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Brood Kaizer - Printable Version

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- Crimson - 01-15-2007

Pilot Name: Crimson
AC Name: Brood Kaizer

[Image: crimson2-1.jpg]

Head: CR-H06SR2 (0/0/5/5/0)
Core: CR-C84O/UL (0/10/0/0/0)
Arms: A11-MACAQUE (0/0/5/5/0)
Legs: LH07-DINGO2 (0/0/2/8/0)
Booster: B05-GULL (0/0/7/3)
Generator: G01-LOTUS (0/10/0)
Radiator: ANANDA (0/0/10)
Inside: NONE
Extension: CR-E92RM3
Back Unit R: NONE
Back Unit L: KINNARA
Arm Unit R: CR-WR84RA2
Arm Unit L: CR-WH01HP

Arm Unit R Hanger: NONE
Arm Unit L Hanger: CR-WL88LB3


I mainly start off with a Kinnara shot or 2, then I begin to use my hand combo until the HP runs out, than If I have a comfortable lead, I will drop the HP and the Kinnara+RM3 and proceed to use the blade. Use OB for positioning and OB blade charges (if your good at it) to go to victory.

- Lord_Leperman - 01-15-2007

Despite its accuracy, I think the RA2 fires slowly compared to standard rifles. What you could do is to substitute the gun with the R2 or the R3 and just put a hanger weapon under it. Admitedly, the suggestion is not as orginal as the RA2, but I think it works, but if you have the patience to wear out your opponent little by little at a safe range, then keep the RA2 if you wish.

Besides that, I'm OK with the design, but I'd change the MACAQUE to the A72F and just tune some parts for EN defense for the sake of better shell defense and cooling, but that's my preference. Still a good design though. Smile

- Serene - 01-15-2007

Well, RA2's much better than Gast...

If you OB a lot...
I'd like to request an RGB combo for this one...
Just try it and tell me how it goes with this design...

Lotus - Output
Linden - Cooling
Birdie2 - Heat

This is an OB dependent Setup -I think-...

- wanzerfreak - 01-15-2007

i think ra > ra2.

it reloads faster hence it dishes out damage in a faster rate.

- Serene - 01-15-2007

Try Wanzer's tip...
As long as it's anything but Gast...

- Grim - 01-15-2007

Looks nice, Crim. Just about as bloody and evil as blood and evil can be, haha.

I'll be one of the people defending the RA2 here, as I feel it meshes well with the speed tactics that the design (most specifically, the Dingo2) tries to take advantage of. That rifle hits well with OB-equipped ACs, so I think it should stay here.

Man, /UL + Gull is asking for it though. Might want to change it up a bit there, or at least take out the Macaques for an SL or FL and put in the R92.

- Crimson - 01-16-2007

Thx for the suggestions guys. I wouldve replied sooner, but I was outta town for a college recruiting visit, but I am back now Big grin

I will definiately try out the suggestions and get back to yall