Current time: 01-31-2025, 07:56 PM
Looking for a pen and tablet...
Know of anyone selling any cheap ones? It's my first one so I don't expect to get the very-top-of-the-line Mirage err... Wacom models. Even if they're very used I'll still consider a purchase.

If you don't know anyone, maybe you know of any shops that sell 'em cheap. I've been browsing around and all I can find are either Genius models with a 3"x2" area, or Wacom models which cost upwards of P5,000.

My budget is around P2,500 below.

For those with a bit more experience with tablets, tell me, is 3"x2" good enough or not? Because I don't think it is.
do you have any brand or model in mind?
send me the details, and i'll try to look for one here
this saturday.
Ninja Ninja 
Don't have any specific brand in mind, like I said I'm staying away from Wacoms right now since their prices are exorbitant. Way too much for a student's budget.

I would appreciate it if you looked at some 4"x5"s for me. Thanks in advance Jay!
Scratch this off your hunting list Jay, meron na ako! Someone was kind enough to give me one. May he be blessed with a long life and happiness forever!
Someone gave you a tablet for free?!
Goatling Wrote:Someone gave you a tablet for free?!
You know it. Thanks to that dude, he knows who he is.

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