Current time: 03-07-2025, 10:38 AM
SL - Spider Jerusalem
Boom-bastic quad
AC: Spider Jerusalem

While we are being nostalgic, thought I might share my favourite Silent Line bot. Original setup ran dual shotguns and was more of a jouster; as time passed I grew to appreciate HGL-100 more for what it was and it gave a bit more mid-range poke to the build. Also just glad that after all these years the power of roms allows me to post screen captures.

[Image: SL-Jerusalem.png]

Head: CHD-04-YIV
"Pretty standard stuff here. All best in class parts for the weight required. Originally ran SKYEYE with some small other tweaks for perfect weight build, but for pure performance YIV + A10."

Boosters: MBT-NI/MARE -  "Not running CND in the optional parts so went a bit thrifty on the boost."
FCS: AOX-X/WS-3 -  "Prefer the added range of 3 over 1 for the boomstick."
Generator: CGP-ROZ
Radiator: RMR-SA77 -  "Slightly heftier radiator here as I am not running CLPU over some comfort optional parts to enhance lock performance. SA44 + CLPU optional part the alternative."
Inside: MWI-DD/20 -  "Drop down to DD/10 if you run the dual shotgun build."
Extension: -

Back Unit Right: CWC-GNL-15
Back Unit Left: CRU-A10
Arm Unit Right: CWG-GS-56
Arm Unit Left: MWG-HGL-100 -  "Originally CWG-GSL-56, whichever floats your boat. HGL is obviously a potent weapon and good for longer-range pokes"

Optional Parts:

"Most of the choices are stock standard. Swap out FCS performance options for CND and CLPU if you feel more comfortable. Could be pure placebo, but I prefer the feeling of maximum lock performance for GNL-15 with the above setup. More skilful players probably benefit from the latter selections"
What can I say? It's already a solid design, any suggestions I'll have would be nitpicking and would be based on personal preference. On my end I prefer the WS-1 for the tiny increase in lockbox size since this is pretty much a light brawler quad, the CRU-A102 for the longer distance radar zoom (radar zooms in at the range of 200) to the A10 (radar zooms in at the range of 100) so you'll have better situation awareness when they're off screen (the radar screen doesn't look as cluttered).

Other than that, it's an aggressive quad with plenty of close-range ordinance that can be unloaded in a short span of time. No real EN problems, so it can keep the pressure up, missile defense is covered by the decoys, mega defense ACs can be dealt with sustained overheat with the GL + Handguns. No real glaring issues, and it should do well in an arena setting.

One concern though, does OP-L-AXL affect double-lock speed for projectile weapons? I always thought they strictly affected missile lock on only. Also, does the braking option part do anything for you? I always ran with the impression that it's one of those null stats in SL besides hovers. Anyway, if you can drop those, you'll have space for other option parts like the ECMP to prevent enemies from ever using multi-lock missiles on you.

Anyway, good job on this design, and thank you for sharing Smile  Nice touch on the yellow R Arm to match the SG. Tongue I'm curious on where the name Spider Jerusalem came from though?
(12-17-2022, 08:36 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: One concern though, does OP-L-AXL affect double-lock speed for projectile weapons? I always thought they strictly affected missile lock on only. Also, does the braking option part do anything for you?
Yeah I think you are right. I just slapped that locking optional in there after over 10 years off playing the game since I never used it. Later games specifically mention the part is only missile locks, so I was probably just suffering placebo effect. As mentioned CND and CLPU go in its place as it likely was when I first built the bot. The braking optional was just filler haha.

(12-17-2022, 08:36 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: I'm curious on where the name Spider Jerusalem came from though?
It was the name of the protagonist in a comic called 'Transmetropolitan' which I never actually read. Just saw the name and liked it haha.

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