Current time: 09-21-2024, 09:00 AM
Crazy As Me

"Crazy As Me" is a book written by Lim Yohwan, aka Slayers Boxer, aka the most legendary/iconic StarCraft player ever.

In his book, he talks about his struggles to get to the top. Regardless of whether you play StarCraft or not, you'll be able to relate for as long as you play video games.

The link above is his book translated to English care of some blogger.

EDIT: The whole book hasn't been translated yet though.

EDIT 2: Here's an excerpt.

Quote:"Playing games with friends as a hobby and being a progamer are different. Obviously a progamer must play games well, but they must also play games that make it enjoyable for the people that are watching. A progamer does not hope to win through the mistakes of the opponent. Controlling the game with a strategy that I created, and winning with a scenario that I desired – that was the kind of victory that I hoped for."

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