Current time: 02-04-2025, 02:25 AM
Before the Apocalypse
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the countries or organizations mentioned throughout the story (with the sole exceptions of the Empire and its military), as well as any of the people mentioned (unless otherwise stated).

Prologue: Two Hearts, One Love

It had been 13 years since the Great War, which was fought between the nations of the Earth and their space-faring brethren from the Empire, had begun, throwing the world and its people into a state of Armageddon. What had used to be a pristine habitat for humanity had been turned into a literal hell, the ground blazing from several of the Empire's periodic orbital strikes. The United States, once one of the most powerful countries on the face of the planet, had started to take on the appearance of Mercury's cratered, barren surface. The rest of the world weren't faring any better, the remainder of the Earth's population forced to live in subterranean cities to survive.

It wasn't always been like this, though?

(Flashback) 7 years ago, at the beginning of the Great World Draft and full-scale war between the Earth and the Empire

"Isn't it nice to have meetings like this during weekends?" I asked, sipping a cup of tea my host had prepared earlier.

"Sure is nice," my friend replied. "It's not every day I get visitors from other countries, especially noting where you came from."

"True," I had replied, my attention diverted to the picture on the mantle of his fireplace. After picking it up, I showed it to him, asking, "So, she's the one you were telling me about, huh?"

"Yeah," he answered. "She's very sweet once you get to know her."

"Oh, really?" I inquired, staring at the picture.

"Sure," he answered, his smooth, low voice reinforcing his words and their meaning. "I believe you two have met before."

"Yeah," I answered, surprised he had still remembered our close friendship with her when the 3 of us went to school together. "We did."

Telling by the twinkle in his obsidian eyes and the way he responded to me, I could tell he loved her very much.

Unfortunately, there was a problem with that.

So did I...

To be continued...

A/N: This is something I just started a few minutes ago, so forgive me for any "rough spots" in the story.

A complete explanation will be given <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> as well as where your comments will go.

By the way, this is based on a situation I'm dealing with right now (well, the underlying love story, that is).
Jade: Ah, the scent of love is in the air.
Luke & Tear: Love?!
Mieu: I don't smell anything. What's it smell like? Apple gels?
Jade: More like a certain young religious leader.

-from a ToA skit... (related to current avvie...just read the skit yourself and you'll get it)
Chapter 1: The Dark Skies

"So, how is she now?" I asked, curious at her current state of living.

"Can you keep a secret?" my friend asked back. I was puzzled by his secrecy.

"Sure," I answered. "Why? Did she kill someone?"

"Not exactly," he replied. Now he really puzzled me.

A moment of silence had passed between us before he could finish his answer.

"She works for the Earth Forces now," he finished.

I was grieved at this sudden change in feeling. If she worked for the Earth Forces, then that would mean she already knew of my true nature-that I was the son of the Emperor, the very person the Earth Forces were fighting against.

My chances with her are so over, I thought.

"So, she knows who I really am?" I inquired.

"Yeah," he replied. "She's okay with it, though."

From that statement, I felt like a 2-ton weight had been taken off my shoulders.

"That's good," I replied. "How's it been between you two?"

"We're getting married a few months from now," he answered.

My feeling from before had returned, but it was worse now.

Now it felt like I had the entire Empire upon my shoulders.

"Then," I said, "happy wishes to both of you."

"Thanks," he replied.

Suddenly, the sky outside started to go dark, an ominous shadow enveloping the entire city block where his house was situated.

"Strange weather we're having," he commented.

Maybe no one else noticed, I thought.

"That's my ride," I told him. Telling by his pale face when he stared at me, I must have scared the willies off him. It also didn't help that the door started to fall apart.

"Who's knocking?" he asked. "They might break the door!"

Stupid Imperial Guards, I thought. This is why I asked to come here myself, but he's so overprotective...

"Guess I better go," I told him, "before they break the door."

As I opened the door to leave, I was surprised at what I saw.

Not only were the Imperial Guard here with their large flying fortress given for my personal use, but they were also fighting with soldiers from the Earth Forces.

Unfortunately, the Earth Forces soldiers stood no chance of ever beating the sentinels from the Imperial Guard.

Even worse, they were fighting with Unit Excubitor, the unit assigned to protect me.

I had to stop them before they made a mess of things...

Taking the small retractable weapon from under my medium-long obsidian cape, I proceeded to the ensuing battle in front of me.

On the way, several Earth Forces soldiers stopped fighting the soldiers from Unit Excubitor and started to charge toward me. Among their large numbers, I managed to spot the leader in the middle of the human flood heading straight for me.

The leader began barking orders to the troops. "Get the one with the cape! Ignore the rest!"

Surely, the head of the Emperor?s son is a greater prize than the heads of all the Imperial Military, he thought.

I would soon show him that taking my head would not be so easy.

I soon proceeded to kill in earnest, several of the soldiers sent at me falling to my blade, their bodies falling to the ground at a disheartening rate.

Very soon, they started to dwindle in number until only the leader and 10 of his elite soldiers remained.

"You know," I said to the leader in a taunting manner, "you should send more skilled soldiers to fight me instead of these neophytes. I barely broke a sweat!"

Telling by his usually chiseled face turning crimson with frustration, I can tell my words got to him somehow.

"Are you going to take that crap from him?" he shouted to his remaining soldiers. "Try and take back your dignity! Crush his bones and turn him to dust!"

At that, the 10 elites started to charge toward me, weapons pointed at my most vital target: the neck.

Did they really want my head that badly?

To be continued...

<a href='' target='_blank'>You know where to go.</a>
Jade: Ah, the scent of love is in the air.
Luke & Tear: Love?!
Mieu: I don't smell anything. What's it smell like? Apple gels?
Jade: More like a certain young religious leader.

-from a ToA skit... (related to current avvie...just read the skit yourself and you'll get it)

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