Current time: 09-27-2024, 11:56 PM
The Shiny Thing
something from when the BORG forums when I was still playing tribal war... the objective here is get the shiny thing.

I'll start first (and go easy)

I've placed The Shiny Thing inside a large labyrinth guarded by an army of skeletons. Their is only one entrance / exit and it is guarded four immortal beings who's only purpose in life is to not let anything in or out...

now the objective is to go past whatever defenses or what not I have used to hide and safeguard The Shiny Thing (plus points for humiliating the defense) now I know one can just call on a higher power to go through the defenses with ease but that would just be cheap hence cheating the challenge is doing it cleverly, cunningly, and the like ... yes scifi and fantasy methods of getting the shiny thing is permitted but keep to the power level no god moding please. PS logic is never god moding.

after getting The Shiny Thing its now your turn to put up a "impregnable" defense.

this is a friendly game so no flaming...


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