Current time: 09-21-2024, 01:54 PM
Marine Mission Specialist
[Image: mtbat.jpg]

MT10-BAT (Light-weight Hover)

Head --------- H04-CICADA (0,0,0,0,10)
Core ---------- RAKAN (0,10,0,0,0)
Arms ---------- A06-GIBBON2 (0,5,3,2,0)
Legs ---------- CR-LN85 (0,0,3,4,3)
Booster ------- ---
FCS ----------- CR-F73H
Generator ----- G01-LOTUS (0,10,0)
Radiator ------ ANANDA (0,0,10)
Inside -------- ---
Extension ----- RURI
Back Unit R --- CR-WB73MV
Back Unit L --- CR-WB73MV
Arm Unit R ---- YWH14PU-ROC4
Arm Unit L ---- YWH14PU-ROC4
Hanger Unit R - ---
Hanger Unit L - ---

Base: 72,62,85
Aid: 45,45,45
Optional: 45,45,45 (Core/Legs: 50,45,80)
Detail: 75,0,0
Joint: 85,50,40

(03-13-2010, 11:21 AM)Goat Wrote: Control scheme is doable in AC3-AC3SL, but playing it in LR can be very fuckingly annoying.

I never had any difficulty killing Rim Fire, Zuben, Busker, and Volant in its PS2 counterpart, but I barely survived on 1-on-2 missions (I still haven't killed Volant and Busker, which I really need to do to unlock 99UL) in LRP. The default control scheme also seems to be the most practical config for AC's portable versions, but you lose potential in movement or any other feasible option when you aim with the Triangle and O button.

That thread sparked my creativity once more. Since most of my MTs imitations are good only on a few missions, why not make one for the two lone water missions in LR?

The tactics are simple, ignore all secondary targets (most MTs, small generators). Melt Wanton Busker with your dual ROC4, he'll explode before Shelia finish talking if you are fast enough LOL

Vola Volant is slightly harder, pummel him to a pulp with the vertical missiles from the TOP of the dam. If you see missiles coming, activate the extensions and watch them miss. Only fire the verts when the RJ is not airborne and is directly below you, otherwise you'll miss.
I finished the two missions with 6000+ AP remaining, one empty missile pack, and an A letter grade - not the best, but fool proof enough to avoid frustrations.

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