Happy Coming Out Day~!!
<p><em>Your result for The Sexuality Spectrum Test...</em></p><h4>Gay Preference</h4><p>You scored -20 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="http://cdn.okcimg.com/php/load_okc_image.php/images/0x0/0x0/0/10064745544381507019.gif" width="592" height="70" /></p><div>You are not exclusively homosexual, but you prefer the same sex over the opposite sex. While you might be willing to fool around with the opposite sex to some extent, you would go all the way with the same sex. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this could change after you do some experimenting.</div><p><a href="http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-sexuality-spectrum-test">Take The Sexuality Spectrum Test</a> at <a href="http://www.okcupid.com/">OkCupid</a></p>
Rave: So far the people I've told have been very accepting
Rant: Mehh....I dunno with you guys.
Does anyone find it stupid I haven't told my bros? XDDD
Happy Coming Out Day~!!
<p><em>Your result for The Sexuality Spectrum Test...</em></p><h4>Gay Preference</h4><p>You scored -20 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="http://cdn.okcimg.com/php/load_okc_image.php/images/0x0/0x0/0/10064745544381507019.gif" width="592" height="70" /></p><div>You are not exclusively homosexual, but you prefer the same sex over the opposite sex. While you might be willing to fool around with the opposite sex to some extent, you would go all the way with the same sex. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this could change after you do some experimenting.</div><p><a href="http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-sexuality-spectrum-test">Take The Sexuality Spectrum Test</a> at <a href="http://www.okcupid.com/">OkCupid</a></p>
Rave: So far the people I've told have been very accepting
Rant: Mehh....I dunno with you guys.
Does anyone find it stupid I haven't told my bros? XDDD
Personal choices (and love) is free. I think gender roles are increasingly becoming antiquated concepts.
Depending on your brothers' attitudes, it could be nerve wracking thing to do. I'm not very familiar with how your society sees such things, but I think that's something that should, in most cases, be told to family. Just be prepared for possible awkward experiences.
When I told my mother and father that I'm bi, things went fairly well. My father was fine with it (hippy artist from England, big surprise there). My mother was fine with it, and even told me about some of her experiences with experimenting when she was younger. >.> We were in the car and I was driving, so I couldn't jump out of the car to escape the weirdness of having my mother talk about her experiments with women. Damn I did not want to hear about that. My brother's mostly cool with it, he just doesn't bring it up much. On my 21st birthday (legal age for drinking here), he and his wife took me out. As they drove me home, she questioned me about my sex life. Me being a happy, chatter drunk and a generally open person, I told her pretty much everything. She was surprised and amused, my brother seemed to wish he had been left in the dark on such matters.
I dunno about your bros. But with us, it's obviously cool. It's a cliche, but we really should do whatever makes us happy (for as long as it doesn't get in the way of the happiness of others).
Happy Coming Out Day~!!
<p><em>Your result for The Sexuality Spectrum Test...</em></p><h4>Gay Preference</h4><p>You scored -20 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="http://cdn.okcimg.com/php/load_okc_image.php/images/0x0/0x0/0/10064745544381507019.gif" width="592" height="70" /></p><div>You are not exclusively homosexual, but you prefer the same sex over the opposite sex. While you might be willing to fool around with the opposite sex to some extent, you would go all the way with the same sex. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this could change after you do some experimenting.</div><p><a href="http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-sexuality-spectrum-test">Take The Sexuality Spectrum Test</a> at <a href="http://www.okcupid.com/">OkCupid</a></p>
Rave: So far the people I've told have been very accepting
Rant: Mehh....I dunno with you guys.
Does anyone find it stupid I haven't told my bros? XDDD
Personal choices (and love) is free. I think gender roles are increasingly becoming antiquated concepts.
I was curious abt. this and end up being straight.. my classmate said that a guy being noisy and cheerful (acting slightly like a girl) and still likes girls are said to be a "bi".. well.. so much for that.. XD
Happy Coming Out Day~!!
<p><em>Your result for The Sexuality Spectrum Test...</em></p><h4>Gay Preference</h4><p>You scored -20 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="http://cdn.okcimg.com/php/load_okc_image.php/images/0x0/0x0/0/10064745544381507019.gif" width="592" height="70" /></p><div>You are not exclusively homosexual, but you prefer the same sex over the opposite sex. While you might be willing to fool around with the opposite sex to some extent, you would go all the way with the same sex. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this could change after you do some experimenting.</div><p><a href="http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-sexuality-spectrum-test">Take The Sexuality Spectrum Test</a> at <a href="http://www.okcupid.com/">OkCupid</a></p>
Rave: So far the people I've told have been very accepting
Rant: Mehh....I dunno with you guys.
Does anyone find it stupid I haven't told my bros? XDDD
Personal choices (and love) is free. I think gender roles are increasingly becoming antiquated concepts.
I was curious abt. this and end up being straight.. my classmate said that a guy being noisy and cheerful (acting slightly like a girl) and still likes girls are said to be a "bi".. well.. so much for that.. XD
Medyo makitid pananaw ng classmate mo ah. No matter how much you act like a girl, for as long as you are sexually attracted ONLY to the opposite sex, you are straight.
(10-13-2009, 10:44 AM)Grim Wrote: [ -> ]It's sad to hear that. One of the staple meals here in our office is going to SM Megamall's foodcourt and eating Tokyo Tokyo's P35 Veggie Tempura meal, knowing you were good for the rice.
Happy Coming Out Day~!!
<p><em>Your result for The Sexuality Spectrum Test...</em></p><h4>Gay Preference</h4><p>You scored -20 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="http://cdn.okcimg.com/php/load_okc_image.php/images/0x0/0x0/0/10064745544381507019.gif" width="592" height="70" /></p><div>You are not exclusively homosexual, but you prefer the same sex over the opposite sex. While you might be willing to fool around with the opposite sex to some extent, you would go all the way with the same sex. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this could change after you do some experimenting.</div><p><a href="http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-sexuality-spectrum-test">Take The Sexuality Spectrum Test</a> at <a href="http://www.okcupid.com/">OkCupid</a></p>
Rave: So far the people I've told have been very accepting
Rant: Mehh....I dunno with you guys.
Does anyone find it stupid I haven't told my bros? XDDD
<p><em>Your result for The Sexuality Spectrum Test...</em></p><h4>Bi/Slightly Gay</h4><p>You scored -12 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="http://cdn.okcimg.com/php/load_okc_image.php/images/0x0/0x0/0/7047370851089853291.gif" width="592" height="70" /></p><div>For the most part, you are bisexual. You have a slight preference for the same sex, but either sex would suit you. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this will change after you do some experimenting.</div><p><a href="http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-sexuality-spectrum-test">Take The Sexuality Spectrum Test</a> at <a href="http://www.okcupid.com/">OkCupid</a></p>
The simple reason is, it feels nicer for me to sleep with girls because they're more familiar with the female body. They tend to be more sensitive too to what girls want from relationships.
Separate topic nalang...? It's getting a bit out of hand...
With a password if pwede XDDD
"Homosexuality is about loving the man, not just having sex with him"
Thanks to me, I got others in my class to come out XD
Some of them added a new "6 inches away from me" rule T_T ( Oh well XD )
Part of my class knows now (Coz I posted a post-it on our bulletin board ^^; )
Anyhooz I'm already used to getting my braces fix'd/tightened
Debate's over
So much crap next week ~_~
Got a GBA Emu on my PSP...YEEEEY
Does anyone know any good GBA games aside from Yggdra Union, Pokemon, Mario, Riviera, Monster Rancher/Farm, Rockman and Crash Bandicoot? Or are those the only games worth it? T_T
Drum room can't be used coz of the flood -_-
I gained weight due to my lack of exercise coz I can't drum (Well that's good for XD )
Well, it's normal. It's just that the culture where we live in gives us weird thoughts about it, which seems to make it quite hard for the other people to accept something that's "different". At least you aren't being mistaken by people as an asexual, I've already been mistook as one by a few people.
You're one of them, Aruren, and you were the first person to get such a conclusion. -_-
It feels really good when you've finished all the paperwork for school, especially if your Filipino subject has been dicking around in your mind for a week. All that's left to do is to make friends with my PSP once again.
(10-14-2009, 12:05 AM)Goat Wrote: [ -> ]At least you aren't being mistaken by people as an asexual, I've already been mistook as one by a few people.
Personally, I don't think anything's "getting out of hand" here - except maybe the goddamned bot invasion that's been ramping up. You're welcome to create a new topic about it if you want to though.