I had fun with melee-only matches and wanted to try a race.
but what else can we do?
I came up with 2 ideas (not sure they're original, but I'll throw them out anyway).
Juggernaut -
2 tanks and operator vs 4 bladers (no piledrivers) - the numbers on each side can vary.
Rules are
Tanks can equip anything they desire. (debating on pulse cannons.)
Bladers cannot equip flash rockets or any armaments except laser blades. (debating on moonlight and other shoulder rockets).
objective is simple: Team battle
Each side tries to destroy each other.
The other idea is more vague and not sure its a good idea.
A battle-royal with everyone equipped with flash rockets and a certain weapon type....
Open to ideas.
Try a no recon probes fight (You can use UAVs instead though). Everyone will be fighting blindly. Use this preferably on a small map tho as it is easy to get lost.
I think there could be more...
How about no recons and shoulder-flash rockets
That's really going blind.
Or we could try a complete UAV fight...always wanted to try that.
How about 4 ACs with KE weapons against 1 AC with KE resistant armor? Without kicking.
That sounds good, but KE-def is really screwy right now until the patch.
How about CE-weps vs a CE-def excluding heat-howitzers and heat rockets?
(05-19-2012, 07:57 AM)Aisuke Wrote: [ -> ]That sounds good, but KE-def is really screwy right now until the patch.
How about CE-weps vs a CE-def excluding heat-howitzers and heat rockets?
That sounds good too.
We do this when were bored.. lol
Still think that we should have G-Blade jousting and M-Blade home run contests. Or maybe hide and seek with no recons or UAVs.
(05-19-2012, 01:52 PM)Sirius140 Wrote: [ -> ]Still think that we should have G-Blade jousting and M-Blade home run contests. Or maybe hide and seek with no recons or UAVs.
We already kinda did Knee Glide boost jousting too.. XD
hmm sniper cannon only match on af? or bumper tanks(tank legs w/o any weap) or like a plants vs zombies battle one team uses sentry only the other will be all blades
dunno if any of these will be good tho lol

King of the Pit
Mode: Battle Royal
Map: Abandoned Facility
This is a melee only mode, in the back of the Abandoned Facility there is a pit where two players must duel while the other players outside the pit can spectate. The winner between the duel stays in the pit and another challenger approaches.
Ok new idea cross map battleship, tanks, BRs, and howitzers of any kind and you have to stay in your position and lob your shots. Have to find a good spot first though and with tanks thats kinda hard.
(05-20-2012, 10:53 PM)Sirius140 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok new idea cross map battleship, tanks, BRs, and howitzers of any kind and you have to stay in your position and lob your shots. Have to find a good spot first though and with tanks thats kinda hard.
this can work ahahaha but we need a way to communicate properly between turns