Current time: 06-03-2024, 08:32 AM
illusion B* here! Formerly known as Forever Night or Ephixa on ACV. I've been pretty active for a while now on ACV used to be a pretty active top ten merc Smile. Been a Armored Core addict since day 1 LOL Anyway I've been looking for an active team to join for a while now and was hoping to join RR. Lately most of the teams I've been on are either dead or not into conquest missions. I've met a few of you through mercenary mission's and I have docbluskies on my psn list ( he sent me here when I asked about joining >_< ). Well nice talking to you guys and awesome site BTW!!!LOL
welcome to the forums... docbluskies here. enjoy your time here. If you want to the action on the west side of the map apply to raven republic. If you want action in the east apply to r.r.2 In either case, have fun, enjoy your stay here
Welcome to the forums!
Thanks guys. I was thinking of going for r.r.2 since I'm more familiar with that side of the map.
Hey Illusion! What team are you currently with? We can make room for you in RR Team 2. Smile
Currently i run a small team called Another Planet we used to have a pretty decent footing in Abandoned City until the Inactivity bug hit us... Sad
Welcome again!
Welcome to the boards \o/

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