be complete.

Your miserable life is complete, well if we can meet that is. Have Perfect worx in PDF format(gonna confirm that later when I go home tho Big grin )..
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
/r/ - Request rapidshare/e-mail of PERFECT WORKS PDF PLEASE!!!!1111oneoneone

Big grin
On Xenosaga: it was officially announced some time before episode three of the series came out that Xenosaga has nothing to do with Xenogears anymore, and that Xenosaga ends with episode three (opposed to the original plan of six episodes, with Xenogears considered as the fifth). Namco wasn't able to get the rights to the story of Xenogears from Square, so they considered Xenosaga as an entirely different universe.

As for the game itself, Xenogears is much better than Xenosaga in almost every aspect, except graphics (definitely. LOL!) and probably the battle system. I finished the first episode, tried playing the second, didn't bother with the third. I wasn't dragged into the story and there was too much loading (and cinematics) for me to handle. Definitely hands down to Xenogears over Xenosaga.
"Numbers are not part of the real world; they're part of something else."

-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division
RE Nix

I'll check if this file is even "rapidsharable"(or in PDF format[sory bout that, my memory is so scattered today]), I think it's about 600-700mb if my memory serves me right(and thats not to reliable either :ph34r: )..
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
<!--QuoteBegin-NiX+Dec 2 2006, 08:24 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (NiX @ Dec 2 2006, 08:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> /r/ - Request rapidshare/e-mail of PERFECT WORKS PDF PLEASE!!!!1111oneoneone

Big grin [/quote:66ed4d9c66]
That might be torrent-able here. 600-700mb is quite big. lol!
"Numbers are not part of the real world; they're part of something else."

-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division
XG had this one puzzle that drove me nuts for 2 days. after i figured it out, i had these random fits where I was saying "RAISE TEH W4TER LEVEL, LOWER TEH W4TER LEVEL!!!"
FRONT MISSION FOR LIFE.<br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><i>RATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!</i>
I've only played Xenosaga 2. The game by itself is fine and enjoyable but i didn't really get the Xenogears feel when i played it. It just didn't have the "epic" vibe that Xenogears had. Also, Shion, Jr, MOMO and the other characters seemed a little lackluster compared to the psych cases that was the cast of Xenogears.

Ditto for the storyline. Like Maitreya said, almost everything in Xenogears towers over Xenosaga. Except for the graphics, everthing was better in the original game.

@Doom Trigger
Dude, thanks for the offer. You don't have to send it over the Internet though. You could just burn it on CD then i could pay you when the next gathering arrives. Dec.27 at your place wasn't it? I can wait until that day comes or i could meet up with you somewhere. PM me what you think.

Was that the puzzle in the second Anima Relic dungeon on disc 2, the one where you get Rico's Omnigear? Waaa, it took me more than three days to figure that one out.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Xenogears Wub

So far, the greatest RPG i have ever played even surpassing the
game elements of the modern PS2 RPG games.
This is my best pick together with Valkyrie Profile (PS1) Wub

Xenosaga episodes 1-3 Smile

A great game, but nothing special to be crazy about.
But still worth your time.
Ninja Ninja 
Oi raph, tested your Xenogears but...


dude, 'di gumagana yung CD mo. Puro gasgas kasi.
Make sure that you complete all those minigames...
One part in the lighthouse seems to have something for Citan...
'Signatures are overrated.'

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