Current time: 06-02-2024, 07:38 PM
  • Head: 03-AALIYAH/H
    Core: 03-AALIYAH/C
    Arms: 03-AALIYAH/A
    Legs: 03-AALIYAH/L
    Generator: SO8-MAXWELL

    not the most creative setup, but i like what the standard AALIYAH set has to offer. with good mobility, decent solid shell and EN defense and good PA defense, i find it a lot more "balanced" than Rosenthal's HOGIRE series. it's a bit more drainy than most setups, but i haven't come across any energy-related problems with it yet.

    the YELLOWSTONE01 seems to be a good choice for this application, with great range and good missile and standard lock speed. the MAXWELL, despite its weight, is my favorite all-purpose generator with the highest EN refresh and good capacity. it's also got pretty good KP refresh. i'm still debating whether the weight is worth all that.</li>
  • Main: MB107-POLARIS
    Back: BB103-SCHEAT
    Overed: LINSTANT/O

    i tried to go for boost duration and abusing OB and side QB with this setup. it's easy to get too excited with the HOLOFERNES side boosters though, so i guess the HOGIRE would be a good replacement for those. i dunno.</li>
  • R Arm: MR-R100R [Rifle]
    L Arm: AZAN [Rifle]
    R Back: RDF-0200 [Radar]
    L Back: VERMILLION01 [High Speed Missile]
    Shoulder: n/a
    R Hanger: GAEN01-SL-WH [Handgun]
    L Hanger: GAEN01-SL-WH

    basic multi-range setup. the R100R is spammed with the VERMILLION01 missiles at long range. used with the AZAN at mid/close range. twin hangered long pistols complete the loadout, but i barely use them even 8-player deathmatch.</li>
  • R Front
    • Head/Top: GAN01-SS-HTSO
      Head/R Side: GAN01-SS-HSSO
      Core/R Upper: GAN01-SS-CUS1
      Legs/R Upper: GAN01-SS-LUSO</li>
    L Front
    • Head/Top: GAN01-SS-HTSO
      Head/L Side: GAN01-SS-HSSO
      Core/L Upper: GAN01-SS-CUS1
      Legs/L Upper: GAN01-SS-LUSO</li>
    L Rear
    • Core/L Lower: 047AN01002
      Arms/Left: GAN01-SS-AS1
      Legs/Back: HILBERT-G7-LBS-A
      Legs/L Middle: GAN01-SS-LMSO
      Legs/L Lower: GAN01-SS-LLS1</li>
    R Rear
    • Core/R Lower: 047AN01002
      Arms/Right: GAN01-SS-AS1
      Legs/Back: HILBERT-G7-LBS-A
      Legs/R Middle: GAN01-SS-LMSO
      Legs/R Lower: GAN01-SS-LLSO
      the 1.20 relulation upgrade was supposed to take care of the OMG stun so that we wouldn't have to pile on the stabilizers, so i kept the stabilizers minimal. i haven't had many stun problems with the setup aside from bazookas, grenade launchers, and sniper cannons. i need to playtest more to see if i need to add more stabilizers.</li>
    • EN Refresh: 30
      EN Capacity: 30
      KP Refresh: 30
      Accuracy: 15
      Aim Adjust: 14
      Standard Lock: 32
      Standard Boost Power: 26
      Side Boost Power: 13
      Side QB Power: 25
      Turning Speed: 25
      i dunno if this is actually what i need with this setup. ah well. i need to do a lot more playtesting and i really haven't had the opportunity to play the latest regulation as much as i had hoped. i didn't list all the tunes since there are a lot of goddamn tune categories, so i just listed the ones i used.</li>
    any suggestions or comments are more than welcome. thanks.
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<!--QuoteBegin-VeilSide+Feb 15 2007, 02:15 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (VeilSide @ Feb 15 2007, 02:15 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> the OMG stun [/quote:8d2867be30]
How great? Even tanks are made vulnerable?

Dang these designs are long. Blink
not so much with tanks, but it was pretty evident with any other leg class. thank goodness they adopted new regulations. now, players aren't forced to equip the biggest, baddest stabilizers there are and suffer from the resulting poor handling performance just so that the stun won't be so bad, now, you can equip minimal stabilizers if you so choose.

ya, the designs are kind of longer now. even though the number of parts has been decreased, there's a lot of other stuff to mess with now and you are offered an even greater degree of fine-tuning than ever before. i haven't even listed half of all the tuning categories.
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