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1000 awesome things. - Printable Version

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1000 awesome things. - Lord_Leperman - 10-03-2008

1000 little things in life that people tend to appreciate, and someone took the time to write a blog for those things. It'll take around 3 years to complete assuming the owner posts 1 awesome thing a day for the next 3 years though :p. Its a fun read while far from complete (The current entry stands at !926, working its way to #1), and I think most of us will be able to appreciate our lives much more after reading this.

A few favorites of mine so far:
#936 Perfect parallel parking on the 1st try
#941 The universal Fry-Sharing policy
#948 The man couch
#967 Illegal naps
#973 Sleeping in new bedsheets

And almost all the food entries in the blog.

Give it a read and let us know what catches your fancy :p

RE: 1000 awesome things. - Grim - 10-03-2008

My favorites:

#995 Finding money you didn’t even know you lost - TRULY AWESOME.
#983 That pile of assorted beers left in your fridge after a party
#977 The smell of gasoline
#968 Barbecue lighters - hihihi. Big grin
#967 Illegal naps
#958 Being the first person into a really crowded movie theater and getting the prime seats
#953 When cashiers open up new check-out lanes at the grocery store - NICE.
#951 Hearing a stranger fart in public - hahaha!
#948 The Man Couch - has saved my aching feet so many times I cannot count anymore.
#941 The Universal Fry-Sharing Policy - oh yeah.
#934 Adrenaline
#928 Eating foods you loved when you were a kid - the ritz cheese crackers! and those square, kraft caramel candy thingies. good times.
#927 A really cold glass of water on a really hot day

Nice idea for a blog.

RE: 1000 awesome things. - clonezero - 10-03-2008

still not up to snuff reading all of it but #937 The smell of rain on a hot sidewalk well thats one of the nicer things in life for me XD

#944 your pillow is also in my list XD

RE: 1000 awesome things. - Shintetsu - 10-04-2008

Not to outdo what he has started. but why don't we have our own 1000 little things in life thread? One where we pitch in thoughts 'til we reach 1k?

RE: 1000 awesome things. - clonezero - 10-04-2008

World super police for # 1 LOL

RE: 1000 awesome things. - tikyorules - 10-10-2008

#2 Beautiful girls??

RE: 1000 awesome things. - Mjting - 10-10-2008

#3 tikyo actually posting on RR

#4 Me being Super S3xy!!!!!
at my post before this. ANDREW posted that. he thought he was still logged on. idiot.Chair

RE: 1000 awesome things. - Shintetsu - 10-11-2008

You guys should post in our own version of this.


RE: 1000 awesome things. - tikyorules - 10-12-2008

wahahaha arch_angel sucks!! hahahaha

RE: 1000 awesome things. - atdsutm - 10-12-2008

thats the most awesome thing ever tikyo!!!!