05-14-2009, 07:51 PM
This thread is about MINDBLOWN videos. It may or may not be MINDBLOWING to some, but share what you were MINDBLOWN about. I'm also looking for more sites like the one I posted below, there are tons of videos that are interesting.
http://www.ninjavideo.net/video/18858 - BBC Documentary about Dreams.
Well since I have no experience with psychedelics *yet*....ummm....dreaming is as close as tripping ballz....your brain synthesizes a chemical known as DMT that makes you trip out....a NATURAL drug if you will since DMT is also found in almost every living thing, but is highly concentrated on plants. My point is, I wished they compared the brain activity of people under the effects of hallucinogens with people who are lucid dreaming *able to control dreams*...i wonder if they're the same. I better practice =D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7tq0IwPa...-fresh+div -Joe Roegan Isolation Tank Giveaway
Basically you're in a tank filled with water so salty you will float...also the water is warmed up to body temperature...no lights and your ears are submerged...not recommended for claustrophobic people. But anyway you'll end up feeling weightless and it's as if you are floating in space....and because your body is desensitized...you trip out...it's a NATURAL psychedelic experience. I wonder combining DMT with the tank...i wonder what i will see...hmmmm someday i will have my own floatation tank.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJbh-O7-44Y -Joe Rogan talks about Marijuana and DMT
I assume Joe has done the tank and DMT and here is the insight he shares. ^^^^^^^
What we have to consider first is preparing oneself before looking @ our subconscious....I mean i'm sure it's not mentally healthy to just do psychedelics out of pure fun...compared to the shamans of loooong time ago, i guess we too have to take steps before becoming 'urban shamans' ourselves. Simply put "If you have a low watt brain and you charge it with jet fuel, you're still going to have a low watt brain = Joe Roegan" I personally don't swallow ever 'controversial' idea i come across with, but for the most part, i'm looking at those ideas that i find would be healthy for me.
I should've done this a long time ago instead of dropping MINDBLOWN videos here and there in my posts on different threads...but oh well.
EDIT: I will go to sleep and dream what the replies to this thread would be...if there will be any when i wake up. Also, i'm going to practice Lucid Dreaming....maybe it'll help me out with getting better with SF4, ACFA, and of course cooking...here we go!
Still need practice with lucid dreaming...it's so hard to detect that i'm dreaming when i'm dreaming...argh
http://www.ninjavideo.net/video/18858 - BBC Documentary about Dreams.
Well since I have no experience with psychedelics *yet*....ummm....dreaming is as close as tripping ballz....your brain synthesizes a chemical known as DMT that makes you trip out....a NATURAL drug if you will since DMT is also found in almost every living thing, but is highly concentrated on plants. My point is, I wished they compared the brain activity of people under the effects of hallucinogens with people who are lucid dreaming *able to control dreams*...i wonder if they're the same. I better practice =D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7tq0IwPa...-fresh+div -Joe Roegan Isolation Tank Giveaway
Basically you're in a tank filled with water so salty you will float...also the water is warmed up to body temperature...no lights and your ears are submerged...not recommended for claustrophobic people. But anyway you'll end up feeling weightless and it's as if you are floating in space....and because your body is desensitized...you trip out...it's a NATURAL psychedelic experience. I wonder combining DMT with the tank...i wonder what i will see...hmmmm someday i will have my own floatation tank.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJbh-O7-44Y -Joe Rogan talks about Marijuana and DMT
I assume Joe has done the tank and DMT and here is the insight he shares. ^^^^^^^
What we have to consider first is preparing oneself before looking @ our subconscious....I mean i'm sure it's not mentally healthy to just do psychedelics out of pure fun...compared to the shamans of loooong time ago, i guess we too have to take steps before becoming 'urban shamans' ourselves. Simply put "If you have a low watt brain and you charge it with jet fuel, you're still going to have a low watt brain = Joe Roegan" I personally don't swallow ever 'controversial' idea i come across with, but for the most part, i'm looking at those ideas that i find would be healthy for me.
I should've done this a long time ago instead of dropping MINDBLOWN videos here and there in my posts on different threads...but oh well.
EDIT: I will go to sleep and dream what the replies to this thread would be...if there will be any when i wake up. Also, i'm going to practice Lucid Dreaming....maybe it'll help me out with getting better with SF4, ACFA, and of course cooking...here we go!

Still need practice with lucid dreaming...it's so hard to detect that i'm dreaming when i'm dreaming...argh