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Posted by Sforza - 09-05-2012, 03:04 PM
(09-05-2012, 02:48 PM)Saika Darkmoon Wrote: Awwww....grrrrr then what wroks on ps3 that i can use easily DX arrrrrr

Try imgur or photobucket?
Posted by Saika Darkmoon - 09-05-2012, 02:48 PM
(09-05-2012, 12:44 AM)Sforza Wrote:
(09-05-2012, 12:30 AM)Saika Darkmoon Wrote: [Image: ecp00034.jpg]

Haha awsome! ty so much Happy

Don't use imageshack btw. People who are not logged in only see a frog.

Awwww....grrrrr then what wroks on ps3 that i can use easily DX arrrrrr
Posted by Sforza - 09-05-2012, 12:44 AM
(09-05-2012, 12:30 AM)Saika Darkmoon Wrote: [Image: ecp00034.jpg]

Haha awsome! ty so much Happy

Don't use imageshack btw. People who are not logged in only see a frog.
Posted by Saika Darkmoon - 09-05-2012, 12:30 AM
[Image: ecp00034.jpg]

Haha awsome! ty so much Happy
Posted by cabs - 09-04-2012, 11:23 PM
try using the "insert image" button in the textarea toolbar.

format is: [img]image url[/img]

"a red x and a small box"
- generally means that the image is missing, might be caused by a wrong url path or bbcode format.

Domo Domo Domo
Posted by Sforza - 09-04-2012, 10:40 PM
(09-04-2012, 10:08 PM)Saika Darkmoon Wrote: Lately ive been having trouble puting pics into the topics like my emblems, itll give a red x and a small box insted of the picture, is their something im doing wrong? i type in
[url*=url here*][*img]url here[*/img][*/url]
Note: Disregard the * symbols above.


[Image: logo3w.png]
Posted by Saika Darkmoon - 09-04-2012, 10:08 PM
Lately ive been having trouble puting pics into the topics like my emblems, itll give a red x and a small box insted of the picture, is their something im doing wrong? i type in

[url*=url here*][*img]url here[*/img][*/url]

Note: Disregard the * symbols above.