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Genesis - Printable Version

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Genesis - Rexzo - 11-09-2010

Head:CR-H95EE (0/0/10/0/0)
Core:CR-C06U5 (0/0/0/10/0)
Arms:CR-A94FL (0/10/0/0/0)
Legs:LH09-COUGAR2 (0/0/0/10/0)
Bosster:B05-GULL (0/0/5/5)
Generator:FUDOH (0/10/0)
Radiator:ANANDA (0/0/10)
Back Unit R:-
Back Unit L:-
Arm Unit R:CR-WH05RLA
Arm Unit L:CR-WL06LB4
Hanger Unit R:CR-WH01HP
Hanger Unit L:-


That's my AC if any1 has any suggestions i'll be happy 2 try them Bang bang

RE: Genesis - NiX - 11-09-2010

Head:CR-H95EE (0/0/10/0/0) --> some other head
Core:CR-C06U5 (0/0/0/10/0) --> try U4, U2, UA, or even U3
Arms:CR-A94FL (0/10/0/0/0)
Legs:LH09-COUGAR2 (0/0/0/10/0)
Bosster:B05-GULL (0/0/5/5)
Generator:FUDOH (0/10/0) --> try LOTUS. You'll get a huge boost in speed cuz it's so light.
Radiator:ANANDA (0/0/10)
Back Unit R:-
Back Unit L:-
Arm Unit R:CR-WH05RLA --> Plain RL instead?
Arm Unit L:CR-WL06LB4
Hanger Unit R:CR-WH01HP --> Might not need this if you already have RL on top.
Hanger Unit L:-

RE: Genesis - clonezero - 11-09-2010

wat nix said why not putting the hp on the left hand and placing the lb4 on your hanger slot?

for the core my choice would be the u2.

RE: Genesis - Rexzo - 11-10-2010

well i like the CR-H95EE cuz it has basicly a radar head it has everything though i still don't like it's design U5 i like cuz i love it's design U4 looks very small but like i said i'll try them Lotus i'll try but i like a huge en supply b/c i hate when m ac has to recharge all of it's EN it's annoying and leaves u utterly defenseless linear the linear rifle is to stun some enemies down so it's much easier to slash them however it has only 60 rounds so that's y i hav the hp under it but the hanger for the left arm is nice but i still want to keep my AC rly fast right now it's Mobility is rank A i think rank B=350+max boost speed (i think) A=410+ S=480+ though getting rid of the linear rifle would help w/ that since it's heavy as crap another thing the fire power is not even enough to kill 1 AC (unless i just spam w/ the laser sword) so should i put back part units to make up for that? for should i keep this AC LW?...btw for head parts what do you guys think about drone? or one of the eye series? (i like special computers cuz they go into detail about the ac's you encounter in missions but they hav horrible EN drain) i like drone even though it's standard b/c it has a lot of radar ablilities (i'm gonna post my other AC i named Walking Arse [Walking Arsenal] the name self explanitory of what kind of AC it is but it's wut helped me get thought the Archangel pulverizer Tongue)

RE: Genesis - NiX - 11-11-2010

BTW, when we make suggestions, we have 1 on 1 versus other people in mind. So the suggestions we give are intended to improve your AC for that purpose. For story mode, you can use whatever, really.

I'd choose a head like S2 and add a back radar (like the starter one) instead. 5EE isn't very good.

U5 isn't very good either. But if you like how it looks, then go ahead.

Don't bother with the letter grading system. It's very misleading. Even some of the most competitive ACs only top at C grade. Instead, you should look at the actual numbers. Basic numbers to look at and aim for (I'm just pulling the descriptions out of my ass. But it's just so that you have a very loose guideline)

-Energy of around 3000 (difference of generator's output and total consumption)
-15000 cooling (depends of course on generator's calorific value and booster's heat, but it's a good average number to aim for)
-max ground Speed: <370 slow, 371-410 moderate, 411+ fast
-stability of around 6k (determined by legs and head)
defense: <1500 light, 1501-1899 mid, 1900+ heavy

RE: Genesis - clonezero - 11-11-2010

for missions I opt for the drone head because of its high anti ecm feature, its good overall stats, erase erase erase.

RE: Genesis - Fox - 11-11-2010

DRONE is a Mirage-made head, right? And don't all Mirage heads have a masculine voice?

RE: Genesis - Goat - 11-11-2010

Raffy must be getting lonely.

FOX! You know what to do! Give him a lap or belly dance.

RE: Genesis - Fox - 11-11-2010

Actually, i already have a new routine concocted especially for him and only for him. Pirate

RE: Genesis - clonezero - 11-11-2010

hmm sorry haven't played for a while I got them mixed up. Must have been the jolibee gravy flooding my brain again Chair