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    Thread: AC (PvP) Match Videos
Post: I've got a fairly wide collection of ACMA vids. Th...

I've got a fairly wide collection of ACMA vids. They're on Google Video so I'll look them up real quick and get the links back here. There's a whole lot of them so it's a pretty good find.
Fallen AC Media 43 130,345 09-28-2006, 07:28 AM
    Thread: Scimitar
Post: I'd get rid of SS, there's no use for them now sin...

I'd get rid of SS, there's no use for them now since they only provide a defense addition when you're being fired at from a 90* angle. If your opponent is there no ammount of extra def can save you. ...
Fallen 3rd Generation 5 6,090 09-27-2006, 11:46 AM
    Thread: LR: Monkay
Post: Yeah, it's been awhile since I've used it but the ...

Yeah, it's been awhile since I've used it but the things speed combined with the incredibly high armor generally makes it a bitch to hit with the LR mechanincs, haven't had any problems with BZ's to b...
Fallen 3rd Generation 2 3,696 09-27-2006, 12:28 AM
    Thread: LR: Monkay
Post: [b]Monkay[/b] Head CR-H81S4 0,3,7,0,0 Core YC07-...

Monkay Head CR-H81S4 0,3,7,0,0 Core YC07-CRONUS 0,3,7,0,0 Arms A07-LEMUR 0,4,5,0,1 Legs LH03-PANTHER 0,3,7,0,0 Booster B03-VULTURE2 0,0,10,0 FCS MF04-COWRY Generator CR-G91 0,10,0 Radiator ANA...
Fallen 3rd Generation 2 3,696 09-26-2006, 02:08 AM
    Thread: LR: Circuity
Post: Yeah, Jag2 is better but for once I wanted to make...

Yeah, Jag2 is better but for once I wanted to make an effective design using non-tier parts...excluding RA of course but the only back radars worth using are RA and Siren so meh.
Fallen 3rd Generation 4 5,444 09-26-2006, 02:04 AM
    Thread: Design Challenge Ideas.
Post: If you want a challenge make a viable Silky design...

If you want a challenge make a viable Silky design, you can choose whether to dual wield or single. Now that's some tough ****. Edit: Next time, please avoid any form of profanity. - NiX
Fallen Designs 68 115,407 09-24-2006, 04:39 AM
    Thread: LR: Circuity
Post: cir

Fallen 3rd Generation 4 5,444 09-24-2006, 02:38 AM
    Thread: Mad Lucied
Post: Naw man, Funi are FTL in all the recent games. Onl...

Naw man, Funi are FTL in all the recent games. Only missile ext worth using are RM and RM3...maybe GAR if you use the Nymphe+Gar OB missile spread tactic but that's a big if. G69 is a great gen but I...
Fallen 3rd Generation 9 10,813 09-23-2006, 12:12 PM
    Thread: Mad Lucied
Post: Lol, ouch Serene. The SS2 side shields don't do a...

Lol, ouch Serene. The SS2 side shields don't do anything in LR...unless your opponent flanks the hell out of you that is. They only work at a 90 degree angle so it's basically just weighing you down....
Fallen 3rd Generation 9 10,813 09-23-2006, 11:19 AM
    Thread: Wizard of Oz
Post: I assumed that was the non-OB UL core (oops). You ...

I assumed that was the non-OB UL core (oops). You really don't need OB on a hover, just use the Hover tap trick and you'll stay at a great speed. When a hover OBs it has to recover which means you slo...
Fallen 3rd Generation 9 9,618 09-23-2006, 11:12 AM
    Thread: Wizard of Oz
Post: Ver 2 is a bit better but I have some small change...

Ver 2 is a bit better but I have some small changes. Fudoh+Laurel to G69+Ananda. G69 is basically the only gen you can use with hovers because it's the only gen with a low enough cal value so that wh...
Fallen 3rd Generation 9 9,618 09-23-2006, 12:11 AM