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Armored Core Fanalogues: The Discussion Thread - Printable Version

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Armored Core Fanalogues: The Discussion Thread - Airrider - 10-15-2012

This is a thread where we can discuss what I'm attempting with these tales of weapons in the Armored Core universe that were just crazy enough to be real.

To start some discussion, the reason I started this was because I saw a lot of missed opportunities in the Armored Core Analogs blog entries on the Raven Republic main page. I did the Large Missile one there, but I'm not sure where else to take this myself. I kind of wonder if anyone was waiting for more discussion of the weird weapons that make the Armored Core world go 'round like the kind I'm offering...

I'm open to suggestion and open to any discussion we're willing to open about my Armored Core Fanalogues, atop that.

A new Fanalogue is up!

RE: Armored Core Fanalogues: The Discussion Thread - Serene - 10-16-2012

- Try to add images or videos with the weapons involved to make it more interesting.
- In this case, you are free to not edit-in and make a new post with the update/new entry. I forgot that the forums automatically update posts if consecutive posts are made within 24 hours. Still, make a new post instead.

- Twin-Skies [the Armored Core Analogs' writer] is busy with his day job so I don't know his opinion about this. But do go on.

RE: Armored Core Fanalogues: The Discussion Thread - Airrider - 10-16-2012

Ah, alright. Thank you.

RE: Armored Core Fanalogues: The Discussion Thread - Twin-Skies - 10-18-2012

It seems I have been summoned.

As per RR, I'm pretty busy with my day job - not to mention with the Filipino Freethinkers' activities - so I can't work on this as much as I could before, but if you need help with anything in particular, lemme know.

RE: Armored Core Fanalogues: The Discussion Thread - Serene - 10-18-2012

Seen his entries yet?

RE: Armored Core Fanalogues: The Discussion Thread - Airrider - 10-18-2012

Unfortunately, there was a bit of a forum accident and I had no backups so the originals are lost, but I could throw together a reconstruction of the originals if you'd like.

RE: Armored Core Fanalogues: The Discussion Thread - Serene - 10-18-2012

Whoa. What happened? I put those up when I accidentally deleted them.

RE: Armored Core Fanalogues: The Discussion Thread - Airrider - 10-18-2012

An accident happened when Grim updated the database, and Armored Core Fanalogues was lost.

It's alright though: I've started a new Armored Core editorial called Dr. Damage.