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Invictus - Printable Version

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- Grim - 10-21-2006

<span style='color:#8c1e86'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Invictus</span></span>

<span style='color:#8c1e86'>Core Frame:</span>
SR2 | UL2 | FL | Jaguar
0,6,4,0,0 | 0,6,2,2,0 | 0,3,7,0,0 | 0,2,5,3,0
<span style='color:#8c1e86'>Internal Systems:</span>
B81 | F73H | Lotus | Ananda
0,0,10,0 | ~ | 0,10,0 | 0,0,10
<span style='color:#8c1e86'>Armaments and Countermeasures:</span>
- | RM | MV | - | RS | Nix | - | 69H
<span style='color:#8c1e86'>Optional Enhancements:</span>
Amino, ES, SS, LA, L+, Codon, Marishi
<span style='color:#8c1e86'>Paint Scheme:</span> Noble
Head: 185,185,185 | 60,60,60 | 80,50,100 | 100,170,200 | 80,50,100
Core: 185,185,185 | 60,60,60 | 60,60,60 | 60,60,60 | 80,50,100
Arms: 185,185,185 | 60,60,60 | 80,50,100 | 60,60,60 | 60,60,60
Legs: 185,185,185 | 60,60,60 | 185,185,185 | 60,60,60 | 80,50,100
<span style='color:#8c1e86'>Weapon Color:</span>
General: White

Guess what? This was supposed to be my tourney AC. Surprise surprise.

RM + MV is a killer combo, no doubt. Wink

EDIT: Changes in bold.

- Lord_Leperman - 10-21-2006

Is it a typo or are you missing another 69H on the right hanger? I've tried building it and it seemed to fit perfectly with another HG in the hanger...

- Grim - 10-21-2006

Nah, no typo. Good guess though, originally there was another 69H there. LOL

But I dropped it in favor of growing in skill. Too much ammo makes me lazy to time my shots. The missile combo, RS and two lefty guns are more than enough to take out many ACs. When up against GOMAPs, I make sure to really empty the MV before dropping it, as heavy lunkers will tend to get hit anyway. And a bit of a speed boost never hurt anyone.

- NiX - 10-21-2006

Very nice, I must say. It's something that I'd make, sans the OB. :tongue:

And yeah GOMAPs will tend to get hit by missiles. But what about ones that have good CAMS AND decoys? Hehe. I'd put a handgun on the right just in case.

But it's a very good AC nevertheless. Good job.

- Grim - 10-21-2006

Thanks. If ever it does get into that trouble, I may just plop on a right hanger gun real quick, while the other guy's not looking. LOL

Now you all have to face a much nastier beast at the tourney. Zing! :tongue:

- Lord_Leperman - 10-21-2006

Interestingly enough, I was planning to pilot something like this design for the tourney. only it focused more on defense and endurance.

- Grim - 10-22-2006

By saying that you were focusing more on defense and endurance, did you mean a heavy? :tongue:

Made some changes. This makes it a bit more specialized IMO. And takes a bit more skill to pilot. Handicapping FTW! ^^,

- NiX - 10-29-2006

I know that the version posted up there is part-handicapped... but if ever you want to go all-out with this thing, here's what I'd suggest:

Head: Eye3 (0,5,4,1,0) or SR2 (hehe i dunno the stats of SR2)
Core: UL2 (0,3,3,4,0)
Arms: FL (0,4,6,0,0)
Legs: JAGUAR2 (0,3,4,3,0)

Booster: B81(0,2,8,0) or GULL (0,0,4,6)
FCS: Your choice, though I think a square box works better for this one.
Generator: LOTUS (0,7,3) or (0,10,0)
Radiator: ANANDA (0,0,10)

Extensions: RM3
Back R: 73MV
Arm R: RS
Arm L: NIX or HP
Hanger R: 69H
Hanger L: 69H


There ya go. This setup gives you more cooling, surplus energy, and firepower, for relatively the same defense. Hope that helps!

- Grim - 10-30-2006

Looks good. Yung dropper ang main style natin dito sa bansa, no? Anyway, thanks dude. :smile: