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It shall be an honor. - Printable Version

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It shall be an honor. - Rivvik - 04-05-2013

Name: Amir Ali (Rivvik)
Location: New Jersey, USA
Hobbies: Video Games, using adobe creative suite to do really really dumb things.

I've been a mech-game fan since before AC was even out. I started on the PC with the Mechwarrior games, then when I saw Armored Core for the first time in college I fell in love.

Being the first to defeat the lounge's (what we called our little college video game group) reigning terror Core, a cheese-ball heavy Core with long range missiles, painted pitch-black to blend in with the sky on the city map. I not only dodged all his missiles, but was able to close in an face in in close range combat as he had no chance of escaping my Medium Core's speed (It was built to utilize the highest thrust boosters).

Then, also in the TV Lounge in college I went on to defeat Ultimate 9 Ball, while the guys were like "Get the **** outta here", though I used a heavy Core to do it...I'm not that proud of that.

However my crowning moment of piloting douchebaggery came in AC2 for the PS2. My buddy and I were snowed in at his house and we spent the week playing AC2. We both found parts that made us drool. He, being a heavy weapons aficionado, found the back mounted pod missiles. I found the down thrust booster auxiliary part. Naturally he scoffed at me for my preference. So later that day, we decide to put our new builds to the test. Him in his Tank Core, complete with pod missiles, me in a streamlined medium Core with my silly downward thrusters. I take to the air and kick on the overboost to fight him close in, I knew he could beat me at range, and he launches both pods at once! I started dodging the missiles, finishing with the down boost (only two missiles hit me), and he gets up, turns off the PS2, and just grouchily mutters "You win".

Right now in ACV I'm trying to run around with a "Shinobi" Core, so far it works...when I'm not spending too much money on repairs. LOL

RE: It shall be an honor. - Grim - 04-05-2013

Welcome to the forums, Rivvik!

RE: It shall be an honor. - Sirius140 - 04-05-2013

Welcome to RR dood!

RE: It shall be an honor. - zero_kanipan - 04-05-2013

welcome to the boards \o/

RE: It shall be an honor. - clonezero - 04-06-2013

Nice story you've shared there! Welcome and hope you like it here!