The Raven Republic Forums
Design Posting Format - Printable Version

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- NiX - 10-16-2006

Since more and more people are posting designs now, I'd like to make things more uniform around here. Hence, a posting format seems to be in order.

Here are the suggested formats: (you can choose not to follow it though)

AC Name:

Head: Part name (0,0,0,0,0)
Core: Part name (0,0,0,0,0)
Arms: Part name (0,0,0,0,0)
Legs: Part name (0,0,0,0,0)

Boosters: Part name (0,0,0,0)
FCS: Part name
Generator: Part name (0,0,0)
Radiator: Part name (0,0,0)
Inside: Part name

Extensions: Part name
Back L: Part name
Back R: Part name
Arm R: Part name
Arm L: Part name
Hanger R: Part name
Hanger L: Part name




AC Name

Core Frame:
Head | Core | Arms | Legs
Tunes | Tunes | Tunes | Tunes
Internal Systems:
Booster | FCS | Generator | Radiator
Tunes | ~ | Tunes | Tunes
Armaments and Countermeasures:
Insides | Extensions | Back Unit R | Back Unit L | Arm R | Arm L | Hanger R | Hanger L
Optional Enhancements:
Optional Parts


The first one is actually the format used by the builders, so they're easy for posting.
The second one takes up less space.