Current time: 06-04-2024, 08:13 AM
Mechwarrior 3rd Ed. RPG Characters
based on the Classic Battletech Tabletop game
Here's the concept pic of my character, Sommer Strauss, with her Griffin Battlemech on the background,


Johan Fleischer, behind him is his initial mech, a Commando, currently he's piloting a Centurion.

Jaki, assuming that is his real name, sports a traditional Kuritan Neural Helmet. haven't drawn his mech yet, becuase at the rate hes playing, looks like hes getting a new mech every other mission.

Ricky Rockwell, a veteran lance commander in fox company.

Here are the 2 main antagonists, the Winger Twins , the female pilots the Phoenix Hawk LAM(a robotech ripoff) and the guy pilots the 100ton Turkina Assualt mech.


the other characters in our game will follow, Big grin

Player Character summary and profile:

Kommandant Sommer Strauss – Pilots a Griffin battlemech. She is a respected officer of House Stiener. After her tour of duty in the Lyran Alliance, she became a reputable battlemech trainer. She quit her job to become a mercenary in search of glory. She is my character in our adventures.

Baron Johan Fleischer – Pilots a Commando battlemech. A Steiner Noble. His intentions on becoming a mercenary are yet to be revealed. Commando destroyed, Currently pilots a Centurion.

Shirijiro “ Jaki” Tetsukage – Pilots an advanced scout battlemech, a Raven. Kuritan mechwarrior with a shady past, he doesn’t like to talk about his life. His background is yet to be known. Raven destroyed, Trebuchet Destroyed, Dervish Destroyed, currently pilots a Shadow Hawk.

Captain Andreas Von Braun- Pilots a Hatchetman battlemech, Not much has been revealed of his backstory yet, just that he once served in the Lyran Commonwealth Military.

Mike –background missing, the player hasnt given me info on his character yet, hopefully ill be able to update it by next week, currently pilots a Pheonix Hawk.

NPC summary and profile:

Captain Luna Sullivan- Captain and owner of the jumpship Valiant.
Commander Arthur Xiang- His battlemech is yet to be revealed, He is the owner and Commander of the mercenary Company, Arthur’s Krazy 8’s. The mercenary Company is made up of two battalions worth of battlemechs, vehicles and support gunships. The Company also has two Union class dropships, the 8ball and the 9ball, and an Overlord class dropship, the Krazy Nest. To transport the dropships across the Innersphere, he usually hires the jumpship Valiant.

The Xiang kid –Pilots a Hatchetman battlemech. He is Commander Arthur Xiang’s favorite nephew. A mercenary brat.

Captain Ricardo Rockwell- Pilots a Centurion battlemech. He is veteran mercenary mechwarrior, and a cocky one at that.

Lieutenant Dabby Wilson- Pilots a Stinger battlemech. He is also a veteran mercenary mechwarrior.

Sturm and Rachel Winger- Pilots a Turkina assault battlemech and a Phoenix Hawk Land-Air battlemech respectively. Our game master is yet to reveal to us when we will be encountering them, I suspect not for a long time, since in the battletech universe timeline, the Turkina won’t be in production for another 5-10 years. They will possibly be the main antagonists of our adventures.

Dropship 8ball NPC Officers:

Captain Lou Johnson- Captain and owner of the dropship.

Dropship Pilot Diana Bass-

Dropship Tactical Officer Genghis McGregor-

Chief Mechtech Jeff Gordon-

Medical Officer Daryl Fairchild-

The following entry is the journal of Kommandant Sommer Strauss.
Note that this is an on-going journal that records Sommer Strauss’ actual RPG experience during our tabletop adventures. The timeline in our story is just right before the Clans invaded. Some characters are yet to be added, either PC’s or NPC’s as some of our friends haven’t joined the game yet. I have no idea where this story is going.

Warning for those not familiar with the Classic Battletech and or Mechwarrior Universe, there are some terms here that you might not understand. Anyways, here are some of them:

Lance – a military point composed of 4 battlemechs.

Company- a military point composed of 3 to 4 lances.

Battalion- a military Company composed of 3 to 4 companies.

Dropships- Vehicle and Battlemech transports, capable of moving within systems.

Jumpships – these are giant inter-stellar ships, these are dropship carriers. Normally, jumpships position themselves far from planets, thus a dropship is required for transport to and from planets. Think of them as super oil tankers, those things don’t dock.

The Inner Sphere – the populated space, approximately 1,200 light years in diameter.

The Periphery – the outer edges of the populated space of the Inner Sphere. This area is mostly controlled by Pirate lords and bandits.

Corewards- this is the directional north of the map of the Innersphere, this is the direction where the core of the galaxy is located.

Rimwards- Opposite of Corewards.

Terra- Earth, though I doubt we’ll be able set foot on this planet in our adventures.

The Star League era- An era when the Inner Sphere was at its technological golden age. This is approximately 500 years ago. Since then, the Inner Sphere’s technological level has degenerated because of constant wars.

The Succession Wars-the innersphere has had several innersphere wide conflicts with each other, they call these the Succession Wars, think of it as world wars. It is during the darkest of these wars that General Kerensky ordered the Exodus.

The Exodus- 300 years ago, the Inner Sphere was in chaos, General Kerensky of the Star League Defense Force, tired of the constant state of war, gathered the brightest minds and best soldiers of the Inner Sphere and voyaged coreward beyond the Periphery in search of new planets to colonize.

The Clans- the descendants of the Exodus.

LRM- Long ranged missiles

SRM- Short ranged missiles

PPC- Particle Projectile Cannon, something like a lightning gun but with mass

AC- Auto Cannon, comes in different calibre, where A/C 2 is the smallest but longest range and A/C 20 is the most devastating but short range.

AMS- Anti –missile system

AGC – Alaski Goods Corporation, client of our 2nd campaign.

Archon- the highest political rank in the Federated Commonwealth (House Steiner and House Davion), somewhat like a king

Coordinator- the highest political ran in the Draconis Combine (House Kurita), somewhat like a shogun.

The Paulos Campaign

Planet: Outreach
August 3, 3048

Been two weeks on this bloody planet, still couldn’t hook up with a decent contract. Mostly training missions for noble brats. I’m done with that, no way am I gonna waste time again with those arrogant poor excuse for a mechwarrior assholes. I have served the Steiner Tour of duty, and was awarded the Steiner Star of Valor and given two land grants! I believe it was during the middle-ages on Terra when General Napoleon said, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” I’m in it for the thrills, not the c-bills.

August 10, 3048
Had the worst Chinese food EVER today. Noted, DO NOT eat in Liao Restaurants again.

August 14, 3048
Finally got a good enough deal today. Signed up for this merc Company, Athur's Krazy 8's, were heading corewards beyond the Periphery, Oberron Confederation territory. Wooo deep space shit right there. There must be some major conflict going on in that area of space, since 3045, all contact with the Confederation was lost, total black out. The merc Company informed me that there are some big bandit problems in that sector. As far as the Inner Sphere is concerned, it’s probably another coup’, perfect time for Star League treasure hunters to dig in and leave without having the Oberron customs department on their asses. Athur's crazy 8's offered me to pilot their Trebuchet, no thanks, I’m happy with my Griffin. I read the fine print this time though, there’s going to be 2 battalions, haha, did I just sign up for a planetary invasion? I’m joining up with Fox Company, 2nd battalion, two veteran merc lances and one lance full of new recruits… guess where I got assigned. Why is it I always get the babysitting mission? Contract officially starts on August 18.

August 18, 3048

Just boarded the Union Class dropship 8ball, gonna take 16 hours to get to the jumpship Valiant, already docked on the jumpship is the Union Class dropship, the 9ball and the Overlord Class dropship, the Krazy Nest. Might as well take a nap.

August 19, 3048
Met some of the team aboard the 8ball. Johan Fleischer, a House Steiner noble turned merc, claims to be a baron. Don’t care what he used to be, as long as he knows where to aim his mech. Jaki, a Kuritan, doesn’t talk much….. is it me or do all Asian’s think they’re the silent mysterious type? Also met the veteran captain of one of the lances in Fox Company, Ricardo Rockwell, cocky S.O.B. I think he was hitting on me. Also noticed that there are some scientists/archeologists onboard.….. just heard the captain on the intercom, were jumping soon.

August 19, 3048
System: Unknown
Just entered real space. Were in a Draconis Combine smuggling lane now. We will have to wait for a month for the sails to recharge, our next jump will take us into another smuggling lane. Then another month to recharge again. Oh God, im gonna have to endure two whole months in this space coffin with that Ricky character stalking me around.

System: Paulos
October 19, 3048

Just arrived at the destination, the Paulos Sytem , just heard the captain on the intercom again, looks like all three dropships are disembarking from the jumpship. E.T.A. to Paolos Prime 4 days.

October 23, 3048
It’s now evening. Just touched down on the planet. No starport, but wow this place is beautiful, looks like a tropical archipelago paradise, took some pictures with my P.D.A. during the dropship re-entry on the day side. Gravity is around .85g. Daily rotation cycle is at 26 hours.

Thank God, I can finally stretch my mech legs. Were moving our mechs into the local vehicle hangars now, apparently the dropship 8ball has to launch immediately to deploy the other companies on other islands to the north. Our barracks is just right behind the hangars.

In the barracks now, just setting up my stuff. Sharing the room with the greenies, had a small argument with Johan Fleischer regarding who gets the bottom bunk of the bed. I won.

October 23, 3048
Met Commander Arthur Xiang this morning…. turns out he has a 16 year old nephew that has a battlemech, a Hatchetman, looks like I’m gonna be his training buddy. Bullshit. That wasn’t in the contract… oh well.

Our Company was just briefed regarding the situation, 1st battalion is to sweep the northern islands whilst 2nd battalion is to sweep the southern islands of this massive archipelago. Our order’s are to search and destroy all bandit outposts, it’s reported that there is a total of one reinforced bandit battalion on this planet. That’s a lot of mechs for such a backwater planet.

Patrol duties start today.

October 25, 3048
Our Company made the first hostile contact with the bandits today. Too bad it wasn’t my lance. It was oldman Ricky’s lance. They reported two bandit mechs destroyed.

October 30, 3048
I’m in my battlemech right now, been training the kid for more than a week now, he’s alright, a bit slow in the head, but alright as a mechwarrior. I’m on autopilot, mech’s going back to the hangar, the Xiang kid and I were just patrolling the immediate areas, beautiful place especially the coast. Maybe if it stops raining, and if I have enough free time tomorrow afternoon, ill check out the beach on foot.

November 1, 3048

Raining for 2 days now.

Saw oldman Ricky’s lance head out again this morning, heard they were to intercept this bandit convoy heading east towards the mountains.

More patrol duties today. “Another uneventful day” as Johan Fleischer would say.

November 2, 3048
Was at the mess hall this morning with my lance mates when we overheard oldman Ricky bragging to the entire Fox Company on how they took out 2 bandit lances last night. I was annoyed, but I must admit, I’m just envious.

November 3, 3048

Been raining real hard today, been like this for 4 days now.
Oldman Ricky wasn’t so loud this morning. One of Ricky’s lance mates said they saw an “unusual mech” during yesterday evening’s long ranged patrols. Too bad they weren’t able to take a picture of it. Anyways, they said the mysterious mech just ran off when they neared it. Strange thing was, on the location where they saw the mystery mech stand, was the charred remains of a bandit Atlas and an Orion. Did the bandits kill each other? Maybe another group of pirates? Star League treasure hunters perhaps? They inspected the mechs and discovered that both of the cockpits were empty. They said it was like the battlemech’s cockpits were ripped open then the pilots were “taken”. Hell, they got every right to be spooked, an Atlas and an Orion? I don’t think those guys are making this up, if Commander Xiang found out that this was just a hoax, it’ll be peeling potato skins for them for the rest of the campaign.

November 4, 3048

Was in the mess hall with my lance this morning, overheard the other veteran lance captain talk to oldman Ricky. Looks like they saw Ricky’s mystery mech last night somewhere north east in the mountains, they said it appeared like the mech was shadowing them. One of them even labeled it Kerensky’s ghost. I thought we were here to “subdue” the bandit threat, not engage in a ghost hunt. Now I’m hearing rumors that this planet was perhaps one of the pit stops during Kerensky’s Exodus and possibly those who weren’t completely loyal to Kerensky were left here or even executed. Bullshit, everyone knows that the Exodus didn’t pass this way.

Ricky’s horror was reinforced when we heard rumors from the dropship communications crew that the entire Dog Company of 1st battalion went missing last night. Commander Xiang didn’t give us any comments though. Looks like these ghosts only show up at night. Typical.

November 5, 3048
(mission 1, real life date Saturday November 23, 2008)
The local time is 1500 hours, finally, a real mission for our lance! Ricky’s veteran lance have been battling the bandits since we got here, but it’s only now that we get ourselves the opportunity to show off our battlemech skills. I guess that beach trip will have to hold, oh well, weather wasn’t very cooperative anyways. Briefing starts in 10min.

Just finished the briefing, were doing a rescue mission. The local militia was able to penetrate a spy within the bandit group, unfortunately for him, he got compromised, he’s being held in bandit territory, in an old star league facility…. Wow, star league technology, out here? No wonder those bandits really want this rock. We’re leaving towards the mountains to the east with our mechs, Ricky’s lance will be just a few clicks north of our mission area. E.T.A. 12 hours. Oh by the way, the Xiang kid is coming with us… basically it’s still a babysitting mission.

November 6, 3048

Local time is 0130 , still raining, mission on-going, I’m currently on a hill overlooking the Star League Facility, the spy is being rescued by a bunch of militia soldiers now. As soon as they get him on that A.P.C., were out-a-here. We encountered one lance of light mech defenders, was able to take out one, a Stinger light mech, Johan Fleischer killed one too. The other 2 ran away, I suppose they have another base near here somewhere. Still no sign of oldman Ricky’s mystery mech, though I have this really eerie feeling that were being watched.

FUCK! Just heard from Ricky’s radio chatter, couldn’t make out much, too much noise, heard something about Kerensky’s Ghost. Sounds like oldman Ricky’s lance is in a fight. Ricky also warned us that he spotted a lance of bandit light mechs earlier and is heading our way, looks like the bandits sent the lance to recapture the spy. I’m taking up support position on this hill.

HAHA, time to update my killboard, was able to down 3 mechs in total in that mission, 2 Stingers and a Firestarter . Too bad Xiang’s Hatchetman got heavily damaged, he’s riding with the A.P.C. home. E.T.A. 12 hours.

November 7, 3048

Back in the base, what the hell happened? Our base just got raided, the dropship 9ball is grounded, tech crew’s estimate it will take a month to repair. Whereabouts of the dropship 8ball are unknown at the moment. First a missing Company, now a missing dropship!

Ricky’s veteran lance never made it back, must have been that ambush. The other veteran lance also didn’t report back from their patrols. Who the fuck is slaughtering us out there?

Just checked the base security vids, looks like those bandits got themselves a cache of star league battlemechs I’ve never seen before. There was this one mech that kinda looked like a Catapult… or a Marauder. This must be that mystery mech they were all spooked off.

Heading to my mech’s hangar now, I think I’ll need to check my mech’s condition again. Those pirates could attack at any second.
November 8, 3048 (mission 2, real life date Friday November 28, 2008)

Local time is 0130, some noise in the mech hangar woke me up. It appears that a survivor from the other veteran lance just got back. I’m going back to sleep, gonna need my rest, ill figure out the details later.

Local time is 0530, just got new orders for our lance from Commander Xiang, we are to rendezvous with the dropship Krazy Nest about 400 kilometers north. Joining us is the survivor from the other veteran lance, Lieutenant Dabby Wilson. He is still in sickbay right now, apparently he’s petrified out of his wits. Doc says he just needs to calm down. I hope he hasn’t lost all of his marbles yet. I still need him to explain to me what the hell is going on. We’ll be moving out by 0700.

Lieutenant Wilson just got released from sickbay. Was able to talk to him, he says his lance encountered “Kerensky’s Ghost”. He uploaded his mech’s video log and sensory data into my PDA. Not much useful info on it though, it just showed me that whatever was attacking them fired PPC’s at a range greater than their LRMs with astounding accuracy, taking out 3 mech’s in just 3 shots, that’s when Lieutenant Wilson turned tail and ran. His mech’s targeting camera wasn’t able to capture on video what was engaging them, but his sensor’s recorded that the enemy mech must have been a Flea. … that can’t be right. Were moving out in 15 minutes.

Current time is 0900, the weather just keeps getting worse, there must be a typhoon. Were about 260 clicks from the dropship Krazy Nest. Lieutenant Wilson said this is where they first saw “Kerensky’s Ghost”. Well, sensors are clear… for now.
Just received new orders from Commander Xiang, it appears that oldman Ricky may still be alive, just 60 clicks north east of our present location, we are to locate his distress beacon. Hopefully, he and his lance are still alive out there.

We are now about 3 clicks away from Ricky’s beacon, I tried hailing him but all I’m getting is static.

We are now about 2 clicks away from Ricky’s beacon, still more static. Our lance is advancing on a defensive formation, using the hills and trees as cover.

We are now about 1 click away from Ricky’s beacon. I’m on point. I’ll continue the journal when we get to oldman Ricky’s distress beacon….wait a minute, switching to audio journal entry.

Strauss - “Guys, I’m getting something on my sensors, It’s a Flea… no wait, … it’s a King Crab…. dammit, anybody getting an accurate reading?”

Fleischer – “I’m getting the same thing. Does anyone have a visual?”

Jaki - “I have a baaad feeling about this.”

Wilson- “I see it! It’s Kerensky’s Ghost!”

Strauss- “We’ll whatever it is, he has a good sniping position on that hill, Fleischer, Masamune, use those hills to the west as cover, Wilson, move to the east, hide behind the tree line, if he gets in range, flank him from there, I’ll get on this hill and provide sniper support.”

Wilson- “This won’t work, you can’t cover us, we have to engage him at close range!”

Strauss- “Understood Lieutenant, Just get into position”




Strauss- “I have him locked, firing LRMs.”

Fleischer- “LRMs missed! He’s advancing towards Strauss’ position, He’s now behind a hill, I have no line of sight!”

Jaki - “I see his Company emblem, looks like some sort wolf.”

Strauss- “IM HIT! Direct hit on my center torso! Taking partial cover!”

Fleischer- “I’m moving behind him, but I can’t keep up, He’s running straight into Sommer’s position!”

Strauss- “Jacki, Wilson, he ran straight into the trap, TAKE HIM OUT NOW!”


Jaki - “He’s at range, my weapons have no effect! REPEAT, NO EFFECT!”

Strauss- “IM HIT, CENTER TORSO CRITICAL! GYRO’S FAILING! Mech fell behind cover, I have no line of sight!”

Fleischer- “I’m behind him but I can’t get a lock!”

Jaki - “He has got me on his scopes, IM HIT, EJECTING!!”

Wilson- “OH GOD!! OH GOD!!”


Fleischer- “GAAAH,IM HIT! But I’m not out yet! Eat SRMS BITCH!”

Strauss- “This is Kommandant Strauss, Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, we are being engaged by an unknown mech, we request immediate assistance! I repeat, this is Kommanant Strauss, Fox Co…”



Strauss- “LEUITENANT!!........... This is Kommandant Strauss, Fox Company, 2nd Battalion to any available Krazies in the area, we were just engaged by an unknown mech, my sensors indicate the enemy mech is retreating north east, my entire lance was just decimated, we request immediate recovery!

Fleischer- “Strauss, Fleischer here, I’m alright, my chute brought me to about a couple of hundred meters from you, moving to your location now.”

Strauss- “Fleischer, I’m not getting any reading on Jacki’s nor Wilson’s escape pod.”

Jaki - “Jaki here….. just some minor flesh wounds….but….but I’m ok.”
Strauss- “Wilson’s last location was north of here, does anybody have a visual?”

Jaki - “Yeah, I see his mech…… looks like his pod is still on it.”

Andreas Von Braun - “This is Captain Braun of Able Company, 1st Battalion, were moving to your location from the west now, ETA 1 hour 45 min.”

November 9, 3048

Just got out of dropship Krazy Nest’s sickbay. Fleischer and I are ok, the medics are still treating Jaki’s flesh wounds, but he should be fine. Wilson is dead. Poor bastard wasn’t able to eject. Able Company cleared the area, they found oldman Ricky’s battlemech along with the rest of his lancers…. all dead.

Looks like this area is secure, noticed a couple of heavy mechs and several medium mechs belonging to Able Company on the perimeter. If “Kerensky’s Ghost” decides to assault our position, he’s gonna deal with those guys plus the naval class weapons of this dropship.

I’m on my way now to give my full report to Commander Xiang. This is not going to be pleasant.

Just finished Commander Xiang’s debriefing. Apparently our lance was the only unit able to survive an encounter with “Kerensky’s Ghost”. The dropship salvage crew was able to recover my mech. It is now inside the dropship’s mechbay undergoing repairs.

Commander Xiang also mentioned that there are two other pilotless mechs down there, the remnants of Bravo Company, he’s assigning those two to Fleischer and Jaki. I’m going down there to check it out now. The Commander also informed me that a scout drone was able to locate a large Star League facility in the mountains to the north east, it appears to be the base of operations of “Kerensky’s Ghost”. He is confident that the threat will be neutralized soon, as he has just dispatched Easy Company to deal with the threat. A Company composed of one assault lance and two heavy lances. He also believes that that facility has a stockpile of Star League technology. If the Commander is right, this will end the campaign, all of us will be getting a big cash bonus and Xiang will be stinking rich.
In the mechbay now, the chief mech tech says the damage on my mech wasn’t too severe. He should be done with the repairs by tomorrow evening. Also undergoing repairs is a Centurion and a Trebuchet, guessing these are the replacement mechs for Fleischer and Jaki.

Just received an intercom message from Commander Xiang, he forgot to mention that he’s given our lance a whole day of RnR tomorrow. Sweet.

November 10, 3048
Local time is 0730, can’t believe what I’m seeing. The rain has stopped! And on my rest day too! What luck, perhaps I can finally check out the beach on foot!

Just came from the mechbay, repairs are going well. More good luck, was talking to one of the mechanics, apparently the coast is just a little more than three kilometers to the west, used my charm to have him lend me his ATV for the day, Just gonna pick up my rifle, just in case I run into some local hostile wild life, and some other equipment then I’m heading out.

Local time is 0930, just got at the beach. Can’t believe what I’m seeing right now, sunny day, powdery white sand on the entire coast, waist deep emerald blue waters as far as the eye can see and on the horizon, Paolos Prime’s twin moons eclipsing each other. This place is pure ecstasy. Fleischer will be joining me in a bit, he’s just waiting for his mech to complete its repairs. Too bad Jaki can’t make it, he has to rest, docs orders. I wonder how Easy Company is doing, they should be at the Star League facility by now. No more killer mechs, no more endless typhoons, and best of all, not a single soul for three kilometers. I’m going for a dip, will continue my journal later.

Local time is 1300, it is noon, my skin’s a little burnt, too much of anything is bad. I’m resting in the shade of a plant that resembles a Terran palm tree. Was doing some calculations on my PDA, came up with the conclusion that this planet is ancient, predates Terra close to about a billion years, must have taken eons for the sand on this beach to be this fine. This planet is a prize worthy of an Archon’s vacation home. Haha, I’m feeling like an Archon myself right now, queen of this little isolated piece of paradise. Just heard a noise, sounds like a battlemech, it’s probably Fleischer…… well it god damn better not be “Kerensky’s Ghost”.

Fleischer is setting up his gear. We’re going to have our lunch in a bit. Hmmm……emergency rations….yummy.

Local time is 1730, just packed up my equipment, we have to leave now. I’m saying my farewells, I’m taking a jar of sand with me. I’m wondering to myself, will I ever get back to a place like this?
November 11, 3048 (mission 3, real life date Saturday November 29, 2008)

Local time is 0900. A lance from Easy Company got back a couple of hours ago, the rest remained in the area, looks like the Star League facility was indeed what Commander Xiang hoped it would be. Easy Company reports they encountered “Kerensky’s Ghost”, unfortunately, he was able to get away. They reported that the abandoned facility is completely operational and contained battlemechs…. But none of them seem to be on any Star League technical readouts, moreover, the battemechs and the entire facility itself seemed to be recently used. There was even evidence that the facility just lately harbored a an Overlord sized dropship. Well, whoever used to own that place definitely isn’t happy now.
My mech is fully repaired and operational. My lance has been ordered by Commander Xiang to rendezvous with the dropship 8ball about 35 kilometers to the south and provide the dropship with some battlemech defenses. It’s good to know that we now have two working dropships…. At least no one has to fight for seats when we exit this system. Reassigned to us is Captain Braun, Xiang’s nephew is taking over his place on his previous lance. Able Company will be guarding the dropship. Moving out in 15 minutes.
Local time is 0945, we’re several kilometers south of the Krazy Nest, were in some deep shit now. We just saw the Krazy Nest attempt to lift off without us…. One of the engines blew up before it could get enough altitude, the dropship then crashed landed back. Is this Kerensky’s revenge for trying to loot his tomb? Well we obviously can’t head back to the Krazy Nest now. The only way to get off this planet is to keep heading south and hope the 8ball doesn’t leave us.

Local time is 1000, Fleischer just received a communiqué from the 8ball! We are to rendezvous to its current postion about 25 kilometers to the south. Fleischer didn’t give us much information, except that we have to hurry REAL FAST, dropship 8ball detected several lances of “Kerensky’s Ghosts” hot on our tail.

Just about 5 clicks to go, my sensors are picking up those strange readings now. Switching to audio journal entry.

Strauss- “Guys, I’m picking up a Sentinel battlemech on radar, but we all know that it’s not what our sensors are saying it is, and its closing the gap REAL fast”

Fleischer- “Can’t outrun him, looks like this is going to be a fighting retreat.”

Jaki- “Brace yourself Captain Braun, this is going to get ugly.”
Strauss- “Fleischer, Braun, keep moving south, Jaki and I will cover you from those hills to the west, find a defensive position so when we run, you can cover us. This has just got to be a light mech”

Jaki- “JUST like that light mech that clobbered us a couple of days ago??”

Fleischer- “Were better equipped this time, and this time, we know what to do.”

Strauss- “He’s almost in range. Get ready Jaki.”
Braun- “He’s got a lock on me! I’m hit!”

Strauss- “Dammit, he’s still out of range…. Just a little closer….THATS IT! HE’S IN RANGE! GIVE HIM EVERYTHING WE GOT”

Jaki- “I have lock! LRM’s away!”

Fleischer- “Direct hits! But some of the missiles detonated before impact and he’s still advancing to our position!”

Jaki- “They have some sort of anti-missile system!”

Braun –“He’s still on me!”

Fleischer- “I have him on my scopes”

Jaki- “NICE SHOOTING FLEISCHER! Your AC 20 took out one of his legs! But we have to keep moving guys I’m picking another one on radar!”

Strauss- “It’s a different IFF signature, but it’s also fast, Fleischer, were moving to your position, cover us!”

Fleischer- “Roger.”

Strauss- “Fleischer, I’m well set-up in this position, Jaki and I will cover your retreat.”

Jaki- “Guys, long range sensors detecting two more hostiles, looks like one of them matches the signature’s of the mech we ran into a couple of days ago!”

Strauss- “He’s almost in my PPC range….”

Jaki- ”They have me targeted!”

Strauss-“AAAAACK, I’m hit! Those light mech’s are packing gauss rifles!”


Strauss- “DAMN! Fleischer, Braun, concentrate fire on the other unknown and take him out fast, I’ll try to draw fire from this old friend of ours!”

Fleischer- “I see Jaki’s escape pod, he’s on foot, He’s moving south.”
Braun- “I’m on my way to pick him up!”

Fleischer- “I got your back Braun!”

Strauss- “Fleischer, one of the hostile’s heading towards Braun, We should have a clear line of sight once he punches his way out through that treeline, when he does, we’ll both take him out!
Fleischer- “Here he comes!”

Braun- “Good shooting guys! Looks like you took out his Gauss Rifle, but he’s still advancing to my position!”

Strauss- “Braun finish him! Fleischer, break off with your current target, I could use some help over here! Managed to take out one of his arms, but he’s still packing another PPC on the other!”
Fleischer- “He’s right where I want him.”


Fleischer- “Don’t you just love AC 20’s?”

Braun- “I have Jaki, were withdrawing to the extraction point.”
Johnson- “This is captain Lou Johnson of the dropship 8ball. You Krazy’s better get here quick, Our scanners are showing another 10 battlemech’s heading your way. We can’t get any clear reading on what mech’s they are, but we know for sure those aren’t light mechs!”

Strauss- “Were almost there captain! ETA 45 seconds!” Were coming in hot!”

November 12, 3048
The 8ball is currently en route to the jumpship Valiant stationed just beyond the far side of Paulos II. Eta 3 days. I’m in the mechwarrior quarters, I just came from the dropship bridge, Captain Lou Johnson explained to us what happened to them during the campaign. They were stationed to the east coast of the island along with two lances of light mechs. Just when the weather was at its worst, they lost contact with their forward scout lance, the other lance went to investigate. Almost immediately after they left, the 8ball received the last transmission from the second lance, warning them that they are detecting a group of 10 unknown battlemechs heading to the 8ball’s location, next thing the Tactical Officer was hearing was the Lance Commander’s voice screaming, then all contact with them were lost. Believing the 8ball will be assaulted shortly, the dropship launched into orbit to await further orders from the Krazy Nest. Unfortunately the typhoon was super charged with ionized particles, preventing them from making any communications with the rest of the ground forces. They also couldn’t risk landing in such a terrible weather, especially without intel on ground activity and geographic layout. So they had to wait.

On November 10, the weather cleared, they finally made contact with Commander Xiang, Xiang ordered Captain Johnson to remain in geo-sync orbit to act as a satellite relay station for the 9ball and the Krazy Nest. The next day, the 8ball was detecting a large force of unknown mechs heading towards the Krazy Nest, Commander Xiang ordered Able Company to take defensive positions around the perimeter, while Easy Company makes their way back to the Krazy Nest.

A few minutes later… all hell breaks loose. Dropship 8ball was now receiving simultaneous chatter from the 9ball, Easy Company and the Krazy Nest. They were all being attacked, the first transmission they lost was from the 9ball, then in less than a minute, Easy Company. Commander Xiang then ordered the Krazy Nest to seal all docking bay doors and prepare for lift off. Able Company, including the Xiang kid was being engaged at the moment, so they didn’t even realize that Commander Xiang was planning to abandon his men. Just when the dropship achieved lift off, all of the hostile mechs focused their fire on the dropships primary booster rockets, resulting in a catastrophic engine failure.

There’s just one thing that made me wonder, why didn’t the 8ball just leave us? Since the 8ball specifically radioed Fleischer, I’ll ask him first.

Just had a little chat with Fleischer, turns out, Captain Johnson is a friend of his father, apparently they served together during the Succession Wars. Johnson felt that he owed this to Fleischer.

November 15, 3048
The 8ball just docked with the Valiant. Jumpship sails are almost fully charged,we’re jumping back into the Innersphere now.

System: Unknown
November 15, 3048

Successful jump. We have cleared Oberron space, We are now in the same smuggling lane we were in a month ago. The Valiant’s Captain wanted to meet us in the jumpship. I suspect she wants to know what the hell happened. Fleischer, Jaki, Braun and I are on our way.

Just finished our very constructive meeting at Captain Luna Sullivan’s ready room. It seems that this meeting is of the request of Captain Johnson. After explaining what happened on Paulos Prime to Captain Sullivan, In light of our current predicament, Captain Johnson offered a proposal to us. Since all of us now, due to the complete annihilation of Arthur’s Crazy 8’s, are technically clientless, we should create our own mercenary company. Captain Johnson volunteers his dropship and his crew for 50% of the contract bounty, he pointed out that with that deal, we wouldn’t have to worry about a medical crew, a mech repair crew and a salvage crew, since they are all under his payroll. He has also offered to give us all of the mech equipment and ammo in the cargo bay and one pilotless battlemech, a Dervish, since Arthur’s Krazy 8’s wouldn’t miss them anyways. Since Captain Sullivan also lost a client, she offered her services to our newly formed rag-tag merc company, her price still depends on the contract that we would wish to take. We can’t refuse such a generous arrangement. The captain asked us where to plot our next destination. Captain Johnson suggests we should get back to Outreach. That only leaves us now with two problems…. What to name our dropship and what to name ourselves.

During the meeting we were introduced to the Dropship Senior Crew, and they are Dropship Pilot Diana Bass, Dropship Tactical Officer Genghis McGregor, Chief Mechtech and Senior Salvage Officer Jeffry Gordon and Medical Officer Daryl Fairchild.

It’s going to take two months to get back to Outreach from here, I’m gonna have to get to know the crew more, if this deal holds, we’re gonna be working together for a very long time.

Planet: Outreach
January 18, 3049

Local time is 1100, I’m in a café right now, just continued my journal today after 2 months of severe boredom aboard the dropship 8ball. I spent most of the time on the simulators, trying to home my mech piloting and gunnery skills.

As for the remaining Krazie’s, Fleischer, Jaki and Braun, well, we agreed with Captain Johnson on establishing our own mercenary company, still no name though, same with the dropship 8ball.
During the trip back, I was able to learn more about the crew I’m with. Jaki, as I suspected, is not his real name. He revealed his true identity to us as Shirijiro Tetsukage, a Kuritan Yakuza, trained by the elite Ghost Regiment of the Draconis Combine…. I’m not sure if I could believe him though, the way he pilots his mech is just too reckless. Fleischer is indeed a Baron, a graduate from the Nagelring Academy. We all agreed that Fleischer should be the company commander, until he dies or someone better comes along. Andreas von Braun is a graduate of the New Capetown Military Academy, an institution known for their racism. Braun is also an old friend of Fleischer’s.

The dropship 8ball is currently undergoing some minor repairs, it should be done in a week. Our mission as of now is to look for a suitable contract for our next campaign.

January 19, 3049
I’m with Fleischer now, we just came from Captain Johnson’s ready room. Fleischer introduced us to Mike, a new member of our merc company, Tactical Officer McGregor says his battlemech skills are sufficient enough. Anyways, we were just presented some tempting contracts for our merc company from the various houses of the Inner Sphere. Just 3 days on Outreach and Johnson’s tables are flooding with offers. Someone must have heard of our great escape off Paulos. Speaking of Paulos, our the Captain’s sources here on Outreach say that of a total of 4 mercenary companies operating in the Oberron Confederation, we were the only ones that made it back. I for one am not too excited on going back to that part of space.

January 21, 3049
I was in the starport lounge this afternoon. Was talking with the bartender, he says he recognized me enter this place a few months back when I enlisted with Arthur’s Krazy 8’s. First he congratulated me to be one of the few merc’s that survived the now known on Outreach as “Oberron’s grip“. When I asked him what he knew, he says he’s heard from other survivors that a powerful faction of unknown origin has stumbled on legions of Star League Era battlemechs and technology and now they are overrunning Oberron space. The rest of the Innersphere couldn’t care less. The Draconis Combine has some bigger border problems then to worry about some well equipped pirates.

For now, all contracts operating in the Periphery coreward of the Federated Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine have been suspended. I just wish I was able to salvage a mech from those bastards, with that much firepower, I could dominate Solaris 7.

The Minnacora Campaign
January 25, 3049

The 8ball’s repair’s has had a one day delay, but everything is fully operational now. Jumpship, dropship and battlemech supplies have been loaded. We are good to go.

Fleischer also decided on which contract were hooking up. Looks like we’ll be working for Alaski Goods Corporation on the Planet Minnacora. Fortunately for us, the Federated Commonwealth is unwilling to risk open conflict with the Capellans, therefore AGC was forced to resort in hiring us. Our company will be operating for 6 months on this contested planet on the Capellan Confederation(Liao) and the Federated Commonwealth(Steiner, Davion) border, also known as the Capellan March. Currently, the planet is controlled by House Liao’s regular forces. Fleischer will explain further details when we are en route. We shall be launching for the jumpship Valiant tomorrow.

January 27, 3049
The 8ball just docked with the Valiant.

Commander Fleischer just called a briefing.

Just came from the briefing, our main objective is to defend Alaski Goods Corp. facilities which are being harassed by Liao Forces.
We should be jumping to our mission area in a day or two.

January 30, 3049
Just made it into the Minnacora System. The 8ball just detached from the Valiant, were moving in system. ETA to Minnacora Prime 20 hours.

Five hours to go before planet fall, just received intell from AGC operatives, our first mission is reacquire an AGC Processing plant, about 150 kilometers south of a major urban area. The industrial compound is protected by 2 lances, 1 lance of light mechs on patrol and 1 lance of medium mechs on constant garrison, our contact also mentioned that one of the defending battlemechs is a Hunchback, also fortifying the compound are 2 dual barrel A/C 2 turrets. Our first objective is to eliminate the light lance patrol in order to try to lure out the remaining defenders into an ambush, our secondary objective is to destroy or capture the defense turrets control tower, then our final objective, capture the facility.
Just heard Captain Johnson on the intercom, were entering the atmosphere, ETA to drop zone, 2 minutes.

Febuary 1, 3049 (mission 1 and 2, real life date Saturday December 6, 2008)

Captain Johnson – “This is the Captain, dropship re-entry successful, ETA to drop zone 60 seconds, opening bay doors now, good luck mechwarriors.”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“OK, everyone knows the drill, Strauss and Jaki takes point, set up a support position on Nav Alpha, the rest of the lance will follow shortly.”

Strauss – “Roger”

Jaki –“Yo-kai!”

Tactical Officer McGregor- “ Approaching Nav Alpha in 25 seconds”

Strauss –“Red light…….”

Tactical Officer McGregor- “10 seconds!”

Jaki- “Red light….. “

Tactical Officer McGregor- “ 5…… 4……. 3….. 2…… Green light GO! GO! GO!”

Strauss- “Deploy successful, ….. altitude 1,000 feet….. 500 feet….. ACTIVATING JUMP JETS!”

Jaki –“….nice and smooth…”

Strauss- “Son of a bitch! Rough touch-down for me.”

Jaki –“What’s your condition Strauss?”

Strauss –“ Im good, just scratched off some leg armor plating.”

Jaki –“I’m detecting the patrol, they see us, heading this way.”

Strauss –“Take partal cover, sensors indicate 3 light battlemechs and 1 LAM.”

Fleischer –“ETA 1 min, just hold position”

Strauss –“We have no line of sight, hostiles using the landscape for cover”

Fleischer –“…. Touched down. Everybody regroup at Strauss position, looks like the enemy is trying to flank us from both sides”

Jaki –“Here they come!”

Mike- “Don’t they realize they’re walking straight into a trap?”

Fleischer –“I have a lock on a Jenner on our right flank”

Jaki- “Another Jenner on our left”

Fleischer –“Fire at will!”

Strauss –“Nice shooting! Both Jenners down!”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“The LAM is retreating, Jaki, Strauss, take him out! Fleischer and Braun are engaging the Panther!”

Strauss –“He’s too fast, he’s moving out of LRM range.”

Jaki –“Damn, he’s gone.”

Fleischer –“Panther is going critical!”

Strauss –“LAM escaped.”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“Forget the LAM, looks like he’s retreating to a different area, First objective complete, head to the primary mission Nav Point.”

Fleishcer –“Roger, everyone form on me.”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“Long range scanners are picking up 4 medium battlemechs in the area patrolling the industrial compound, looks like they are heading to your location.”

Fleischer –“Jaki, Strauss, take up support positions, Mike, lure them here, Braun and I will take up close ranged ambush positions behind those hills. Bait and switch people.”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“I’m marking the maximum range of the A/C 2’s on your tactical map.”

Mike –“ There coming into my LRM range.”

Fleischer –“That’s it, fallback mike!”

Mike –“The Hoplite’s got a lock on me, incoming LRM’s!”

Strauss –“Have lock!”

Jaki –“ LRM’s away!”

Mike –“Im hit, minimal damage on my torso”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“Guys, sensors indicate the Hunchback is moving towards you, I suggest you take him out using long range weapons, that mech is equipped with an A/C 20.”

Strauss –“Can’t target the Hunchback, he’s using the hills as cover.”
Jaki –“Vindicator’s got a lock on me, … Im hit, PPC damage on my torso.”

Fleischer –“Everyone fall back to our position.”

Jaki –“Yo-kai.”

Strauss –“Engaging them at maximum range.”

Braun –“They are taking cover behind the hills.”

Jaki –“Can’t hit the Enforcer, he’s taken defensive positions in those heavy woods.”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“The Hoplite has disengaged, he’s heading back to the compound. The Enforcer and the Hunchback are taking defensive positions, the Vindicator is covering their rear. Looks like the bait and switch tactic didn’t work Commander Fleischer, you will have to either run the gauntlet of A/C 2’s or assault the mechs.”

Fleischer –“Damn, Jaki and Strauss, cover us, the rest form on me, we’ll charge the Enforcer.”

Braun –“I’m hit, Enforcer’s got a lock on me, but I can’t see him!”

Mike –“Watch out!”

Fleischer –“AAAAGH! Direct hit from the Hunchback, my center torso is buckling!”

Strauss –“The Vindicator is moving into support position! I’m engaging him!”

Braun –“Almost at melee range…”

Fleischer –“Everyone focus on the Enforcer NOW!”

Jaki –“Good shooting! He’s retreating behind those hills!”

Mike –“Hunchback moving in! He’s got a lock on Braun!”

Braun –“GAAAGH, I’m hit, one more hit from that A/C 20 and I’m done for!”

Fleischer –“Everyone, focus fire on the Hunchback!”

Strauss –“I have lock on the Hunchback, LRMs away!”

Jaki –“Nice! Hunchback’s off balanced he’s falling!”

Fleischer –“Hunchback down! “



Fleischer –“All units, engage the Enforcer!”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“Direct hits on the Enforcer!”

Strauss –“Enforcer going critical!”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“ Hoplite is moving into a support position , Vindicator moving to intercept Fleischer!”

Fleischer –“Mike, Make your way to the compound and capture the defense turrets control tower!”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“Jaki, Strauss cover Mike!”

Jaki –“ Can’t target the Vindicator, he’s on top of me!.... DEATH FROM ABOVE!”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“The Hoplite is moving on your rear Fleischer!”

Strauss –“I have him locked! Giving him all I got! I’m overheating!”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“Hoplite heavily damaged! Fleischer, finish him off!”

Strauss –“Good shooting Fleischer!”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“Just the Vindicator left!”

Strauss –“Can’t get a good shot, Vindicator and Jaki are on melee combat!”

Tactical Officer McGregor –“Vindicator down! Nice cockpit punch Jaki! Mike is at the industrial complex, area secured! Good job people! Captain Johnson, you are clear to land the dropship”

Febuary 2, 3049
AGC militia troops have secured the processing plant. Another successful mission, too bad we lost Braun’s hatchetman. Our AGC informant has made some discoveries on the reacquired facility, apparently, the mechs we engaged yesterday weren’t Liao forces at all, but another mercenary company hired by COMPANY B, a competitor of Alaski Goods Corp. Company B disguised the other mercenary company to be Liao Regulars to fool the FedCom military to not intervene.

In the mechbay now, we have good news from Chief Mechtech Jeff Gordon, we have salvaged 3 mechs. The Hunchback, Vindicator and the Hoplite are currently undergoing repairs, Gordon estimates at least 2 weeks to get those mechs functional. For the mean time, AGC ordered us to continue to garrison this area. Company B, they say, is determined to recapture this facility. AGC also says that it is possible that Company B may hire another merc company to assist them.

This is it for now, won’t know our next campaign/mission till our next game.
I like the camo pattern you did on your mechs Tongue

And do I see a VF somewhere in the 2nd pic? XD
Ayus. Marunong ka rin palang mag-drawing. Big grin

Yay! Battletech art. Big grin

(11-27-2008, 08:26 PM)Grim Wrote: Ayus. Marunong ka rin palang mag-drawing. Big grin


Pilipino pala si Octavian.
yup, im pinoy!

thanks, might upload more art by tom or the day after that. im also writing our rpg adventures in a first person journal entry style, ill post it after our 2nd mission, hehe
Nice work keep it up!
Any of you guys here also playing Classic Battle Tech (CBT)? Smile
writing the 3rd mission journal now, will post it later this afternoon, also, there are some inconsistencies, already fixed them with the upcoming entry, updates include new characters, will also try to post additional character art later.
lol not a big mechwarrior fan but ehehehe it seems rather obvious who (generally) creamed those guys XD

this looks like a nice game where can I get an orientation XD

just updated the journal, for those of you who have already read the rest, you can start reading from November 9, 3048

also added more npcs and battetech terms, check the prejournal write-up for details

our next game will be next Saturday, December 6, so there wont be any journal updates till then, but ill try to complete the other concept art for the characters and post them as soon as i can.

i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, Big grin
This is making me want to play the board game again Tongue When you go visit Manila again, I'm expecting more tales of valor and glory XD
this forced me to wiki the general battletech history XD XD XD XD

finished 2 missions yesterday, saturday dec.6 2008, but havnt started the journal yet, gonna start later tonight, i just need more details from our game master, might post the updated journal tom or tuesday. thanks!!
just updated the journal, you can start reading from November 15, 3048
updates include

Jaki's full name

new character/player Mike,

new campagin, Minnacora
2 mission logs

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