Current time: 02-02-2025, 02:48 AM
AC name: Ragnorak

Head: EYE4
Core: UL
Arms: XS
Boosters: VULTURE2
Generater: G91
Radiator: ANANDA
Extension: FUNI
Back unit R: KARURA
Back unit L: RPX
Arm unit R: PYTHON
Arm unit L: 1SP (shotgun)
Optional parts: O01-ANIMO, CR-O69ES, O07-PRIMER, O04-GOLGI, O05-HISTON, O06-PHAGE, CR-O79L+

Tactics: Close range combat is the way to go with this one. Try to get airborne as much as you can to keep from getting targeted. Move away from the enemy when using the KARURA and FUNI combo and don't fir the rockets unless you have a clear shot.

Description: This is basically a modified version of my other AC, FENRIR. I made it more energy efficient and changed the weapon loadout. I kept the same colors as the FENRIR though.
my first impression:

too many weapons..... some of them, you don't need. also looks kinda slow.

core: is it the ob UL or the non-ob UL?

fcs: volute. isn't D2 an ND fcs? ND for close range = bad.

try this:

drop the eye4 for a radarless head(any S-series head will do) and the rpx for the starter backmount radar. drop the karura for the kinnara to save weight. get rid of the python. try using the bp or b2 (the lightweight zook, and put a handgun in right hanger slot because this runs out of ammo faster than the other zooks) or the RL if your cheep like me hehehehe Domo, and use the ob UL if you are not using it now (make sure you know the ob basics as well; maneuvers, heat management etc.).

i think i have a similar design. i couldn't find it in the thread search. it's called "Tabo".LOL

edit: i found it!

Big grin
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