Current time: 09-21-2024, 08:21 AM
Armored Core - Code Destiny
3rd Fan-Fic
To everyone reading this story, this is officially my third fan-fic. The 2 first ones disappeared when EJ Raven screwed around with ACO. This time, I'm planning on completely finish this story. (Readers from ACO will know what I'm talking about, as I never had the time to finish my 1st Fan-Fic)

Disclaimer: I do not own Armored Core, it righteously belongs to FROMSOFTWARE. I do however own most of ACs in here, as they were built by me. Pilots name are fictional, but I might sometimes use the name of someone you know.

What remains to be done:

- Get some cover art. (Later, will ask Taurus)
- Do an anime style opening for that (as I usually do. You'll get to see it on Youtube)
- Keep writing. XP

And there we go reading:


-----CANAAN Subterranean Sewers (Under The Raven's Ark)-----

In Dark, dimly lit gigantic canals, small fires emanating from the carcasses of destroyed MTs and ACs could be seen. The fading light shone on 2 ACs that were now aiming their main weapon towards each other's core, at point blank range. One was colored in in Dark and White contrast, with some hint of Red. The other was in Dark Red and White. Both units were glaring menacingly at each other with their respective EYE4 head. The first was pointing a PIXIE3, while the other one had a SHADE fixed towards his opponent.

The Ravens were conversing.

“Why do you oppose my dream? We share the same view of this miserable world, we share the same ideas, why won't you join me?” Said the one in the SHADE wielding AC.

“From the very start, we harm and consume to survive, we parasite our mother's womb and have her drown in an unbearable pain. But she forgives us for that. From the very beginning, we do Evil in ignorance, we disobey in ignorance, we destroy in ignorance. Yet we are forgiven for that. And we keep doing Evil, even to our very last breath. Evil is implanted within us. Even if we reject it, it will come back. You are dreaming if you want to build a society where Evil has been suppressed. Trying to suppress Evil but makes you Evil yourself. You cannot do it.” Replied the other.

“You never know until you try.”

“You will not try. I have seen so many would be saviors, CREST, MIRAGE, and Ravens, yet nothing changed with them, and I highly doubt that things will change with you.”

“So you revere unto darkness should I understand?”

“I do not revere in Darkness only. I revere in Darkness and Light.”

Both Ravens pulled on the weapons trigger. The sound of bullet and energy blasts could be heard from afar...

----- Days Earlier, Raven's Ark, Pilot's Dormitory -----

Light from the awaking Sun could be seen filtering through the corridors, illuminating the building's grayish metal walls.
In the room N.98, a blipping sound started playing, along with the computer saying in it's monotone voice, “You've got a mail”. The Raven that resided in the room was till laying on the bed, his eyes closed. They opened slowly, revealing his black eyes. He quickly threw aside the bed sheet which was covering him and walked to his computer. He muted the annoying blip and read the mail. It was a mission request.

“Humph, Vulcan Industries I see...” he muttered to himself. “Piece of cake.”

Opening a closet, he quickly put on his Raven suit, took his personal firearm and personal ID cards. Following that, he quickly slammed open his room's door and exited.

“Damn those corporate idiots for choosing such appropriate hours to have us do their errands...” he thought.

-----Vulcan Industries Research Lab 06-----

Two unknown people were talking, shaded out one of the communication's room corners.

“Has he accepted?” asked one of them.


“Good. That makes 2. Ravens of this level should suffice. We don't want to attract too much attention anyways.”

“But sir, why not send the project in a more discreet way? Like in a stealth transport for example?” Questioned the other.

“We have spies and traitors in our own rank. I smuggled the data on this simple convoy because no one would think that it's important.”

“I see.”

“Let us hope that MIRAGE doesn't get it's hand on that...”

On the other side, in the building's basement, doors that led to the surface opened, and a convoy of heavily armored trucks escorted by Muscle Tracers left the building, heading for their destination.


We are now 6 Years after the Intercine Incident took place, supposedly erasing all but one of the remaining ravens on earth.
The companies have split anew, although they are now in a weaker state that they once were. MIRAGE and CREST are still facing a stalemate in power, with MIRAGE being slightly dominant/ KISARAGI on the other hand, has risen impressively, coming on par with the other corporations. The small 6 year gap has also seen the advent of 3 new corporations, Vulcan Industries, KAJI, and the Armored Core Works, the latter being known as A.C.W.
The Populace now lives again under the grip of fear and conflict, as the corporations war for supremacy anew.

And again, those deciding the fate of humanity are none other than the Ravens, resurrected from the Ashes. The irony though, is that after having reconstructed the Raven's Ark, the Last Raven vanished. Now, it is upon the new generation of Ravens that rests the fate of mankind.

To be continued...

If you feel like discussing or rating my fan-fic, go here:
[Image: t98sig.png]

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