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RE: Project Awesome - Fox - 01-28-2010

Getting paid to sleep! Yes! Happy

RE: Project Awesome - Twin-Skies - 01-28-2010

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

RE: Project Awesome - Sforza - 01-30-2010

Misspelled tattoo gallery XD Awesomely funny, but it must suck for the people who own them.
[Image: slide_4555_63487_large.jpg]

RE: Project Awesome - Twin-Skies - 01-30-2010

Russia test flies new Stealth Fighter;_ylt=AmzcXsOOkC64rb411Y33USu9IxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTE1bmVzMWpxBHBvcwMyBHNlYwN5bi1jaGFubmVsBHNsawNydXNzaWFzZmlyc3Q-

Awesome, but scary. Ermm

So will they dub it the "Optical Ilyushin"

RE: Project Awesome - clonezero - 01-30-2010

YEAH NICE! though it looks a bit like the f-22 I like its look more it looks flatter and more muscular XD wnder when will we see it in a flight sim XP

RE: Project Awesome - Mjting - 01-30-2010

I'll be frank. I LOVE the f-22. loved it since i was in elementary. bUT, the pak-fa looks awesome as hell. looks waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy better than the POS thats the f-35. but again, i have a few comments.

the design, altho definitely stealthy, still lacks the true features of a "full aspect stealth fighter" like the f-22. the rear exhaust nozzles still arent stealthy, and the nose unit still looks like a flanker nose unit. the only thing i love about this jet? the arrangement of the intakes and the body. it looks like the yf-23, which was soooo sexy for me.

i can discuss this with you guys all day since im a jet freak. so please ask if u want. Tongue

RE: Project Awesome - clonezero - 01-30-2010

To me it looks like the Ace Combat plane "Wyvern" or maybe even the "Nosferatu" but Im nut sure as my search for AC:6 still hhasn't borne a cheap fruit. Anyways this makes it awesome in my books but alas my heart still goes to the Berkut XD

anyways has the specs been announced yet the article didn't say much all I've seen so far is the T-50 is also the code of a south korean fighter/trainer. But I haven't searched much on that XP

RE: Project Awesome - Mjting - 01-30-2010

it kind sux that the berkut was a tech demonstrator. but i really dont see its practicality in combat. cant put stuff on them wings. dont see glove vanes either. was sexy tho.

RE: Project Awesome - clonezero - 01-31-2010

actuallythere have been rumors have been underway to refit the berkut for actual service. And no its not the pakfa ( me thinks the T-50 is already that). I wish this to be true XD

as to the berkut itself: actually the specs I saw it says the Berkut has wing hardpoints but is considered optional.

Quote:The exact number of weapon bays is not known, although the total number of the hardpoints will be fourteen. The use of the internal/external weapon loads will depend on the mission.

though I have to admit I have no idea which part of a fighter is the glove vane TT.

OT: while google fuing glove vanes (still in progress XP) i found this

nasty bird strike on article 2

RE: Project Awesome - Mjting - 01-31-2010

glove vanes are the areas in the f-14 where they put the missles. un sa may wing.

RE: Project Awesome - clonezero - 01-31-2010

ooh those ... I believe those get attached to the hardpoints

RE: Project Awesome - Moonlight_Raven - 01-31-2010

I wish the aircraft X-49 Night Raven will come true and be seen cruising the skies Ninja

also, the Delphinus series (R-101, R-102 & R-103), the R-311 Remora...etc. Jason

hehe...i'm really addicted to Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (Japanese ver.) back in the PS1 days...wah! nostalgia, memories... (I want a remake of that Ace Combat was the best and most futuristic)


RE: Project Awesome - Twin-Skies - 02-01-2010

Homeless donate to Haiti effort,0,3352899.story?arc

Quote:Donations for Haiti have poured in to the American Red Cross of Central Maryland from a range of sources. Nothing, though, has stood out like the coins and crumpled dollar bills that spilled from one envelope.

That gift - $14.64 - came from the pockets of homeless people at a downtown Baltimore shelter.

"We were all weepy-eyed," recalled Red Cross volunteer coordinator Bobbie Jones, who was at the front desk when the donation arrived.

Public relations director Linnea Anderson got teary, too. "Just the thought of those people huddled together in a shelter and seeing a need beyond themselves is enough to give anybody chills," she said. "What a remarkable example of the human spirit."

Would I be called unmanly if I thought this act made me misty-eyed?

RE: Project Awesome - Tadakatsu1Honda - 02-02-2010


RE: Project Awesome - Twin-Skies - 02-02-2010

[Image: SupermanVsMuhammadAli.jpg]