Current time: 06-07-2024, 05:40 AM
help me
and if ever the clonezero fic discussion thread (if ever XD)
Im done with a rough draft of the plot of a story Im making and I need more background material from AC3 till LR can anyone help me and I can pm the rough plot to those willing to help (still to shy to post it)

Send it to my PM, we'll see about it.
Come, post it so we can pitch in our thoughts. And lol's.
will be sending it too those who asked by tomorrow

what I'll be sending is the general plot design of a chapter (somewhere in the middle) of the story if it pitches then I'll send the main plot the wiki's resources on ac 3 till lr wasn't enough for me I think but it was good enough as a basis already.

anyway what I can unshyly place is that its generally about a 3rd layered without an A.I. overseer who goes recently went out of their shelter only to find that they are caught in the middle of the corporate wars going on and being weaker and their colony being more agriculturally centered (also partly because of the none existence of the A.I.) gets abused by the corporations but help comes from the formation of an organization/militia named "Virgil" whose immediate goal is the protection of their community while in their long term goal is leading their community to a far away place to escape the on going wars. They also receive help from an old Raven and his sympathizers contributing greatly to the survival of Layered #07

Hey, send it to me and i can beta it for you if you need advice. Haven't been too active in this part of the boards for the better part of the past year. I even forgot that this is the part of the boards that falls under my jurisdiction so looks like i better start cracking again.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
(10-04-2008, 08:53 PM)Fox Wrote: Hey, send it to me and i can beta it for you if you need advice. Haven't been too active in this part of the boards for the better part of the past year. I even forgot that this is the part of the boards that falls under my jurisdiction so looks like i better start cracking again.

Also, the fact that during the move to MyBB, a lot of the longer posts (read: fic chapters) got CUT, somehow makes this place... incomplete.
I need more help with these

1. average population size of a layered city?

2. general topographical make up during SL era...?

3. world map ( the one at RL ain't the whole world right? )

EDIT: still need help don't want to make to many assumptions X_X

anyway in anycase the stuff I'll be placing as a tester is being changed the original part I was planning to post is a rather big part. Im changing it to something else.


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