ACLR Weapon Accuracy Table - val - 01-24-2023
Credit goes to the ACLR Patch Tool, made by a Korean AC group, for making these stats easily discoverable. The stats are pulled from there, I'm uploading this here so it can be accessible to more people who are interesting in building for PvP. Formatting taken from VeilSide's thread from 2006, as he did a great job with it and this is just continuing his post in more detail.
Also please keep in mind that these are just numbers, and that there hasn't been enough testing done to know how much these actually effect anything in reality.
First number is projectile velocity (speed), second is projectile spread.
Right Arm Weapons
Rifles- CR-WR69R : 1030 / 6632
CR-WR73R2: 1030 / 6458
CR-YWH05R3: 1030 / 6458
WR01R-SHADOW : 1000 / 6109
WR10R-MOLD : 980 / 6981
CR-WR76RA :1050 / 7854
CR-WR84RA2 :1050 / 7854
WH01R-GAST : 980 / 7505
CR-WR88RB :1030 / 10647
WR14R-PHANTOM : 960 / 13788
CR-WR93RL :1090 / 14137
CR-WH05RLA :1090 / 15359
Sniper Rifles- CR-WR73RS : 1440 / (2094, 2793 v/h)
CR-WR81RS2: 1230 / (5585, 6109 v/h)
CR-WR88RS3: 1150 / (6109 , 6981 v/h)
WH02RS-WYRM :1270 / 7679
WR11RS-GARUM :1110 / 2793
WH08RS-FENRIR :1490 / 175
Machineguns- WR02M-PIXIE : 700 / 29322
WR04M-PIXIE2 : 700 / 47124
WR07M-PIXIE3 : 720 / 40841
CR-WR69M : 740 / 39270
CR-WH79M2 : 710 / 49742
WH03M-FINGER : 700 / 87266
WH05M-SYLPH : 790 / 21642
YWH13M-NIX : 740 / 23736
WH10M-SILKY : 700 / 32114
Handguns- CR-WR88H : 910 / 12566
CR-WH69H : 930 / 11345
CR-WH73H2 : 970 / 9076
CR-WH79H3 : 990 / 7854
CR-WH01HP : 1030 / 10647
WR03H-GHOST : 950 / 10123
WR06H-GHOST2 :1010 / 3840
WH09H-WRAITH : 930 / 7330
Bazookas- CR-WR76B : 862 / 7330
CR-WR81B2 : 874 / 8378
CR-WR93B3 : 977 / 5236
CR-WH05BP : 990 / 8727
WR13B-GIANT : 943 / 54105
WR17B-GIANT2 : 989 / 9599
Shotguns- CR-WR84S : 910 / 74875
CR-WH76S : 910 / 65973
CR-WH01SP : 910 / 72955
WR23S-WYVERN2 :1150 / 93899
WR1SS-WYVERN : 1000 / (55676, 97738 v/h)
Flamethrowers- GACHIRIN : 200 / 52360
NICHIRIN : 200 / 52360
Hand Rockets- CR-WR84HNR : 960 / 5760
CR-WR93HNRP :1000 / 8901
Hand Grenades- CR-WR81G : 900 / 2618
CR-WR88G2 : 830 / 13963
CR-WH98GL : 830 / 20944
Pulse Rifles- WR08PU-ROC :1050 / 7679
WR12PU-ROC2 : 1080 / 6283
WR21PU-ROC3 : 1030 / 8378
YWH14PU-ROC4 :1030 / 5411
WH11PU-PERYTON: 1030 / 5061
WR18PU-DEMON :1080 / 5585
Laser Rifles- CR-WR98L : 1310 / 3142
WR05L-SHADE :1070 / 3491
WR24L-SHADE2 :1070 / 3840
WR19L-HOLLOW :1150 / 2967
YMH07-DRAGON : 910 / 7330
WR16DL-SKULL :1050 / 1745
WR25DL-SKULL2 :1040 / 2269
WH04HL-KRSW :1050 / 6632
WR09HL-SPIRIT :1010 / 9948
YWH16HR-PYTHON: 1130 / 12566
Plasma Rifles- WH06PL-ORC : 800 / 10647
WR20PL-OGRE : 850 / 10297
WR22PL-OGRE2: 830 / 7854
WH12PL-ETTIN : 760 / 10647
Left Arm Weapons
Rifles- WL02R-SPECTER : 990 / 7854
CR-YWH05R3 :1030 / 6807
HITEN :1080 / 5760
WH01R-GAST : 980 / 7679
CR-W05RLA :1090 / 15708
Sniper Rifles- CR-WL85RS :1150 / (3840, 4363 v/h)
WL05RS-GOLEM :1250 / 4712
WH02RS-WYRM :1270 / 7330
WH08RS-FENRIR :1490 / 1396
Machineguns- CR-WL74M : 760 / 65275
CR-WH79M2 : 710 / 49742
WL06M-FAIRY : 700 / 56549
WH03M-FINGER : 700 / 95993
WH05M-SYLPH : 790 / 38397
YWH13M-NIX : 740 / 41539
WH10M-SILKY : 660 / 34034
Handguns- CR-WH69H : 930 / 11345
CR-WH73H2 : 970 / 9076
CR-WH79H3 : 990 / 7854
WL07H-MIST : 950 / 9774
WL10H-MIST2 :1010 / 3316
CR-WH01HP : 1030 / 10647
WH09H-WRAITH : 930 / 7330
Bazookas- CR-WL95B : 820 / 8029
CR-WH05BP : 990 / 8727
WL11B-TROLL : 940 / 10297
Shotguns- CR-WL85S : 760 / 67370
CR-WL88S2 : 910 / 87965
CR-WH76S : 910 / 73304
CR-WH01SP : 910 / 72955
Hand Grenades- CR-WL95G : 800 / 17453
CR-WH98GL : 800 / 20944
Hand Rockets- CR-WL88HNR : 980 / 7330
CR-WL95HNNR : 900 / 7156
Pulse Rifles- WL08PU-ARGOS :1080 / 8901
WL12PU-ARGOS2 :1050 / 9599
WH11PU-PERYTON: 940 / 5760
YWH14PU-ROC4 : 920 / 6109
Laser Rifles- YMH07-DRAGON : 910 / 7679
WL13L-GORGON :1030 / 3491
WL15L-GRIFFON :1240 / 2618
WH04HL-KRSW :1030 / 7330
Plasma Rifles- WH06PL-ORC : 790 / 11519
WH12PL-ETTIN : 700 / 11519
Back Units
Rockets- CR-WB69RO : 1030 / 4363
CR-WB72RO2: 1030 / 4014
CR-WB75RP : 970 / 9076
WB07RO-ORTHOS: 980 / 12566
CR-WB78RP2 : 960 / 7156
CR-WB82RP3 : 960 / 6109
WB13RO-SPHINX: 1380 / 47124
WB23RO-CACUS : 1380 / 10996
CR-WB85RPX : 1000 / 13439
Cannons- CR-WB69CG : 970 / 50091
CR-WB72CGL: 950 / 44506
CR-WB03CGH: 970 / 44506
CR-WB75SG : 1080 / 102625
CR-WB82SG2: 1080 / 102625
CR-WB87LG : 1080 / 12392
CR-WB91LGL : 1100 / 11345
CR-WB03LGL2: 1080 / 17104
WB14RG-LADON : 1850 / 349
WB24RG-LADON2 : 1750 / 524
CR-WB78GL : 1040 / 13090
CR-WB87GLL : 790 / 13614
WB08PL-SKYLLA: 920 / (6283, 5934 v/h)
WB33PL-SKYLLA2: 1030 / 7679
WB02L-GERYON : 1090 / 175
WB15L-GERYON2 : 1150 / 175
YWB3SL-GERYON3: 1080 / 175
WB32L-CERBERUS : 1050 / 873
WB09PU-LAMIA : 1000 / 698
WB16PU-LAMIA2: 1020 / 524
WB25PU-LAMIA3: 1020 / 2443
Dual Backmounts- CR-WBW78R :1050 / (60214, 27053 v/h)
CR-WBW91RT :1050 / (58119, 42412 v/h)
CR-WBW78C : 950 / (45902, 47997 v/h)
CR-WBW98G : 970 / 11519
CR-WBW98LX : 1030 / 175
WB30Q-CHIMERA: 1120 / 175
EO- C01-GAEA : 1050 / 3142
CR-C89E : 850 / 5585
C02-URANUS : 810 / 25307
CR-C98E2 : 790 / 36826
C05-SELENA : 750 / 10996
Weapon Arms (Mode 1/Mode 2) [WIP]- CR-WA69MG : 810 / 800
CR-WA69MS : - / -
WA03-TAURUS : 560 / 350
CR-WA75MSP : 110? / 110?
CR-WA77MS/V : - / -
CR-WA91MSM : 250 / 240
CR-WA69BZ : 720 / 700
CR-WA74BZL : 620 / 610
CR-WA74GR : 820 / 810
CR-WA78GRL : 820 / 790
WA02-CETUS : 870 / 1060
WA01-LEO : 1040 / 1000
WA04-ARIES : 1020
WA05-LUPUS : -/ -
Missiles are currently excluded as they have their own unique stats that I'll need to make new formatting for.
Once I have everything in order, I'll post them here, in their own post. Likely tomorrow.
RE: ACLR Weapon Accuracy Table - NiX - 01-24-2023
This is super interesting. For projectile spread, I'm assuming lower is tighter? And would you know why some weapons have two spread values, V and H? Vertical and horizontal?
Quick maffs dividing velocity by the spread to get an index of weapon accuracy:
Weapon----Vel.---- Spread -- Quotient
R2 --- 1030 -- 6458 -- 0.159492103
RS --- 1440 -- 2793 -- 0.515574651
RL --- 1090 -- 14137 -- 0.077102638
shade 1070 ------ 3491 -- 0.306502435
98L --- 1310 -------3142 -- 0.416931891
Hollow 1150 -------2967 -- 0.387596899
Griffon 1240 -------2618 -- 0.473644003
RA2 --- 1050 -------7854 -- 0.13368984
Higher quotient is better. The ranking seems about right with how they feel in game. Doesn't seem to work for RL though because of that unusually high spread value.
I'd also be interested in getting a copy of that tool.
RE: ACLR Weapon Accuracy Table - val - 01-24-2023
Yup, lower spread value = tighter and higher velocity = faster. All weapons have a vertical and horizontal spread value, but very few actually have differing stats so I combined them. I'll probably add all this to the OP post here later.
The RL's high spread is an anomaly, but my guess is that the faster projectiles move the less the spread value actually effects anything.
Also, here's a link to the tool - There's one for NB and LR.
RE: ACLR Weapon Accuracy Table - TMRaven - 01-24-2023
RL having such a high spread is pretty weird since it hits so often. Projectile size goes a long ways for accuracy too, like Geryon1/3 hitting more than Geryon2 because Geryon2 has a way thinner beam.
RE: ACLR Weapon Accuracy Table - NiX - 01-25-2023
WIP spreadsheet of the data above. Not sure if there's any point, but here it is anyway:
PM me your email if you wanna help encode the rest.
I wonder if there's a projectile hitbox stat in the game. And if there is, maybe that value can be incorporated into an aggregate accuracy number.
edit: Apparently, there's also a tracking/path prediction value per weapon. The aggregate weapon accuracy number might have to wait.