Current time: 09-28-2024, 02:57 AM
SL: Tombstone
Signature AC
I originally created this design entire on aesthetics. However as time went on, I began serious attempts in trying to use it. Unequivocally works best in the Arena, due to the limited ammo count, but the earliest/shortest missions can be finished with it.

For the Arena I spam orbits with extension missiles, then use the arm cannons in dual firing mode to finish the opponent off (or vice versa). Because the cannon lock box is very small, I've gotten really good at precision shooting. Nonetheless, really agile AC's that like to run/jump/fly erratically tend to be a major pain in the butt, as the limited ammo makes missing unforgiving.

Not an optimal design - very limited at what it can perform - but this would be my signature AC if I was forced to choose one. Because it's so under performing, I've learned to become a much better player with it. I'm proud to say I've cleared all AI opponents in the SL Arena with the Tombstone. Wub

Pilot: Epitaph
Armored Core: Tombstone
Cost: 997900

Booster: -
Generator: CGP-ROZ
Radiator: RIX-CR10
Inside: -
Extension: MWEM-R/36
Back Unit R: MWC-OC/15
Back Unit L: MWC-OC/15
Arm Unit R: -
Arm Unit L: -

Atk Pwr: C
Def Pwr: D
Mobility: B
En Sup: A
Cooling: D
Support: D
Overall: C

AP: 7465
Arm Weight: 2109/3056
Leg Weight: 5066/5071
Weight: 7681
En Consumption: 6701/10500
En Capacity: 60600
En Supply: 3799
Total Firepower: 13172
Defensive Points: 2838
Stability: 4448
Moving Ability: 1171
Turning Speed: 123
Rising Ability: 2603
Cooling: 2726
Radar Ability: 432
Sensor Ability: 250
FCS Performance: 2285
Not really optimal indeed but seems very unique and very fun! I might dig up SL tomorrow just to try this out. Big grin

Nice to see that SL's still getting some love.

Welcome to Raven Republic, by the way! Smile Why don't you introduce yourself in our intro thread?
(02-25-2010, 02:05 AM)NiX Wrote: Nice to see that SL's still getting some love.

You can thank the PSP for that. Happy
I re-looked at the POWER arms again and I was surprised that it had 2335 atk power on high damage mode for each beam! D:

Its just sad that weapon arms don't get more love in SL, since they have 0 defense Sad. Oh and is the starter radiator on this AC correct? :p
(02-25-2010, 09:13 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: Oh and is the starter radiator on this AC correct? :p

Yep, that looks like it. It's a funny thing that any competent players can get away from using anything better back in the days before NX... ;O;
Go MAK instead of ZMX. It's basically the same except a lot less drainy.

WS3 over ROA for a bigger lockbox.

Having 2 OC15s makes no sense when you can have a single OC30.

008 core with SA44 rad works better for an all energy weapon AC.

FCS++ and TRN are must have OPs here. Get rid of CND, RTE, and CE for those. If you do the switch to 008 you can add CLPU or RTE+MAW.
Fuck protoss.
I don't know. I really like ZMX for looks. It's the shit and it's a new part. It makes sense that someone would want to use it. It's just too bad you can't use Limit Release on here and go crazy like you could in AA with the Energy Weap Arms. I definitely agree with LCC's recommends on the optionals, though. FCS++ is probably one of the best things you can do for this bot.

Definitely though, that starter Radiator ain't so bad. I use it or SA44 depending on how much weight I can fit. Occasionally I pop higher cooling when I have a ton of free weight lying around cuz I use OB about.... 90% of the match, haha. I think the only way to move horizontally in AC is to either OB or Run! Boosters are for going up!

Do you play on Adhoc Party at all? I own every AC game out there and I'm always willing to play online when it comes to the pre-AC4 series. It'd be fun to have some SLp fights with someone not Japanese and using OP-I. It get's a bit tiring having to fight Lightweights with GL. Haha.
Fuck terran.
A painful activity in which a man, using the stiffest and pointiest part of his pelvic region, repeatedly stabs
a female in her crotch until he feels satisfied.

[Image: Niji87.png]
(02-25-2010, 09:13 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: I re-looked at the POWER arms again and I was surprised that it had 2335 atk power on high damage mode for each beam! D:

Yea, it's almost criminal. Also the shot count for High Damage is the same as Low Damage, so the only real negative between the two, is the slower firing rate and higher shot drain.

(02-25-2010, 09:13 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: Its just sad that weapon arms don't get more love in SL, since they have 0 defense Sad. Oh and is the starter radiator on this AC correct? :p

Agreed. Arm cannons get the short end of the stick.

The starter radiator is correct. Overheat has never been a problem for me. That will change in LR Portable, but as far as AC3 Portable and SL Portable are concerned, radiators are last on the priority list with no serious detriment to my playing performance.

(02-25-2010, 03:36 PM)LCC Wrote: Go MAK instead of ZMX. It's basically the same except a lot less drainy.

Having 2 OC15s makes no sense when you can have a single OC30.

008 core with SA44 rad works better for an all energy weapon AC.

I'll definitely check out your Options and FCS suggestions. However I don't like how the MAK, OC30, and 008 look. This was built for what visually appeals to me (mentioned it in the OP).

I know it's far from optimal: I've got optimal designs that I lifted from Japanese tournaments, but they're no fun to me. I like getting that sense of accomplishment when beating a better performing design, with a cool looking one.

That or I'm a masochist. Tongue

(02-25-2010, 05:01 PM)Niji Wrote: FCS++ is probably one of the best things you can do for this bot.

You know... it's funny because I knew this, but considered it a crutch. Therefore I didn't want to use the FCS++ because I wanted to be good without it.

Not trying to brag, because Lord knows I'm not championship material by a long shot, but I've gotten really good at keeping a tight lock box with such a small window, unless my opponent has truly erratic movement. It's kinda neat: lots of people have a preference for going one particular direction more often than others, and after a few seconds I'm sorta able to pick up on that. Had to with this design. The corollary is if someone has a preference to go one direction, it seems to be instinctual for them to go the opposite direction to dodge/avoid. Thus when they move out the lock box, go the opposite direction they were going, and they're often back in it.

Of course this isn't a given. Skilled players learn to not have predictable patterns... but then I don't expect to win against skilled players with this design. For that, I'd use an actual tourney AC design.

(02-25-2010, 05:01 PM)Niji Wrote: Do you play on Adhoc Party at all? I own every AC game out there and I'm always willing to play online when it comes to the pre-AC4 series. It'd be fun to have some SLp fights with someone not Japanese and using OP-I. It get's a bit tiring having to fight Lightweights with GL. Haha.

I just own the "remake" PSP games. I used to own the PS and PS2 games, but that was so long ago. Still haven’t unlocked all the parts in Silent Line quite yet, but I'm about a week away from it. Last Raven is out in Japan this March. I might get it, since the US version won't see light of day until mid/late Summer.
Well SL is based entirely around OBing like crazy so you don't get as many opportunities to predict someone's jinking and not need to move your box in broad motions. Having a bigger box limits the angles someone can abuse at close range and isn't always about having godly box control. Sometimes your AC just can't aim as fast as your opponent can move. If you're playing against bad players and feel the need to handicap yourself that's fine, but you have to expect a lot of suggestions when you post a bot up.
Fuck protoss.
(02-26-2010, 01:13 AM)LCC Wrote: If you're playing against bad players and feel the need to handicap yourself that's fine, but you have to expect a lot of suggestions when you post a bot up.

I really do appreciate the input. Please don't think it won't be helpful: I'm always looking for improvement. Just trying to explain the reasoning behind the insanity to the design. Soon as I get my PSP fully charged, I'm going to experiment with the new FCS and Options. I'll let ya know how it goes. Smile

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