Current time: 06-04-2024, 02:28 PM
Hello all. I'll start by saying that I've been playing AC since about 1999 with MoA, I've been a loyal fan ever since. Favorite titles are MoA, AC2, SL, and LR, I'm trying my hardest to stick with ACV but Bamco's been giving me doubts. Anyways I am not Filipino and I've known about Raven Republic for years now due to the occasional talk of AC communities out there. I've never got around to joining as I've mostly been a member of ACG since 2004 and eventually ACU. But I am honored to have a chance to introduce myself here to you folks at Raven Republic.
Nice to have you Nomrah! I have a couple of questions:

What console are you at?
Where do you live?
How old are you?
How are you?
What's your playstyle?
Do you like it raw?
Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you cook?
Do you read mangas?
What anime shows do you like?
How's your mom?

Joking, you don't have to answer any of them. Welcome to the Republic, enjoy your stay =)
Welcome to the forums, Nomrah!
Hey Nomrah! I was from ACG too before moving here to Raven Republic. Nice to have you.
Welcome to the boards \o/
Welcome the Republic!!

So many welcome posts... I miss doing this shit.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Also nice work on the ACV territories, I appreciate the world map eye candy.
Hahah thanks. If we get to keep our spots, we'll try to change it up regularly. Tongue

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