Current time: 03-13-2025, 10:21 PM
this is the EO version of my staple ac <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
it overheats most of the time but its not a problem and this ac got me through most of the missions in LR( except for the pulverizer ending & zinaida ending)

Name: The Tooth
[Image: the-tooth-pic.jpg]

Head: CR-YH8SSR -vs ecm 100%
Core: CR-C98E2 -cooling 100%
Arms: CR-A72F -weight 100%
Legs: CR-LH89F -max leg weight 100%

Boosters: BO5-GULL -weight 100%
Generator: FUDOH -weight 100%
Radiator: ANANDA -weight 70%, energy drain 30%
Inside: none

Extensions: CR-E92RM3
Back R:
Arm R: CR-WR93RL
Arm L: CR-WH79M2
Hanger R: none
Hanger L: none

Optional weapons

Optionals: AMINO, CR-069ES, CR-069SS, CR-071EC, CR-07SLA, CODON, MARISHI
It looks good IMO... as in physically good. Good enough to eat. Turning green with envy on the capture card. Tongue

That said, it's a nice collection of parts some people don't use anymore, and I don't really feel like wrecking it. Even so, it has to be said that this AC is somewhat under par. So what I'm going to do is this: I'm going to put up two design critiques. One's for making your AC more competitive while tossing originality out, the other one's for keeping originality.

Alright, for going competitive first. Nakita ko sa YouTube dati na hindi ka nakakalaro ng ibang tao... puro AI lang. That explains the tunes. But even with these suggestions I'm going to give, you could still stay competitive with the AI, but now as well as with people.

SSR -> S4, tuned to def
A72F -> Gibbon, tuned to def
89F -> S3, tuned to def and cooling
Gull -> Vulture2, tuned to boost power
Monju -> F73H
Fudoh -> G91, tuned to output
Ananda tuned to cooling
Karura -> Nymphe
no back unit -> RA
M2 -> Nix

There, I believe I just destroyed your design. XD

Basically it's a boost hopping midweight lunker, capable of duking it out with the enemy at close range. It's a bit slow at the start, but once you start dropping the missle pack and extensions you should see some speeding up. I know, corny and boring right? Not to worry though, not to worry. This next set is for keeping the originality and theme of the AC.

SSR (0,5,0,0,5)
E2 (0,10,0,0,0)
A72F (0,3,0,7,0)
89F (0,7,0,3,0)
Gull (0,0,0,10)
Monju -> F73H
Fudoh -> G91 (0,10,0)
Ananda (0,0,10)
Karura -> MT
M2 -> Nix

Actually, this version works out well too, and in fact it's a bit more springy than the first one lol. Lower defense nga lang, lalo na sa energy. But with the MT on your back, that shouldn't be a problem really. I'm estimating makakapatay ng marami to.
If you ever consider the S3, it's usually most beneficial to tune it for its base weight (not the leg capacity) since its cooling and defense stats are already excellent to begin with.
Galing... I wish all designs had pictures like that... men are such visual creatures.
inggit ako
Sorry about being off-topic, but if you guys want pictures of your ACs, go to <> there's a thread there in the designs section where you can ask them to take a picture of your AC for you.
Really? Great then~!

To JE...
You'll really heat up if you have your BGR Tunes like that...

In contrast to Boss G's suggested design...
I suggest that you just re-tune your parts...

Fudoh's tunes may be Ok...
Gull to 0-5-0-5...
Ananda to full cooling...
'Signatures are overrated.'
I tried out your AC. I really like the frame, actually. The weapons on this are pretty deadly too. I'd just change a few things though, especially the tuning.

Here's what I'd do: (it'd look similar to what Godhand suggested)

Head: SSR (0,2,4,4,0) or S4 (0,2,4,4,0)
Core: E2 (0,0,4,6,0)
Arms: A72F (1,3,0,6,0)
Legs: 89F (0,4,0,6,0)

Boosters: GULL (0,0,3,7)
Generator: LOTUS (0,7,3)
Radiator: ANANDA (0,0,10)
Inside: None

Extension: RM3
Back R: If you really like them, then Micro Missiles. If not, then MT or MV
Back L: None. But if you use the S4, use RA here.
Arm R: RL
Arm L: M2 if you really like it. But NIX will be more worth the weight.

I tuned more towards defense, but you can choose to tune a little more for cooling. I really suggest you use the S4 because combining it with the 89F gives you a stability rating of 8355! That's the stability rating of some heavyweights. And since your frame parts are really low-drain, I think the LOTUS tuned a little towards capacity will work just fine.

Used correctly, this AC will do you good.
thanks for the suggestions! sa totoo lang di ko alam kung paano humantong yung tuning nito, basta kinopya ko nalang, di ko na inayos.
ginagamit ko din yung nix sa left arm pero ginagamit ko na kasi yung M2 noon pa, pero mas ok ang nix at close range, parang may tracking yung bullets. yung 89F ok din kaya madalas kong gamitin kasi mataas yung defense stability. i think its my booster that causes the problem, ginamit ko yun dahil mababa ang energy drain at ok din ang boost speed. at ginagamit ko yung FUDOH para bumigat ng konti kasi na mi miss ko yung mga tira ko pag gumaan yung ac ko.

godhand, di pala kuha to sa capture card/tv card, rinecord ko sa dvd recorder tapos kinopya ko yung file sa pc. wala akong mahanap na tv card at the moment.

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