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RE: Epic Rants - J.E_Magog - 02-14-2010

(02-14-2010, 05:31 PM)Fox Wrote: jeans were still fairly tight, enough that it hugged my ass.
[Image: ssf.jpg]

Get rid of the tight jeans, grow a beard, and don't take a shower.

RE: Epic Rants - Serene - 02-14-2010

When in trains, by yourself, always make sure that your ass faces a wall if it's really cramped.
Fox, kahit nakatalikod ka, maton ka pa rin. The dude probaly likes duding it with dudes too.

Either that or babae sya na -alangyang buhay 'to- mukhang lalake.

RE: Epic Rants - NiX - 02-15-2010

Hahaha Serene, expert ah. LOL

RE: Epic Rants - Fox - 02-15-2010

Actually, i think i'll hafta go with option A. I'm more comfortable with a case of mistaken gender (since i'm fairly used to it by now) than the thought of me having that kind of effect on other males. Thing is, either option kinda gives me a squicky feeling.

I think i should start growing back the chin-fur and that it's time for another haircut.

RE: Epic Rants - NiX - 02-15-2010

LOL I'm mistaken for a girl almost every day. LOL I don't necessarily like it but it does make me lol inside every time.

RE: Epic Rants - clonezero - 02-16-2010

dang fox that sucks... buti pala di ako nag communte the day I wore that gay shirt I told you guys about ... I don't even want to think what would happen to me XD...

anyways again I feel very sorry for you fox and who ever that was should be thankful you didn't go rage mode on him XD

RE: Epic Rants - NiX - 02-16-2010

He should be more thankful for having the privilege of groping Fox's ass.

RE: Epic Rants - clonezero - 02-16-2010

(02-16-2010, 01:23 AM)NiX Wrote: He should be more thankful for having the privilege of groping Fox's ass.

I wouldn't put it that way myself but okay ... ?

RE: Epic Rants - Fox - 02-16-2010

That fortunate peasant will forever treasure the memories of the day he was able to savor the nirvana-like sensation of fondling such beautiful buttocks. It is a story he will proudly pass down to the generations which will succeed him. And they will also pass down those stories until the entire sequence of events enters the collective mythos of the human race.

Tangina nya.

I'll only allow it to happen once. Next guy who comes along and tries that stunt will get a taste of my seldom-unleashed temper. Bang bang

RE: Epic Rants - J.E_Magog - 02-16-2010

Di ba sexual harassment na yan?

RE: Epic Rants - NiX - 02-16-2010

Hahah of course it was sexual harassment. But in this country, maybe more than in others, a man that screams "sexual harassment!" just gets loled at.

RE: Epic Rants - Fox - 02-16-2010

Yeah, they just get treated in the same manner as the boy who cried wolf.

RE: Epic Rants - azuriel07 - 02-16-2010

^ And that would be.. like.. The boy who cried gay..

RE: Epic Rants - NiX - 02-16-2010

Hahahah nice one, Azu!

RE: Epic Rants - J.E_Magog - 02-16-2010

Tang ina may Women's rights, Ghey rights, animal rights, bakit ang men's rights parang binabaliwala.