Current time: 06-07-2024, 11:04 AM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
(12-30-2010, 06:42 PM)Fox Wrote:
(12-30-2010, 06:26 PM)zero_kanipan Wrote: RAGE: you know those red triangle things on a gundam's forehead? i was placing one with tweezers and it popped from the tweezers into the WHERE-THE-FUCK-DID-IT-GO?!! zone

Welcome to the club, ZK. You have just experienced one of the more common problems that every modeller goes through - feeding the Carpet Monster. Best thing to do is to not panic, get on your knees and start combing through the immediate area. Try getting a flashlight and start shining it horizontally across the floor. With any luck, the shadows will make it easier for you to find it. Happy

Funny though, in my case, pieces that fly off have a tendency to land behind me. Just ask either Trace-02, Serene or Immaterial. Blink

Yep. 'Em pieces always go fer his arse.

New memory card adapter for a memory card my mom lent me. Yay.
New mouse! yay!

I have to delete my games. Ahaha.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Rant: Old laptop dead.
Rave: New laptop living!
Almost 8:30pm in the evening on the 31st and the Metro is strangely quiet... This is something i ain't used to. Ermm
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Happy Birthday, JE!

Uh... 90?

anyways - New Year's Resolutions anyone?
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
goals and resolutions and stuff

- move out of my parents house or get a girlfriend. both need money and have lots of responsibilities anyway
- come to work earlier
- develop my creative side
- build something awesome in minecraft
- get into shape
Rave: shin invited me in a game of HoN with his friends and ended up into a five man team

first time i have experienced

[Image: pubstomp.jpg]
lot of goals and dreams XD

but a bit the same as zero's_kanipan list i am not telling which ones but for sure not going to put the minecraft thing on my list since i dont play it Tongue


every year me and my family always get of my cousins owns a terrier and husky

mental note i am never getting a terrier its way...i mean extremely hyper its like they are feeding it coffee and coke Blink

the husky was adorable it always had part of its toungue sticking out i was tempted to pull it XD though the husky is kinda small for a 4 year old husky

Gah. Couldn't play GT5 with my cousin. He just recently got a hold of this kind of problem.
New Year's Resolutions:
. Consolidate GPA.
. Change majors and minors, would like to drop chemistry for arts and technologies.
. Get back into the shape I was in high school (was able to scale walls and outrun most of my peers).
. Stop being stoic.
. Try not to die in this shit hole.

Anyway, it's sunny again outside, maybe this year will progress smoother than the last... Shifty
I've been sprained for more than a week, I just recovered recently so I guess one of my resolutions is to take training seriously

Serious Training = Less Sprains + More results = better outcome LOL

The other stuff would be:
Cooking; check. Cleaning;check. Laundry? ...Yeah I gotta work on that one...
To filter my statuses on social networking sites (Ahihihi...)
To enjoy the short time I have with my 4th year friends before they graduate/leave Sad
To try to recall how the cheese I became friends with my current barkada -_-;
And to still keep the resolutions that I kept from last year
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Resolutions? Nah~ Out of the 10 resolutions I made last year. I remember... uhh... 4 of them. And only 1 worked it's way through 2010. =___=

Maybe just one. Gain weight. O__O

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
Here are my New Year's Resolutions:

I will not procrastinate anymore
I will let God choose my path
I'll help out anyone in need
I won't troll everybody irl anymore
I'll be satirical instead of sarcastic
I will never swear anymore
and I will be a hypocrite from now on.
Nice one, Bert.

Rave: just finished Valkyria Chronicles last night. I would have to say one of the best rpgs I have EVER played. One of the most emotionally moving ones too, as it can even affect an emotionless rut like me. Powerful, Powerful story and musical score.

new year's resolution: get a cellphone and not lose it after a week. ><


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