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The WYR thread. - Printable Version

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The WYR thread. - Shintetsu - 10-31-2008

For starters, would you rather dominate in a relationship?

Random game. Tongue Post whatever.

RE: The WYR thread. - Goat - 11-03-2008

I'd rather dominate in my favorite video game.

RE: The WYR thread. - Mjting - 11-03-2008

Same view with the goat. Dominating over someone in a relationship is just utterly wrong in my book. As for games, it's a good thing Shades

RE: The WYR thread. - clonezero - 11-03-2008

I've always been the humble type ... *cough*


would you rather live in uncertain independence or assuring constraint

RE: The WYR thread. - Goat - 11-04-2008

I'd probably pick the former. I'm not a dog; I'm a goat.

If a newbie tries to challenge you regardless of his/her intent, would you rather kick your opponent's ass mercilessly or would you rather mellow a bit so your opponent could at least catch up?

RE: The WYR thread. - Grim - 11-04-2008

(11-04-2008, 08:53 PM)Goat Wrote: If a newbie tries to challenge you regardless of his/her intent, would you rather kick your opponent's ass mercilessly or would you rather mellow a bit so your opponent could at least catch up?

I would rather school them hard.

Would you rather be rich or be genuinely happy?

RE: The WYR thread. - J.E_Magog - 11-04-2008

(11-04-2008, 09:50 PM)Grim Wrote: Would you rather be rich or be genuinely happy?

I'd rather be rich. But i couldn't really tell the difference. I think people who have reached the top can be genuinely happy.

WYR be in a command center or be out in the field?

RE: The WYR thread. - Shintetsu - 11-05-2008

The field works for me, I generally work better IN a team than OVER it.

If they were in the same presidential election, would you rather vote FPJ or 'Erap' Estrada?

RE: The WYR thread. - Grim - 11-07-2008

(11-05-2008, 03:14 AM)Shintetsu Wrote: The field works for me, I generally work better IN a team than OVER it.

If they were in the same presidential election, would you rather vote FPJ or 'Erap' Estrada?

I would rather vote for FPJ. Seems to be the lesser of two evils. God rest his soul.

Would you rather be a douche or be a friend of one?

RE: The WYR thread. - Shintetsu - 11-12-2008

Of course, you'd rather be a true friend to one than be someone labeled as 'plastic' by everyone.

Would you rather lose, but learn? Or to win always, but not learn from any mistake?

RE: The WYR thread. - Grim - 11-12-2008

Lose but learn for me.

Would you rather live a short life but be famous when you die, or a long life but be relatively unknown at the end? An additional to the question is that in both choices, you live pretty happy lives.

RE: The WYR thread. - Goat - 11-12-2008

I'd rather live a longer life; I don't give a damn about fame. and I'd be able to experience another generation of digital gaming if I lived longer.

WYR have a sibling?

RE: The WYR thread. - Serene - 11-13-2008

Hell, I have siblings. So it gives me the feeling of wanting to not having them around for a change.

WYR drink or drive?

RE: The WYR thread. - maitreya - 11-13-2008

Drive; there's still pleasure gotten from being behind the wheel.

Would you rather eat in McDo or Jollibee?

RE: The WYR thread. - Shintetsu - 11-14-2008

McDo, their cheezburgers pwn!

Would you rather have an older sister or a younger brother?