(08-09-2012, 03:43 PM)NiX Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: 555630_373196706083088_587119280_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/555630_373196706083088_587119280_n.jpg)
Manila yesterday.
Pretty cool, I think.
it almost looks like the city got nuked by the city destroyers in the film "independence day"
You guys ever watched "Volcano" with Tommy Lee Jones in it? That pic kinda reminds me of it. The glow of the streetlights look like lava flowing through the streets.

glad i'm in iloilo since aug.6 to visit my daughter ...weather's fine here... returning in cavite on aug.10 in the evening. hoping for a better weather on that time.
raining is normal, but floods aren't... poor water ways and the goddamn garbage dump ..tons of it.. when will PH will learn?
TV also said we'll have good weather this Saturday. Yay!
Everything seems to have worked out.
We are done with the clean up here, just waiting for everything to dry. Hopefully tomorrow everything would be back to normal, and my room in the attic doesn't look like a storage bunker anymore.