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Full Version: check out these lasers...cuz the're awesome.
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<a href='' target='_blank'>these</a> are not laser pointers, so just to warn you, THEY ARE DANGEROUS.

they awesomely awesome though. These things can cut through CDs and can treat medical wounds. Some of them can pop balloons, while some can light matches. tell me that isn't awesome. I want one Flamethrower
Darn Cool...
Dear Santa

I know i've been i haven't been the most-behaved Raven this year. I've tried to be good but i just can't help myself sometimes. I'm really sorry that i set fire to your beard when i was ten but it wasn't my fault.

Could i please start getting gifts again? It's been twelve years for crying out loud!

I want one of those lasers. It would really make my entire year. You do remember where i live, don't you? I'd like the green-colored one. And could you give my brother one of those things too? I know he'd appreciate them.

And yes, i promise i'll apologize to Rudolph for using his nose as a dartboard the last time you dropped by.

Santa's Reply:

Dear Fox,


Love, Santa


Seriuosly, having one those in the house would be nice...